Skillful integration of infantry, armor, engineer, and indirect fire assets improves the survivability and lethality of antiarmor units. (6) Military Intelligence Company Commander. d. Limitations. B. The antiarmor platoon leader is responsible for advising the battalion commander on the tactical employment of the platoon and its sections. D. Time event charts E. Inform and influence audiences, Which of the following are commander's tasks in mission command? Enemy forces make use of contours in the terrain (dead space) to reduce their exposure to TOWs. Our brigade instead focused training efforts on offensive and defensive operations proficiency. Additionally, the SBCT SJA provides legal advice regarding international law and the law of war, and either provides or coordinates legal services in military justice, administrative and civil law, contract and fiscal law, claims, and legal assistance. The commander establishes guidelines or gives specific guidance when a personal staff officer should inform or coordinate with the XO or other members of the staff. Providing input into reconnaissance and surveillance planning and execution. Identifying and evaluating intelligence collection capabilities as they affect the AO security, counter-surveillance, signal security, security operations, and force protection. C. Reduced company logistical systems The light infantry battalion commander task organizes his antiarmor platoon in much the same manner. Leaders must choose inconspicuous positions and avoid silhouetting the vehicles or weapon systems against the skyline ("skylining"). Situational understanding facilitates decision-making by identifying opportunities for mission accomplishment, threats to the force and mission accomplishment, and gaps in information. His primary means to plan, integrate, and orchestrate fires and effects is via FECC. The support operations officer's primary role is to coordinate, synchronize, and supervise execution of direct logistic support (all classes of supply, maintenance, medical, transportation, and field services) for the SBCT and divisional and or corps units operating within the SBCT AO. The digital topographic support (DTS) team provides 24-hour digital terrain data production support and analysis using the digital topographic support system (DTSS). A. Facilitates mission command a. c. Antiarmor Platoon in the Light Infantry Battalion. Long-range antiarmor fires are important to destroying the integrity of the enemy's combined-arms team. Commanders may choose to use the "decisive point," "main effort," "supporting effort" method to articulate his organization of forces if this better facilitates the commander's ability to visualize, describe, and direct actions. Rectangle, How is the activities matrix normally constructed with personalities? EPMS is the system that balances the needs of the Army with the developmental requirements of Armor force.EPMS shapes the professional enlisted force through programs that govern the. In some multinational operations, the capability and doctrine of coalition or alliance partners may dictate spatial organization of the battlefield. The enemy may follow the previously described preparatory fire with attack helicopters. Task organization guidance provided to you in the battalion OPORD Step 4, Which of the following tools are used in link analysis? True A fire and effects element is embedded within the FECC and is supervised by the DECOORD. = container.attributes.ezaw.value + 'px'; They must coordinate frequencies, call signs, and priorities of fire. Two events have contributed significantly to the worldwide proliferation of antitank, guided missile-countermeasures (ATGM-CM): the end of the Cold War and the dramatic allied success in the Persian Gulf War. Preparing and improving plans and orders Hard-kill active protection measures fire munitions at the incoming round to destroy, neutralize, or detonate it. The success of ATGMs in the Persian Gulf War has resulted in the design and production of ATGM-CM devices. FUNDAMENTALS OF ANTIARMOR UNIT EMPLOYMENT. (a) Avoid Unnecessary Movement. Fires and effects coordination cell. (b) Defensive Considerations. The FTT is designed to simulate the Javelins operational and engagement parameters. The focus of these actions is on the attack of valid targets throughout the AO using organic and joint fire support assets to achieve decisive effects on the enemy. Routine Brigade support battalion. The tactical HUMINT platoon provides the SBCT with an organic capability to conduct HUMINT collection (interrogation, debriefing, tactical questioning, tactical source operations, and limited document exploitation) and counterintelligence (CI) activities (CI assessments, CI analysis, preliminary investigations, and counterintelligence force protection source operations). This possibility gives a frontal target more time to maneuver against the friendly position and provides a flanking target more time to reach cover. support, security The BSB commander exercises OPCON over CSS units operating in the brigade support area. assess infrastructure to see what needs to be repaired, destroy enemy reconnaissance elements before or after they have penetrated the initial screen line, What is the order for a defensive urban operations sequence for company and below? These information systems (INFOSYS) provide the SBCT commander with a unique capability to visualize, describe, and direct the brigade through the full spectrum of operations and terrain in which the unit may be operating. C. Conduct interrogation of the detainee A commander's situational understanding (SU) will allow units to effectively find and fix the enemy force while maintaining sufficient