Out of nowhere, the group heard an upbeat jingle begin to play. Okay, so did that mean keep asking questions or stop asking questions? 2. His left wing was already on fire and the other was hanging on a balance. "COOL," Flash said. Batman surprises everyone by deciding to become a mentor to Daredevil and brings him along with his . Before there was Robin before there Nightwing there was Batgirl. Ever since the Accident, Danny's life went from bad to worst. "Are you okay?" "The metas are coming to Gotham!" "You're a meta. as well as Clarks week has been terrible. You have to go, Dick stated, failing to restrain his disappointed sigh once Bruce hung up. Me? Superman threw his arm in the air in exasperation- Bruce come on! It's time for Nezuko to chan Percy Jackson was tired of the hero gig. References to Jason todd's Attack on Titan's Tower. What if the Bat family was adopted as young children only a few years apart from one another and not teenagers. Batman is in a mission outworld to help the Green Lanter Corps avoid an intergalatic war meanwhile back in the watchtower Supermas proposes to the rest of the league the brilliant (foolish) idea of keeping an eye on Gotham while the Bat is away. Flash wasn't sure if that's more or less weird. "Wow," Flash said. "Doesn't that get in the way?" 1390 guests The ar Red Hood finds a brutally injured Danny Fenton in a back alley after patrol just after the halfa has escaped the GiW. The war between Olympus and Gaia is over. I don't know how to tag. Now stuck in a d (I do not own Young Justice) Security. Does he let his hair down, kick up his heels? They all end get bored, invite friends and create chaos and have to from Bruce. Wow, okay, I did not expect you to be a family man, Spooky., Batman smirked at him. Barry, Hal, and Jonn looked around, trying to figure out who was playing music during Batmans speech. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Hazel Levesque is 19 and in need of a change. Where do you *start*? First Batman rejects him, then Brucie Wayne invites himself into his life. 2 Many feelings So maybe Flash was right and Superman was on supercrack. Nightwing tucked the line into his glove and it *fit*. We'll begin here, at Waynetech Tower," Batman gestured. Nightwing looked at him, then suddenly ducked and flipped. Well, that was the plan. Robin isnt very happy. He winced. As I was saying, our next missions need to-, Hal and Barry snickered as the jingle went off again. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). In which, Batman takes Percy in for being a terrorist, Poseidon is a mother-hen, Aquaman is a fanboy, and Wally is confused. Is one of your kids really the Red Hood?, Wait wait wait, how many kids do you even have?, Hal plopped back into his chair. "Adopted. "Batgirl. Both know this, but neither care. Wonder Woman is the most known female heroine in the justice league, one day Zeus gives her a gift, the gift was a teenager made out of clay and brought to life, who now Penny Parker lives in an abusive foster home in Gotham city. "He hates this," Superman confirmed. Robin.". This might be a job even Superman cant do. He was not prepared to deal with this right now. ", "No, she just hangs out. Batman turned to enter the aircraft but not before giving his fellow founders some last words of goodbye- no metas in Gotham, if you break this rule I will know and there will be consequences- He hurried to the Javeline black cape billowing behind him, leaving four superheroes stunned, shocked and cold. left kudos on this work! Chemical engineering, fuels and adhesives. They're taken advantage of by the ones they trust until they are either dead or unable to fight back. "Sure!" ", "No?" The old buttler would make sure Bruce had a manor to return to. Jackie Hamilton's life turned upside down after the car accident. Lets wrap up this meeting., Are the kids normal? 8. Dick and Jason had offered to look after Gotham and their youngest siblings while mom and dad enjoyed some alone time for themselves, Jason's words not his. Salvaging his relationship with a moody colleague and babysitting a runaway Omega billionaire? One day after the Justice League have a huge fight in the city they discover that they destroyed a foster ho Elijah Romanoff is the 16 year daughter of Natasha Romanoff, the past Russian spy, and Avenger. It was a horrible idea. As the league members retired, an exhausted Young Justice had returned to Happy Harbour and their respective homesall except Robin. Batman might be regretting that just a little bit.). -Noble as always Batman-Diana's voice awoke Batman from his musings not that anybody could tell he had been lost in his thoughts-When will we be back?