If it is a framed picture, then it is possibly of someone notable, or at least of importance within the church community. There are many lost masterpieces around waiting to be re-discovered. Apparently a a picture is worth a thousand words, but what can a Victorian painting tell us about doctors today? And most health care professionals are not prepared for what the next generation of patients will need from them. Its the focus of mind, spirit, and intent around a moment in time thats about another person and his or her most pressing problem. ROCHESTER, N.Y. The Memorial Art Gallery is taking a proactive approach to promoting diversity in art. It has been suggested that The Doctor was created in response to concerns over the growing presence of science in late 19th century medicine. What's my art worth? . In times gone by, aspiring artists would make copies of famous works, and if you have one of these of a sufficiently high standard in a good quality frame, it may well fetch a reasonable price at auction. Labels from framers or galleries are also good clues to age and provenance. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on September 15, 2016: Hi Steve, your picture sounds intriguing, and it is obviously a family treasure that you would not wish to part with. As a consequence, all of those charged with caring for patients will learn to value, cultivate, and focus on the very things that only they can do. Certainly the first painting that you mention is by a listed Danish artist with many paintings sold at auction. It is 1ft 7in heigh and 1ft 4in wide and depicts a boat on a river. Fildes son and biographer wrote: The character and bearing of their doctor throughout the time of their anxiety, made a deep impression on my parents. Without seeing the painting I can't comment on it, but if you are convinced that there is a possibility that you have a genuine painting by this artist, you might try contacting the James Ensor Online Museum, and asking for the contact details of an expert on Ensor. Your painting may well be such an item, but unless you can identify the artist this could be difficult to prove. buckleupdorothy from Istanbul, Turkey on March 13, 2012: Fantastic - interesting and clearly explained. This is unlikely to cost anything, but you should check with the auctioneer first. You may be able to do this on-line in the first instance, but for a realistic valuation, the appraiser will need to see the paintings in person. If you have reason to believe that some or all of your items are valuable, it would be worth checking that the auction house you choose has a dedicated art expert on the team, as general auction houses don't always have specialist expertise when it comes to high-end artworks. The child had experienced a 'crisis', the critical stage of a potentially life-threatening illness. 1), an iconic oil painting completed by the British artist Sir Samuel Luke Fildes (1843-1927) in 1891.The scene unfolds in the humble home of this distraught family, with one small area rug and the hanging laundry in a single modest-sized room used . Co. Chicago, Illinois', and there is a handwritten note in the corner saying 'Dec.25,1944 Gretch'. Pastels are generally more delicate than paintings or other forms of drawing and need to be handled with great care. It is quite literally impossible to guess which one of the many possible artists might have painted your picture, and for this reason, I recommend that you seek advice from either an auction house or antique/art dealer in your local area. The size of the painting is 2520cm. They declined to appraise as they replied "We generally confine our sales of art to listed artist.". If you wish to insure it, you could get an ad hoc, verbal valuation from a local auction house. Answer: Photographic collectibles are a specialist field. I have 2 original, signed etchings by E. V. Maydell. Nancy Tate Hellams from Pendleton, SC on October 06, 2014: Very interesting and helpful. K Yoshii is also a listed artist, and you will also be able to get information on the website I have suggested. Hello i have a painting that ive had for years its in a beautiful frame that looks really old the back of the painting dont have anything on it the front has a signature ive tried to look up the name but nothing comes up its not a full name its the painters initial then the last name its a painting of an old man that looks like he is from the Renaissance the name on it is N.Green if you could help it would be much appreciated thank you. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on October 27, 2018: Italo Botti was a 20th century artist born in New york of Italian immigrant parents. in particular, focusing upon a representative cross-section of the above-listed paintings. I don't reply to personal e-mails as this in turn reveals my private e-mail address, so I hope that you return to this article. The best known of these are based at Dafen in China. - Volunteering. Image from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luke_Fildes#/media/File:Luke_Fildes02.jpg. Image courtesy of Wiki Commons. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on September 17, 2011: Hi Carrie, glad you found some useful info here. There is an example in the results pages of Liveauctioneers.com website which sold for US $600 in 2018. Voted up and useful. ; Verify Insurance As a part of our screening process, we encourage professionals to carry general liability insurance. Many paintings are created by amateurs, or less-well known artists, and even when they are of a good standard they often have a low value because there are no collectors desperate to own them. There are many in circulation, and their appeal depends on the quality of the framing, and on the overall condition. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2249807/, Your email address will not be published. Thank you for the reply. Van Gogh "Portrait of Dr. Gachet" (1890): $163.4 million . The fact that this is so much bigger and hung somewhere will make it more valuable? If, however, you require a written appraisal for insurance purposes, you will need to have this done by a professional appraiser. Answer: It is impossible to give an accurate appraisal without seeing the item in person. Their humble lifestyle is evident from the pewter, the scrap of carpet on the stone floor and their ragged clothing. What is the value range? As you'll appreciate, there are quite a number of artists with the sir-name Lavelle. On the back it has CE+HE written in pencil. [4], The painting was first exhibited in 1891. But aside from these big boys of the auction world, there are numerous small, local salerooms who will be happy to dispose of your treasures. Aaron Burton from US on October 11, 2014: I find this very interesting, even though I have neither painting nor print. Saleen Martin. Portrait of Dr. Question: I have several paintings by the famous Mexican artist Socram. Worth: $74.5 Million This painting was painted by Vincent van Gogh in 1888. The image was printed on 65,000 posters and brochures with the slogan, "Keep Politics Out of this Picture". If the picture is composed of tiny dots of colour, it's extremely unlikely to be a watercolour. I do not, unfortunately, offer any kind of valuation or appraisal service. Where can I go for help in identifying the artists? It doesn't even appear to be a real sir-name. We are connecting private sellers with auctioneers and their specialists. Never assume that all prints are worthless, as this is definitely not the case. This can devalue or damage the work. In 2011, Alison Beldsoe bought a painting by Fern Coppedge at her hot dog stand which we helped her sell at auction for $30,000. Answer: Auction houses will generally provide you with an estimated value when accepting an item for sale. [4] A couple of scrunched up papers lie on the floor, "most probably a filled prescription" which has been frustratingly discarded. If you search this artist on the free listings on findartinfo.com, you will get some idea of the sums achieved. Fildes himself said that the morning light signifies the recovery of the child: At the cottage window the dawn begins to steal in the dawn that is the critical time of all deadly illnesses and with it the parents again take hope into their hearts, the mother hiding her face to escape giving vent to her emotion, the father laying his hand on the shoulder of his wife in encouragement of the first glimmerings of the joy which is to follow. It is of two sailing boats on a lake and is quite attractive. During my years as a pediatrician, this painting has crossed my desk and screen numerous times. The thoughtful and concerned gaze of the well-dressed physician upon the face of his ill, young patient dominates the center of The Doctor (Fig. I bought it at a flea market because I'm very intrigued by it. On the back is an article and pic of him. As Giovanni Guerzoni is a listed artist you should be able to find examples of his work on the Blouin Art sales Index site. The phrase 'listed artists' is used in reference to those whose works have passed through auction houses and major galleries sufficiently often for them to appear on listings sites such as Blouin's Art Sales Index. 2. One of the pieces is a tin replica of the Lords supper, It was handmade in England. Not because of the high probability of making multiple spot diagnoses with late presentation pathology at the end of the bed. Seems the corporatization of medicine stole so much more of medicines soul and spirit. If you are hoping to sell, find a good quality auction house with an art expert on the team who can give you an estimate of likely sales value. There are a lot of very important paintings out there that have gone missing over the centuries, and every so often a real gem turns up. Question: What do you, the writer of this article, know about a framed Linda Schneider oil painting in my possession? I am writing to you to get infotmation abaut painting picture has signed by Gobbi. [16] In 1947 it was reproduced on a United States postage stamp for the centenary of the American Medical Association,[9] which in 1949 used it in their campaign against nationalised medical care as proposed by President Harry S. Truman. I suspect that your item may be some kind of print or other reproduction, but the only way to be certain is if you show the item to an auction house or art and antiques dealer in your local area. The majority of these are not by listed artists or famous artists. For this reason, I have to tell you that it is extremely difficult to identify an unsigned painting unless you have additional information, such as a framer's label or some kind of provenance. https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/fildes-the-doctor-n01522, The Doctor Check the signature. carriethomson from United Kingdom on September 16, 2011: WOW Amanda what a brilliant hub!! Answer: If you are looking for a valuation for insurance purposes you need to find an accredited valuer in your area who can provide you with the correct paperwork. My research suggests that the items are unlikely to have an exceptionally high value, but it might be worth entering them into auction or offering them to an art dealer in your local area. You might also take a look at the free auction price listings on the findartinfo.com site where over 30 examples of MacAskill's work are listed together with the prices achieved. [9], The focus of the picture is the worried but sympathetic physician and the sick child, with everything else in the shadows. The signature is illegible and it looks like it's in Greek/Slavonic alphabet. The site is free to sign up to and there is no charge for looking at auction results. If you think your painting is of sufficient quality try seeking advice from an art sales professional in your local area. If you like your painting, put it on the wall and enjoy it. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on October 11, 2014: Thanks for stopping by AaronBurton. Are there any specific books or links to check for these type of artworks? This doctor was all in. [5] Fildes' biographer has described how the boy's death compelled Fildes to paint a picture revolving around the compassionate Dr Murray visiting his dying child. Alternatively, if you are looking for a valuation for insurance purposes, you should be able to find an accredited appraiser on-line. Very wise words - we should always be open to learning. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on September 23, 2013: Hi DRG, Thank you for the excellent suggestion. James McNeill Whistler's etchings tend to sell for reasonable amounts of money, and if you look at the free auction price listings on findartinfo.com you will get a feel for the range of prices achieved at auction for works by this artist. Fildes invented a new setting and characters for his painting, and in 1890 he made several sketches of a fishermans cottage in Hope Cove in Devon. We would like to hear from you. Are u available to work with? Share your discoveries with us. They were a part of my father-in-law's collection as he was a graphic artist in Providence, RI, and he knew Mr. Loring. Reproductions of this painting exist in large numbers and are consequently of limited value. Discover the valuation of The doctor painting and find its true value. Sir James Clark Thank You. However, auction houses will often offer you advice for free, based on the premise that you will very possibly then allow them to sell your items. It's an outdoor scene with houses, trees, pond, sea with a white sailboat. A really good place for new collectors to start is at local art exhibitions. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. Original works by Rembrandt are very valuable, and there are many forgeries and copies in circulation, so you would need to have your item authenticated in order to sell it as an original. [6] A distressed, poor, and modest family is depicted by one small carpet and the washing suspended in a small room. Printmaking has become increasingly sophisticated with the advance of technology, but early prints can usually be readily identified. The painting is of a vase with red & yellow poppies. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on May 05, 2011: Hi Joe Giannino, I don't know whether you have been back to this hub to read my response, but this is to let you know that I have now deleted your comment to protect your privacy, as you have included a phone number. Thank you Amanda - great article. It is for this reason that I recommend getting a face to face valuation wherever possible, and a local auctioneer or art dealer should be able to advise you. As described in the article above, there are many options for selling art. Auction houses and art researchers also use an excellent online resource known as. Local Pickup. [17][unreliable source?] Hewrites about medicine, technology, and society in the 33charts newsletter. Is the image a useful fantasy or a misleading distraction? [9], Seen today as "Victorian spin" by some, in its time the depiction of the doctor as a hero serving the poor raised the status of the medical profession during a period when public opinion was critical of the increasingly impersonal nature of medicine. Throughout Norman Rockwell's life he created over 4,000 original pieces of artwork, learn how to determine its worth [4], The most important personal influence was probably the death of Fildes' first child, his one-year-old son, Philip, from typhoid fever on Christmas morning, 1877. However, if you have one of the many, many prints in circulation, the value may well come down to the quality of the frame and is likely to be less than 100/$70. I would personally prefer to go via an auction house if I were the owner of a Sadee, but that must be your decision. Question: I have a copy of Philips Wouwerman's oli painting "The White Horse". Could it be of value? Who should I contact? He continued: "A library of books written in your honour would not do what this picture has done and will do for the medical profession in making the hearts of our fellow men warm to us with confidence and affection". - Web administration. Thanks. There is no charge for accessing these listings, however, they are not comprehensive, and lesser known artists are often easier to find on eBay and on liveauctioneers.com, neither of which makes a charge for accessing their info once you are signed up to their sites. What should I do? [8] The child's resting hand and extended arm may have been drawn from Fildes' older son. 3. Bryan Vartabedian is an attending physician at Texas Childrens Hospital in Houston. Email or telephone in advance with your inquiry. I found a picture behind a brick wall,it's got the original wood frame .boy hood joys, R.van cleef. The boys father, standing in the background with his hand on the shoulder of his wife whose hands are clasped as if in prayer, looks in to the grave face of the doctor. The arts are certainly addictive, and once you develop a love for art, you never lose it. [9], The cottage setting has led some to believe that the painting was ordered by Queen Victoria to honour her own physician, Sir James Clark. Presence, be it in a clinic exam room or with a friend over coffee, is a uniquely human gift. A genuine work of art from the period you suggest is likely to be fairly valuable and would need to be examined by a professional appraiser. Question: I want to sell three signed pen-and-ink Paule Stetson Loring sketches. In contrast to the well dressed doctor in a suit, the home of the family he is visiting is very humble. Answer: If you refer to the website findartinfo.com, you will find that the artist Marcos Hernandez Garcia (also known as Socram) has only one auction listing. Alternatively, you could use an online auction service. Only an expert on this particular artist will be able to give you a valid