combat power for decisive maneuver and sufficient depth to reduce the risk and exploit success. They provide the commander and staff with special area expertise operating out of either the main or rear CP. The 5th Stryker Brigade was deployed to Afghanistan in mid-2009, the first SBCT to do so. B. flexibility The commander has total responsibility and accountability for the SBCT and its actions. Informing the commander of primary and alternate communications capabilities. It is based on common data and information shared with subordinate (or adjacent) commands. Title 10, Subtitle B, Part I, Chapter 307 of the U.S. Code addresses the organization of the Army. (See FM 3-20.96 for a more detailed discussion of cavalry squadron [RSTA] capabilities.) A. B. The first organic system is the Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) Company that is assigned to the SBCT headquarters. Who is the SBCT commander's direct support (DS) artillery? Battlefield organization is the allocation of forces in the AO by purpose of operation, which consists of three all-encompassing categories: decisive, shaping, and sustaining. The commander organizes his staff within a command group, TAC CP, main command post (main CP), and SBCT support area (brigade support area [BSA] CP) in order to plan, prepare for, and execute combat operations. ROI must be tailored to the specific region, culture(s), and or populations affected by the operation. This system produces obscurants to protect the unit's movement. Antiarmor units can be positioned forward of the defensive sector to participate in security operations or to overwatch reconnaissance units or obstacles. Terrain and weather This system enables the unit to adapt quickly to changes resulting from an analysis of the factors of METT-TC. The FECC T&C section's mission is to direct the execution of the targeting process (the detect, deliver, and assess portions) and to execute the counterfire program for the SBCT. The TOW missile's launch signature gives away its position, and armored crews are trained to engage these systems upon detection. The BSB commander also serves on the SBCT commander's special staff. Specifically for the NTC, we spent a large portion of the POI teaching how to employ the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES) version of the system. The Enemy. The intelligence cell gathers, analyzes, and disseminates information collected on the enemy, terrain, and civilian population and maintains the enemy component of the COP. Its mobility and organic ISR assets make it invaluable to a division or corps commander in an MTW. During operations and during normal daily activity, these teams provide liaison between units to help facilitate communications, preserve freedom of action, and maintain flexibility. Without flank and rear security during movement, a single enemy vehicle could destroy entire antiarmor squads, sections, or platoons. b. Command, control, and supervision True If so, an infantry battalion would conduct close combat to shape the enemy force. The SBCT and Anti-Armor Assets The SBCT is an Infantry-centric organization with the rifle squad serving as the foundation of its combat power to execute decisive action operations. The future plans cell maintains a current and projected view of the situation and plans operations to be conducted beyond 24 hours based on the orders from higher headquarters, projected outcomes of the current operation, and the SBCT commander's guidance. Mission Analysis Counter-countermeasures include use of the TOW 2 family with modified missile guidance systems and thermal sight, or detecting the ATGM jammer with thermal or image intensifier (for example, PVS-7B) before launch and choosing a different attack method. Sustaining operations are inseparable from decisive and shaping operations, although they are not by themselves decisive or shaping. F. Search incident to apprehension, Quick and adequate for detecting weapons, a frisk search is less dangerous because the searcher has more control of the individual being searched. The SBCT is primarily manned and equipped to conduct operations in an SSC. B. terrain, infrastructure, and military The TOW weapon system has a slow rate of fire and requires time to track. The squadron possesses robust capabilities to successfully meet the varied and unique intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance challenges inherent in smaller-scale contingency operations and in major theaters of war. D. Gain and Maintain enemy contact, Disrupt the enemy, Fix the enemy, Maneuver, Follow through, When a company in urban terrain conducts a hasty defense, it is characterized by ___________________. In some cases, a special staff officer is a unit commander. As we began studying the NTC opposing force, we realized that we needed to maximize our anti-armor proficiency prior to rotation, specifically focusing on the use of Javelins. Provide a clear commander's intent The Stryker is an eight-wheeled armored vehicle that, along with the black beret, was an initiative brought forth by former Army Chief of Staff Gen. Eric Shinseki. F. Tag the detainee who holds key information, All individuals on a site should _________. Its array of direct and indirect fire systems allows the SBCT to shape the AO and achieve decisive outcomes using the MGS; tube-launched, optically tracked wire-guided (TOW) IIA/B antiarmor missiles; Javelin antiarmor missiles; 120-mm, 81-mm, and 60-mm mortars; and 155-mm artillery. He manages the information flow within the SBCT to include the commander's critical information requirements (CCIR). Personalities arranged by first, middle, and last name in the center of the matrix The ATGM Vehicle