-The Dark Knight asked-If we leave now we will be back in five days-Batman fought back a smile threatening to form, perfect today was Monday so he would be back by Friday more than enough time to prepare the suitcases. Family stands together. The Bat kids, eapecially Nightwing, are . Momentum was his bitch. They do more damage than good Notes: Day 6 "Freaky Friday": Body Swap | Hugs | "You owe me big time. No, my son does, Batman turns back to Captain Marvel. ", "My partners know the city. -Sure you have it covered- Shayera sneered- you can't procced with a contingecy if you aren't there. "We are landing. He began to speak once more, Our next missions need- The jingle started up again, and this time Batman let out a low growl as he pressed the button again. When she is young she meets Robin, Damian Wayne. There was a moment of quiet before Hal realized something. Flash could *feel* Batman glaring, even though Batman didn't turn around. "That's just the beginning. A had to go to the store, and Robins stupid cow keeps trying to eat my shirt. I'll let you in the buildings; you search them. Ti-Red just sedated Bat-Cow. How do you get to be Batman's sidekick, anyway? Tim had never agreed to Batmans terms of service, so Tim will just drop Damian off to Wayne manor and be off on his way. He really really wasnt. No Phantom Planet Anyway, a few years ago a very dangerous criminal was put on the radar by a colleague of mine, well call him B (again, this might tell you who he is). You cant just go back to the meeting after that! I suggest that all the heroes who dont have normal lives they have to immediately attend to stay here in the Tower until things have been fixed, Batman told the team using Captain Marvels voice. Nightwing shouted. Please consider turning it on! No. I'm sorry, guy, I really thought you could see like I see.". -Then you neither know me nor are you my friends- The Dark Knight told the rest of the founders with a voice that made them feel a chill deep in their bones. Nightwing raised an eyebrow, then turned and ran across the roof and did a backflip over the alley to the next roof. Batman get hit with a spell that sent him to another dimension in the middle of battle, somehow he find a baby version of Conner, Clark's clone, who just clung to him and called him 'papa'.so he do what he always do, he take the child home.the justice league has been raiding a lab where they knew had superman's clone in it.they found that someone took the clone so they follow him only to find themselves in a dark cave where multiple shadow attacked them. The Cat falls at the Hawk's talons Waynetech has the most advanced security in the world, but with Metallo and his power over machinery at his command, I don't want to take any chances. I got bored and put different Batfam fanfic prompts into Chatgpt and thought they were too funny not to share. Itll be to encourage team bonding and to allow stronger relationships to be formed between the League members families.. I'll do this myself.". When the Justice League hears of a masked vigilante in Hell's Kitchen, they send Batman in to investigate. He sighed once more. ", "Name it. ", "What's kept inside the tower?" No. -I don't need nor want any reward from them -Batman growled -I'm doing this to prevent innocent lives to be lost and to protect Earth not for a reward, I'm no bounty hunter- He hoped to be back for the next week, he had plans a romantic escape to the Caribbean Islands with Selina just the two of them leaving the children back at home. He trained and fought with Batman until all that was left of him wasn't even a corpse.--In this world, Bruce Wayne made one decision: No minors can patrol until you can go toe to toe with batman and stay standing. "Okay." You have kids., Yes, I do. episteme_agape, Andrea_manga, A_Annette_A, Reigningbookworm, Purpur_Enot, EriPhix, aquarisass004, eternalmoonlight19, JeweloftheWorld, upsidedowncats, Weeb123214, Daughter_of_Hel, Secret_H, resistantborg, Sonya78, CookieStarLand, RememberwhenSabrinaleftherwedding, NerdyTea_05, asylumdweller, oceanboy, Jules_lane_verne, CrisisNovak, Wildchild00, UwU_foryou, Bossnerd22, Sakura_Lower, Cat07y, Super0claw, KiyokaKay, Alim6X9, tiwsday, Theappleismightierthanthesarah, Fairfairy, EzyDucky_8001, Princess_from_another_galaxy, s18grey, ejit_san, The_Wise_One, BeWithTheOcean, 666deaddash999, The_Galaxyway, CreativeComplex, DCTV_MCU, Ximic, KingMab, ObsessorOfAll, seconds2bop_s, Den_of_Antiquity, Garbage777, javvylee, and 2663 more users Waynetech is a large company and it's all headquartered here." "Hi! ", Nightwing glanced up. Thank you, Clark. He knelt at a skylight and pulled some little tools out of his other glove. He hadn't really figured out his powers. not good choices. And the first thing they find when they return to the Watchtower is that a spoon hits Superman. Do- do you guys hear that? Clark interrupted, possessed by the need to understand where that noise was coming from. 6. You two know who he is?!. "Does it make a difference?" "No," Batman said from the cockpit of the Javelin. Really?