opinion on the item, and it will be worth approaching a high end auction house with a dedicated art expert on board for further advice. As I have mentioned in the comments above, I do not offer a research service, and this article is intended to point you in the right direction to do some research of your own. You can get some idea of just how much by researching the artist on the free listings on the findartinfo.com website. If, however, your picture is just a print, then it willl not be worth nearly as much as the original work of art, and you might consider selling it through a dealer or via an auction website. [4], The painting has inspired poetry and film. The medicine bottle is adjacent to an oil lamp, a representation of scientific achievement and rationality, light in the darkness. The earliest prints were made using a raised surface which could be inked. The French Impressionist artists Edgar Degas and Pierre-Auguste Renoir both produced wonderful examples of this art form. There is also an additional possibiity that your item is actually by an unlisted amateur artist. The pigments used to produce pastels are exactly the same as those used in any coloured art media, from watercolours to oil paints, and consequently pastels often produce very intense, vibrant colours. Nor the lack of clinical guidelines or effective evidence based treatment for most ailments. You can learn more about these by searching Dafen art factories online. Can you help? A father gives support to his wife by extending his arm and resting his hand on her shoulder. Question: We have an extremely old painting. Is there any value in those artist's work? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4586218/, What Sir Luke Fildes 1887 painting The Doctor can teach us about the practice of medicine today Researching from an image is another matter. Please be aware, however, that there are many prints of this artist's work in circulation, and a print usually has only a fraction of the value of an original. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on April 06, 2012: Hi Bradvv60, this article is intended as a guide to help others research their own items. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on March 11, 2015: Hi Dante Petrucelli. I found your page very interesting and I want to thank you. 1. Alexandre-Franois Bonnardel (1867-1942) is a listed artist, noted for his still-lifes. Obscure_Treasures from USA on May 30, 2011: Amanda Severn (author) from UK on May 23, 2011: Thanks for stopping by and commenting, smcopywrite. You never know. Answer: Unfortunately, Franco is an incredibly common name both as a first name and as a sir-name, so I can't suggest a likely artist as there are many painters signing themselves that way. $175.00. NBC 5's Noelle Walker has a sneak peek. [5] He, however, is also helpless and peers on at the doctor and child. What's your take on that? Of course, the value may also increase if the painting was placed under auction again, after it is found. Srtist name appears to be "Ismothe next few letters are not very legible could be nio, could be rxo not sure. The only other thing on it is a series of numbers stamped on the back of the canvas. What does your body language during a consultation say about your thoughts? Beside doing the auction results database. My advice to new collectors who have lots of taste, but not too much money, is to buy the things they like, that give them pleasure, rather than be too concerned about investment value. His paintings of boats and ships sell well at auction and sometimes sell for substantial amounts of money. If you have a print of a well-known painting, you should quickly find it online, and this will confirm that you have a reproduction rather than an original. The internet doesn't really have any images of Ensor's works unless it's the very famous Christ Entry into Brussels. Answer: Your painting sounds a lot like the one by this artist currently shown in the price results pages og liveauctioneers.com. Answer: A cursory search on findartinfo.com brings up fifteen results with William Miller in the name, but none at all for William Meller. However, powerful images are necessarily positive. While the Sistine Chapel ceiling is by far the most expensive Michelangelo painting ever sold, it's not the only one that's worth a fortune. This painting depicts a child showing the first signs of recovery following a period of grave illness. He was a prolific artist and his work regular appears on the live auction sites including eBay. And as technology continues its exponential march, expect a renaissance of human connection as depicted in The Doctor. I anticipate a resetting of human perspective where clinicians are left to consider their purpose and mission as healers. Here, the figure of the doctor stands as a symbol of quiet professional devotion, capturing, as Fildes put it, the status of the doctor of our time. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on August 29, 2014: Hi Susan, sorry to hear that you haven't found an undiscovered old master, but glad that you still love your paintings. If you feel that these paintings have a value you could try taking them to an auction house or art dealer in your local area for advice. [20], Since the mid-1990s, the medical humanities journals The Lancet and the British Medical Journal have revived interest in the painting, stimulating discussion about the role of the doctor. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on October 09, 2014: Moktar Msi, OhMe and GClark, thank you all for visiting this article and leaving such kind comments. - Conducting research. It's impossible for me to comment on its potential value, or offer any real insight without seeing the picture. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on May 29, 2020: Roy Briggs, the picture that you discovered is probably a vintage print of a well known painting. These typically included. 