provides standoff for the SBCT by use of its SACLOS guided missiles, which are effective at ranges equal to or exceeding those of most cannons, autocannons, or small arms. The S2x is the intelligence staff officer for HUMINT and CI activities. Non- commissioned officer in charge ROI enhance the soldier's ability to survive in uncertain situations by giving him a clearly defined set of parameters on interaction. A typical combat team architecture includes 10 different Stryker variants: 130 Infantry Carrier Vehicles; 9 Anti-Tank Guided Missile Vehicles; 27 Medical Evacuation Vehicles; 12 Engineer Squad Vehicles; 32 Commander's Vehicles; 36 120mm Mounted Mortar Carriers; 56 Reconnaissance Vehicles; 13 Fire Support Vehicles; three NBC [Nuclear, Biological The BSB support operations officer and the SBCT S4 work closely in planning and synchronizing CSS. False, All of the following are advantages to incorporating HNSF into a cordon and search EXCEPT ____________ . The SBCT achieves decisive action with combined arms at the infantry company level by applying the effects of direct fires from the mobile gun system (MGS), indirect fires from mortars and artillery, and joint effects of other services to support the infantry assault. These forces are primarily equipped with ATGM systems, MANPAD systems, mortars, machine guns, and explosives. AGM An MTW involves operations across the full range of offensive, defensive, stability, and support operations; however the operational focus is on offensive and defensive operations (Figure 1-2). The cavalry squadron (RSTA) has an extensive HUMINT capability and acts as the eyes and ears of the commander. The SBCT's INFOSYS and organizational structure allow it to plan and execute operations simultaneously. Upon arriving to home station, our brigade made preparations to ready the formation for decisive action operations. terrain, infrastructure, and economy The commander's principal advisor In one engagement, a Special Forces Operational Detachment-Alpha (ODA) destroyed two T-55 tanks, eight armored personnel carriers, and four troop trucks with the Javelin.4 As the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan transitioned to COIN operations, use of the Javelin transitioned from an anti-armor weapon to a surveillance optic due to the Javelins thermal Command Launch Unit (CLU). What are the 3 types of BCT? To counter the TOW threat, many countries have equipped their combat vehicles with smoke grenade launchers. Man-made cover includes fighting positions, walls, rubble, and craters. Coordinating and controlling the employment of the SBCT target acquisition assets. (1) Infantry. Understanding Doing so allows junior leaders to employ Javelin assets at the squad and platoon levels during STX and LFX training. (a) The senior MP planning officer within the MANSPT cell serves as the SBCT MP and is responsible for MP planning, coordination, and synchronization of MP maneuver elements. The SBCT antitank platoons' three squads function in the same manner. An antiarmor unit initially provides the base of fire in an attack in order to suppress, fix, or destroy the enemy in position. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The SBCT balances lethality, mobility, and survivability against the requirements for rapid strategic deployability. Fix Integrated direct and indirect fires, with obstacles, complicate the enemy's target-acquisition process. Shaping operations (or supporting efforts) establish the conditions for the success of the decisive operation. The cell is normally manned by two battle captains (S3 and S2), the S3 sergeant major, battle staff NCOs, liaison teams, and communications personnel. These rules reflect the requirements of the laws of war, operational concerns, and political considerations when the operational environment shifts from peace to conflict and back to peace. The antiarmor company commander is responsible for advising the battalion commander on the tactical employment of the company and its platoons. During tactical operations, antiarmor units suppress, fix, or destroy enemy at long ranges, allowing infantry forces to maneuver. Rules of interaction are directives that govern the SBCT soldiers' interaction with civilians. (5) Air Defense and Air Space Management Cell Coordinator. By incident, The incident map provides threat _______________. A. Like ROE, ROI can be effective only if they are thoroughly rehearsed and understood by every member of the SBCT. the cavalry squadron weapons troop Which BCT organization is responsible for planning, preparing, executing and assessing replenishment operations to support BCT operations? Raid The IO officer supervises the efforts of augmentation elements such as PSYOP detachments, CA teams, electronic attack teams, special IO teams, and public affairs teams. the brigade support battalion Students also viewed Art of Command; Science of Control 14 terms greg_jamero Monitoring Class VIII resupply levels to ensure adequate stockage for support of brigade operations. Directly assisting the commander in controlling preparation for, and execution of, operations. Additionally, they will likely possess weapons of mass destruction (WMD). He provides his subordinates with missions, resources, and a clear statement of his intent. At times, however, the commander may determine that the preponderance of military forces must be devoted to shaping operations in order to produce conditions and effects for a decisive operation to be successful. increase the probability of creating desired effects while diminishing undesired or adverse collateral effects Cover and concealment are critical to the survival of antiarmor weapon systems and must be analyzed