~[AKA: Bruce decides he's going to try to be both Bruce Wayne and Batman, not one or the other, and starts with letting his son and team deeper into his life.]. Thank you so much! 7. One-shot that kind of flow but will probably be all over the place. Danny fled the scene packing the little bags he had and headed to a place where he A Young Justice and Dick Grayson fanfic. Diana bravely or foolishly anwsered the question- It certainly seems so- the temperature in the room seemed to drop to almost zero. Say, is he like this all the time?". Batman, would you stop flirting with your partner over comms and just give us an opinion on this potential course of action instead?, (The Justice League has never met Batman's so-called partner before. Even Signal doesnt care.. He firmly gripped the steering wheel, the blaring sound of the alarm ringing in his head. Please consider turning it on! Who is also his adopted son. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued. What, to the Watchtower? Matt Murdock becomes the vigilante Daredevil months after being abandoned by Stick. Howev Sakura finds herself in a world not her own and struggles to survive while being different. It was also weird to see Batmans scowl on the face where the eyes were visible. Flash jumped down, kicking his legs so the molasses-thick air cushioned him and he sort of floated down. Bruce Wayne is not. -Batman be reasonable- Dina gently said- you won't be able to return to Gotham in five days, you need someone to look after it while you are gone- Batman growled- I have it covered. 155 guests Batman held a hand to his head as he was faced with the enormity of his blinkered vision. Shatter Together - Jason Todd strikes up a relationship with with a young Clint Barton, currently working as a freelance contract killer. Nightwing barked out a laugh, then snapped his mouth closed and bent down to pick up his grapple. The Justice League was in the middle of a meeting. He turned and watched the guy work. We'll be your guides. Never again. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Vintage John. It was kind of like that one time J'onn told the one about the Martian plz'lan being chased up a charv by a zanzzer, except that J'onn had cracked up, and Batman had never even smiled, ever ever ever. They are so emotionally constipated they can't tell what is a friendship and what is a relationship. I know the broad strokes of the world, but pretty much nothing on the characters. Will the Justice League embrace her? Dicks head shot up. "I believe this is Grodd's target. "I can't process images when you move that fast," Nightwing said. Work Search: He couldnt let his other life intrude on that. Flash ran down the wall, between the paused cars, and up the other building in between Nightwing's breaths. Everyone was bored out of their minds. Security design. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). Diana, A would like to have you both for dinner again. He turned and strode out of the room. Scan this QR code to download the app now. Flash smacked his fist into his palm. GL asked. He laughed, then told me that if I hurt any part of her, that he would make sure I lost an organ., The voice made an oh sound. ", Nightwing rubbed his stomach. There was an irritated sigh, and Batman pinched his nose through his cowl. Seven times a Justice League member helped out a BatFam kid, making a reluctant friend for life in Bruce Wayne. If it's been edited, that's all I claim. and where did it come from? Being killed is one thing..but being reborn sure does hurt as much as it would as dying how do I know this? Now young Bruce Wayne has to handle the responsibility of running a business, being batman, and being a parent to seven children all under the age of 15. He seriously didn't understand his powers. "Well, too bad!" Flash smacked his fist into his palm. Coffee., You do know that that stupid growl doesnt work on any of us anymore, right? ", "Uh-huh. 9. So, any recommendations? Batman looked remarkably irritated. "Good kids, but still kids," Superman said. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The Justice Leauge is missing. Speaking lowly he answered, What?, A tired voice came through, Hey B, can you come back to the Cave? is there any chance t "Yes Mr. Wayne has me doing task ranging from doing the financials to taking out the morning trash." If crazy ghost parents weren't enought, now he A mysterious pad crashed on the earth and discover by the Justice League, but the question, is that what is that thing? In the world of heroes like Superman and Batman there's a kid who was blessed with the ability to teleport anywhere he can think of. "That was less than a quarter of a second." I read everything I could find on these fics forever ago, and I've been meaning to write one of my own, but I never did. I wanted to make a fanfic about percy already being a god in dc universe, he will be very powerful. Made 4 each other I'm sure some of you are wondering why I didn't put in any of the other Bats. Computer design. It fired itself free from the other building and reeled up into Nightwing's hand. "Soooo are you guys, like, Batman's kids for real? After waking up in the hospital, she discovers the incident l 1 Son of Hades 4. The Dark Knight narrowed his eyes- no- Clarc took a step back- what?- Batman turned around to face the founders- no metas in Gotham- the founders stood there appalled, was Batman so against the idea of letting metan into his city that he would rather leave it unprotected? Only problem, a lot of fics require background knowledge I don't have. Tell Robin that I said to get his cow out of the Cave. I wasn't sure how to write in the others, and Jason wouldn't be there anyway. Flash shifted from foot to foot as Nightwing worked on the lock. When it came to the pursuit of justice, it often blinded his sense of humanity. Flash let go of Batgirl's hand reluctantly and ran around her to Ponytail Man. Our goal was 5%. I (M) work with a group of very powerful individuals working to apprehend dangerous individuals. just funny choices. Horrible. But, for the record, if I continue this, you can bet I'll be putting in all the rest of them. And Red, get some sleep., Red made a sipping noise. I'm an alien." Flash paused for a microsecond. Alfred had already booked him and Selina the flight to the Islands and the hotel there was no way that this trip could be canceled or foiled-Let's go. Youve played League of Legends? Green Arrow asks. Nightwing hugged his stomach and looked Batlike and annoyed. As I was saying before, our missions need to be more organized., Hold up! "I can't stop you until I get that shipment of Kryptonite in," Batman said. Very. left kudos on this work! Your suits ugly too but its okay because youre a kiddie., or:someone magically whammies batman, but thats the least of their problems, birdwatcherss one word promptday 107/april 17: drug. And then winds up with a boyfriend. I trust you and Diana to wrap up this meeting. Rewrite After the Goblin War, Peter Parker's life is in the dumps. Did you also get beamed by a guy in an awful grunge meets sci-fi meets League of Legends costume?. "I've been to Gotham before," Superman said. Jason Todd is a great example! Enough chatter, Tim barks. He pointed across to the next roof, across the street. Hello! tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. After a moment, Diana replied, Are you talking about that music?. He hoped he hadn't *hurt* the guy. or: tim drake is totally a pro at this whole batman thing. The Justice League think Bruce should let them help out with their kids more. But he could use his powers, so he tore through the empty building--well, nearly-empty; he passed a maintenance worker--and popped back up onto the roof. Reflecting Injustice But he can't control his kids' knack for finding trouble, or their deftness at making new friends. left kudos on this work! Superman waved back. Floated really fast, as if that made any sense. With a rambunctious group of protgs to train and a secret identity to protect, he has neither the time nor patience for co-workers who like to casually flirt on the job. Thank you so much! Classic John again. In one world, children are soldiers. I don't know her real name. There was a lull in the planning session and Green Arrow finally looked up. More. It started when the League got collectively blasted by an enemy magician. "Nice to meet you. The Kittens are revealed Nico Di Angelo is alone after his sister tragically got murdered. You want to get through this, right? tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. "What's Grodd going to take? Wonder Woman leaned forward. Once there Hal entered the Javeline to prepare it to flight while Batman made a quick last check up to the engines, Superman put a hand on his friend's shoulder- Don't worry Batman-Superman smiled- we will keep an eye on Gotham while you are away. Follow them as they grow up together, as they travel the ups and downs of life together. Wonder Woman sat back again with a little frown. Red Hood obviously isnt an option. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you. In which, Batman takes Percy in for being a terrorist, Poseidon is a mother-hen, Aquaman is a fanboy, and Wally is confused . Cant you just tell him to make her leave you alone?, I tried. Im sure with that amount of information you will have some idea who I am. "My partners," Batman said as they stepped out of the ship and onto the roof of the building. Clark Kent is a good man. 3. But when you're a ghost boy and a siren, things h Ok before you guys say anything yes I know the picture on the cover is Isabela from Encanto, you'll understand after a couple of chapters. "But I am his son." Ill be home in a little less than an order. "All right. John Constantine finds something he shouldn't in a place he had no business going in. It works Y/N is Superman's niece. I would call N, but hes on a stakeout, and BGs out. Abandoned by all of his allies, friends, and family, he faces a monster he's never seen with no back up. AITAH for Interrogating My Coworkers Son? ", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (60), Batfamily Members & Justice League (DCU) (26), Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne (19), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Bart Allen & Tim Drake & Kon-El | Conner Kent & Cassie Sandsmark, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Batman: Wayne Family Adventures (Webcomic), Dick Grayson Has Eldest Daughter Syndrome, Barry Allen/Hal Jordan (Green Lantern)/Iris West, The song "Robin Sucks" in case you wonder what they're singing, they have a weird way of showing it but they do, meaning someone in the relationship doesn't realize they're in a relationship, in so far that Jon exists and they're still together but it's not mentioned really, everybodys thirsty except for the kids and the one thirsted after, theyre not too bad but im not taking chances, Orange Snapdragons and a Blue-Colored Bird, flower metaphor for dick but that might not have been obvious, JL (and other teams) meeting the batfam! Been working on the Denosky case this week, and now Tams gonna kill me if I dont get these reports done., Batman let out a Bat-growl. Zatanna figured out what the spell was with the help of Dinah who had been trapped in her body and was relieved to find that it would wear off in another 24 hours.Now, they just had to figure out what to do. "You are not, Flash. Nightwing shot a grapple into the brickwork under Flash's feet, did something to secure it at the other end, and then ran across just like he was strolling across a crosswalk. One of my friends recently got into the batman fandom and I'd love to read some fics from it so that I can be more familiar with the characters and world ae loves. Fuck. Bruce could already see Nightwing (sitting across the table from him and the only kid who he hadnt had to worry about the whole time he was gone because he was right beside him, pity he was the mostly-sane one) grinning. Bruce had just gotten back from a week-long mission for the Justice League, he was supposed to fill out his report then head home to his family and his kids who were running Gotham while he was gone. Flash sped up as he pondered that and Nightwing's face froze mid-enigmatic look. As I said in the tags, I love this trope. Batman looked around. Flash grinned as they landed. He wasnt supposed to have to come face-to-face with his worst fear. "I don't think he has hair, at least not the kind you let down. I forgot you had that meeting today. -She is right Bats-Flash voice cut it, he hid behind Shayera's wings when Batman directed his glare at him- I know you like things your way but even you need to rely on others from time to time-No. How bored are they?, Batman looked absolutely tired of everything. Clark and Diana grinned at each other. There was a long period of time where there was no record of a citing of said dangerous criminal, but me and my colleagues had been told to keep an eye out for him. Are there too many character tags??? Hal was using the ring to create tiny constructs to fiddle around with, Clark was listening in on a TV show in Smallville, and Barry was literally vibrating in his seat. "Define 'for real.'". Please consider turning it on! # 1 Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl by K.P. Soon. Cant you just sedate him?, The voice snorted. By: AnonymousBooklover55. "Am so.". Follow/Fav Fighting Blind. A supportive community for writers, readers, and reccers to talk about and share FanFiction. Green Lantern, Robin. His hair smacked Flash in the face *much* harder than Flash would have thought possible; Flash clapped his hand to his cheek. Separated from their brother, Dick, when they were six, White and Danny never knew that the Fentons had kidnapped them. The rise of the Batdemon When the Bat is out, Justice becomes blind Fern0 Summary: Batman is in a mission outworld to help the Green Lanter Corps avoid an intergalatic war meanwhile back in the watchtower Supermas proposes to the rest of the league the brilliant (foolish) idea of keeping an eye on Gotham while the Bat is away.
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