1904-1991. I recently stumbled across a website that buys old paintings from the 13th-19th centuries. [10] Particular attention was paid to ensuring the room had a poor, Victorian, multi-purpose appearance. $5,900.00. There are several etchings by John Cameron listed on there. As machines develop the ability to do things humans once did, medical professionals will be left to master the things only humans can do. A good quality oil painting will usually have an equally good quality frame. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/096777209300100307, Art in Science: The Doctor by Luke Fildes: Putting the Patient First Question: Where do I go in Denver, Colorado, to sell a bunch of old paintings worth a lot of money? The Doctor is one of those paintings that reflect not just the era but like other masterpieces still resonates with many physicians today. We made a database with free auction results. I am not sure if my painting is worth that much. Without actually seeing the item, or at least an image of it, it is almost impossible to give accurate guidance. Critics have noted that Fildes omitted common medical equipment of his era in order to focus on the relationship between physician and patient. Lets look at a few details: Immediately the light draws the observer to focal point of the painting, the detailed face of the Doctor who is leaning forward observing the ill child. There are literally hundreds of thousands of pre-owned paintings on the market at any one time. [9], Fildes stated that his choice of subject was "to put on record the status of the doctor in our own time",[4] but his depiction of 19th-century healthcare is not entirely accurate. Im wondering what my inherited picture is worth? Find out from your insurance company exactly what information they need. - Book translation. They may be happy to accept a few photos, and a general estimate so long as the value is not in the tens of thousands or even greater! Brushstrokes are not so obvious on a watercolour as on an oil, but you should still be able to see variation in the surface of the painting. I suggest you research on eBay and other live auction sites to see whether similar items to yours are selling. Question: I have an original signed photo by Wallace R MacAskill. The frame and the picture backing seem to be from the end of the 18th century or from the beginning of the 19th century. Relativity 20x20 Framed Art Print by M.C. it was great to read. Does this text contain inaccurate information or language that you feel we should improve or change? Answer: Hungarian artist Mihly Munkcsy (1844 to 1900) is famous for his genre pictures and large-scale biblical paintings. This doesn't make them bad paintings. Quality, Rarity, Condition and Provenance, Antiques and Collectibles: How to Value and Sell Your Old Things. Many years ago, I bought a picture from a junk-sale believing it to be a valuable watercolour. There is no heart monitor, saturation probe or any automatic electronic machine giving a visual or audible characterisation of the vital observations. I am trying to learn a bit. Is this likely to be valuable? Both have original written on them. Unfortunately, as stated in the article, I do not offer a valuation service, but in any case the information provided is insufficient to give you any kind of guidance. What do you think? I hope you found it useful. While alcoholic drinks are notoriously expensive in Bergen, Det Lille Kaffekompaniet, Bergen's oldest barista cafe . Amanda Severn (author) from UK on September 14, 2015: Hi zhzh, unfortunately I have had to delete your comment as you included an email address, which anyone reading this page could use. It may well be that there is a market for this artist's work in his home town that does not exist in the wider marketplace. [6] Two mismatched chairs, pressed together, construct a makeshift bed in the labourer's cottage. How do I sell it? Although the painting was done much earlier, circa 1900, the print found a market in later years because it became a popular decorative item for medical offices. Paintings do sell on eBay, but ask yourself this: If you were a collector, would you risk too much of your hard-earned money on a painting you have never seen in the flesh? Should doctors be thanked for doing their job? I'm glad the article was useful. As well, the country of where i live have no art or auction houses what so ever..i live in Syria and i have been asking everywhere without any luck. Her art can be seen on her own dedicated website: www.lindaschneiderart.com . However, if the painting is particularly attractive, and the artist is unusually collectable, then you can still do well, but as with all these things, its hard to predict. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Doctor by Fildes. This reality will reshape the clinician-patient relationship and, in turn, redefine the role of health care professionals. Can you give me an idea of where to see if they are worth anything? One is signed by Stanford Its i believe oil on board. I do have quite old paintings such an oil painting on board signed and dated 1817 or Victorian paintings on ivory with old Victorian frames such as tortoise shell, etc. The original version of 'The White Horse' is in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Dr. Seuss. Amanda Severn (author) from UK on February 24, 2013: Thank you for your positive feedback, Dawn Ca. Good luck with your research! On the web, I've found a lot of variations on the theme, but not the exact picture; mine is darker, with wind and waves crashing on the beach. then you might try the list of notable artists from each country also listed on Wikipedia. And much of what was once done with clinicians eyes, ears, and hands can now be done more efficiently by machine. It was initially a brassfounders and then specialised in reproduction copper and brassware'. This item: The Doctor 34x27 Framed Art Print by Fildes, Sir Samuel Luke.
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