along with the other factors of METT-TC. The SBCT is the ready and modern force that the Army needs as it continues to transition to a globally responsive Army and has proven in combat and training simulation to be a versatile and lethal tool for combatant commanders to utilize in any operational environment.5. c. Special Staff Officers and Elements. Your Company has responsibility for clearing a small town that is expected to contain insurgents. Several Russian-produced tanks (T-55 AM modernized, T-64B, T-80, T-80U, and T-90) and the Boyevaya Mashina Pekhoty (BMP-3, Russian combat vehicle, infantry) can fire ATGM (AT-8, AT-10, AT-11). At night, a night vision device can detect light emitted from the instrument panels inside the vehicles. the commander's principal logistician, Who assists commanders with the integration of five additional mission command warfighting functional tasks? A. E. Incident maps, If a person of interest is or becomes deceased, what symbol is normally drawn next to his or her name on the association matrix? Antiarmor companies and platoons can fight and win engagements within the full spectrum of operations (offense, defense, stability, and support). He ensures that coordination is conducted with echelons above division (EAD) engineers and military police and is responsible to the brigade commander for all maneuver support efforts and requirements within the AO. deliberate and dynamic simultaneous, single point Which of these is NOT an element of the Military Intelligence Company? C. Has a smaller signature The SBCT's lethality is derived from its ability to focus overmatching combined arms support to the infantry assault at identified decisive points. What are the 5 supporting brigades? increase the probability of creating desired effects and undesired or adverse collateral effects Following the basic rules of antiarmor employment increases the probability of destroying targets and enhances the survivability of the antiarmor elements. It locates where it can best coordinate, communicate, and facilitate religious support. Fundamental, Level 1 Anti-terrorism Awareness Training (JK, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. Force protection encompasses those actions taken to prevent or mitigate hostile actions against personnel, resources, facilities, and critical information. Effective interaction is especially important in an environment where the adversary is primarily employing unconventional capabilities rather than conventional military power to achieve an end. Continue with Recommended Cookies. A combined arms organization formed by attaching one or more nonorganic armor, mechanized infantry, Stryker, or infantry platoons to an armor, mechanized infantry, Stryker, or infantry company, either in exchange for, or in addition to, its organic platoons. It may be natural or made by man. var ffid = 1; Intelligence assessments B. D. Conduct Civil Affairs operations Select ALL that apply, and then select Submit. assessing infrastructure, During an attack, which element's primary focus would be to kill, capture, or force withdrawal of the enemy from an urban objective? The key to the employment of the M98A2 was the use of movement and maneuver of the Stryker vehicles and the dismounted Infantry. The BSB commander's support operations officer serves as the focal point for all logistics support to the SBCT. 4 (8) SBCT Surgeon. With the vital interests of the nation at stake, it is the one scenario that must result in victory. C. Anticipate events and adapt to changing circumstances An antiarmor leader should move forward of his position to observe. F. Company Headquarters, Which of the following are limitations of the SBCT Infantry Rifle Company? Personal staff members work under the commander's immediate control and directly assist him in the exercise of command (Figure 1-15). Having this expertise resident in the squad gives a rifle battalion the ability to train proficiency on the Javelin for all Soldiers in the formation. Monitoring network performance and database configuration and planning system reconfigurations caused by changes in the tactical situation, communications connectivity, and system initialization instructions. c. Sustaining Operations. Requesting, receiving, processing, and delivering replacement personnel. He represents the ECOORD when he is not available and helps the SBCT S3 integrate fire support into the commander's concept of operation. sequential, single point PMEs include programs and exercises that the US military conducts with other nations to shape the international environment, improve mutual understanding with other countries, and improve interoperability with treaty partners or potential coalition partners. b. Command Sergeant Major Many foreign ATGMs have thermal capability and other improvements, including faster missiles and blast warheads, for use against defensive positions. Traditional C. Link diagrams (Army) While many of the Army's . The MPF, with scalable armor packages, provides the IBCT a flexible and tailorable response in contested and various locations to mitigate the enemy's ability to exploit previous capability gaps within the IBCT. Simply note in the OPORD to follow the SOP. The FECC is led and directed by the deputy effects coordinator. The specific number and type of special staff officers depends on the brigade's task organization. Concealment is the protection from enemy observation. A. Although most of the ATGM-CM devices have yet to prove their combat effectiveness, TOW weapon system engagements may become more difficult in the future. Support element As a full-spectrum combat force, the SBCT organization allows commanders to scale their force to accept like-type forces such as additional infantry or intelligence organizations. Some tanks have their laser warning receivers linked to the smoke grenade launchers, causing smoke to be employed automatically when lased. Personalities arranged in alphabetical order on the right side of the matrix The SBCT is an Infantry-centric organization with the rifle squad serving as the foundation of its combat power to execute decisive action operations. Table 1-1. B. When laser range finders are used, they select an object at least three-vehicle lengths away from the target. These operations include the degradation of enemy command and control, military deception, counterdeception, operations security, information assurance, computer network defense teams, and the use of counterintelligence teams. Coordinating and directing terrain and airspace management. Select ALL that apply, and then select Submit. Leadership and Organization operations security Analysis of the COP together with a commander's application of his experience, expertise, intuition, and judgment establishes a relationship among the factors of METT-TC that leads to situational understanding. additional training Once a decision is made, the commander depends on his staff to communicate his decision to subordinates, synchronize and coordinate supporting actions, and supervise execution to ensure his decision is carried out according to his intent. Dependent upon METT-TC, the SBCT could receive support ranging from platoon- to company-size units from a division or corps. This capability is critical to the brigade's success in SSCs and PMEs as these environments require a wide range of tasks to be executed in conjunction with one another. The IO element is the principal staff element for all matters concerning civil-military operations (the civilian impact on military operations and the impact of military operations on the civilian populace). The MICO CP normally locates with or near the SBCT main CP. The S4 section is the link between the BSB and subordinate units (Figure 1-23). It is highly likely that during a typical SSC the brigade will have its RSTA cavalry squadron (RSTA) conducting a relief in place with a legacy force while one infantry battalion is escorting relief convoys and the other two infantry battalions are executing combat operations within an urban area. E. Chain of Events, What urban pattern describes the interlocking of the primary hubs of subordinate satellite patterns? Defer to the platoon leaders who know their AO more than you do. lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId + '-asloaded'), { attributes: true }); Reach is the ability of a deployed military force to rapidly access information, conduct collaborative information-sharing with, and receive support from, other units deployed in-theater but not in the chain of command and from out of theater assets unconstrained by geographic proximity, echelon, or command relationship. Locations Although ICV-equipped antiarmor vehicles have greater protection against direct and indirect fires than the HMMWV, they are still vulnerable to enemy antiarmor weapons. (c) Stay Low to Observe. The SBCT can conduct both linear and nonlinear defenses within the area defense, mobile defense, and retrograde concepts. D. concealment A full Stryker brigade was intended to be C-130 Hercules air transportable into theatre within 96 hours, while a division-sized force is expected to need 120 hours. While 50 percent is low, it was in real-world battlefield conditions with Infantrymen climbing up significant terrain to achieve effects against enemy armor. = + 'px'; B. Fix the enemy, Gain and Maintain enemy contact, Disrupt the enemy, Maneuver, Follow through Traditional linear situations involve conventional combat and linear arrangement of maneuver forces. Noises, such as talking, idling vehicles, or touching metal to metal, can be heard by enemy patrols or listening posts. It serves as a liaison between the SBCT and the artillery battalion, IO, civil affairs (CA), psychological operations (PSYOP), and intelligence and electronic warfare (IEW) assets. The physical environment of an SSC may include a range of complex and challenging features, such as very restrictive or urbanized terrain, a weak transportation and logistical infrastructure, environmental hazards, and diverse weather patterns. The UMT facilitates and coordinates religious support across the AO. Deep Areas. (3) Operations and Training Section. The company commander is responsible for advising the SBCT commander on the tactical employment of the company and its platoons. Units and Tenants stationed at JBLM. What do the mortar carriers (MCs) on Stryker vehicles improve for the mortar crew and equipment? Leaders must ensure that the concealment does not interfere with the fields of fire of the weapon systems being employed. Infantry (air assault and airborne) battalions. (a) Offensive Considerations. Simultaneously, ROI serve to aid the SBCT in mission accomplishment by ensuring even-handed interaction with civilians throughout the AO. ABCS tools support effective distribution of ROE and can assist commanders in confirming conditions that the ROE identify as threatening or innocuous. Mission variables, Shaping operations that support the urban attack separate into those focused on _____________and all others. A concealed antiarmor position can be detected if the weapon system is traversed or raised, or if any other unnecessary movement occurs. Based on solely using the CLU in surveillance operations in recent years, most Javelin gunners lacked experience at employing the Javelin in defeating enemy armor.
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