However, you should consider this question in your explanation of why you are interested in the position. Gradually Ive become more comfortable reaching out to coworkers or managers when I have questions or feel overwhelmed. As long as youre not talking about a tough or failed course that could scuttle your chances of being hired, feel free to mention anything that has no direct bearing on your candidacy. What Not To Say Dont go overboard. Looking for a job can be a full-time job in itself. As you meditate, work on focusing on your breath. Writing your job-winning resume has never been this easy! He also reacts to multiple earnings. Research suggests that people who extend themselves such compassion are more likely to use adaptive coping strategies. This is still a plausible weakness and something that you can work on, but for this role, it could become a positive and suggests that you are well suited to the job. Common areas that might be applicable include: If you find it tricky to assess your own personality, ask someone else to help. One quick glance gives me a color-coded snapshot of all my commitments. Everyone. Instead, focus on weaknesses that dont have anything to do with the job itself. Research suggests that overthinking is associated with feelings of depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). You got the interview! Often, youll find that when you look at the big picture, it looks a lot better than if you pry into the interviewers every last word and expression. Why do employers ask about weaknesses in interviews? Or, maybe you want to prepare a wider arsenal of anecdotes to share, so that youre prepared for any and every behavioral-based question they could throw at you. This is an answer thats honest and shows a good degree of critical self-reflection. While some people believe that overthinking may be helpful since it involves looking at an issue or problem from nearly every viewpoint possible and anticipating future events, the opposite is true. Get specific! Such behavior can harm your relationships with others. And that puts a whole lot of pressure on you to nail the interview. Dont be caught off guard by this common interview question about your professional weaknesses. In addition, avoid very vague or general answers that dont give any relevant information. Its a technique you should be familiar with and practice. I took part in a leadership course where we talked about the best ways to provide feedback and how we should tailor our communication style to different people and situations. April 24, 2023 6:38 pm CT. Heres a throwback for New Orleans Saints fans. Expertise from Forbes Councils members, operated under license. But thats usually not the case. So I could be a Shaybani Khan for a day." Failing to sell yourself properly. Clean, timeless templates with a classic balanced structure. Related: Top 16 Interview Questions and Others pose it as a two-birds-with-one-stone question.In the latter instance, leading with your weaknesses can be advantageous. When discussing your weaknesses, be honest and give specific examples rather than general statements. Denying that you have any weaknesses when interviewers ask is never recommended. 10. Learn what overthinking is, some signs you may be an overthinker, and a few reasons some people think too much. WebThe fact is that we all have weaknesses, so don't be afraid if this question comes up in an interview. He said my comments had been really valuable. This can be a difficult process, but it is essential for achieving success. It also gets across the implication that you like the way their company works and would feel motivated there. These will include mandatory job requirements that come with the territory of being shortlisted for the position. Frame your weaknesses in a positive, proactive context as works in progress, emphasizing corrective steps with successful outcomes. Think about what the interviewer is trying to get out of the question. The interviewee makes sure to stress that they are not too timid to speak up at work at all, which could be a concern. Plus, thinking about all the things you could have done differently, second-guessing your decisions, and continuously imagining worst-case scenarios can be exhausting. No one likes the dreaded weaknesses question at a job interview. Weaknesses can be difficult to identify and even harder to discuss. Questions along the lines of "What are your greatest weaknesses?" The weaknesses you choose should ideally be: Not fundamental to the job. But 'What are your weaknesses?' Embracing the upside of interview questions about weaknesses goes hand in hand with anticipating them and being prepared. Am I taking steps to improve in that area. Talk about how youve transformed your weakness into a strength. A Few Ways Answer "What Is Your Greatest Weakness?" Arriving late for an interview shows that you are not taking it seriously and that you dont value the interviewers time. Every thought you have will not be truthful, accurate, or even realistic. They show initiative in how they are tackling this weakness head-on and provide clear evidence that their efforts are paying off. This potential follow-up is the reason you need to prepare more than one weakness. Actually, I ended up enjoying it.. When asked about yourself, the best way to answer this question is to give a brief overview of your career journey. Thats why Ive taken a few online courses and am constantly picking up new tips from YouTube tutorials. Some disorders that are associated with overthinking include: Overthinking can have a bidirectional relationship with mental health issues. Best Advice: When discussing your weaknesses in a job interview, its important to pick irrelevant skills that will not negatively impact how you are perceived by a potential employer. One of the hardest job interview questions that applicants struggle with is discussing their real weaknesses. Be sure to answer each question thoughtfully and honestly so that the interviewer can get a good understanding of who you are and what your goals are for career growth within the company. Verywell Mind articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and mental healthcare professionals. But as soon as the office door closes behind you, the interview starts replaying in your head. Instead of going over something in your mind again and again, you can start to take the steps necessary to resolve the situation. Even the best people have their own quirks, which can be a source of weakness. This form of overthinking happens when you base a rule or expectation for the future on a single or random event from the past. What did you struggle with? Finding ways to put an end to overthinking can help you take action in your life versus simply thinking about things that are bothering you. They took positive steps to improve those skills and offer a solid example of the progress they have made. Overthinking often stems from dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about things that you cannot change. Here are a few tips for talking about weaknesses in an interview: 1. Did you really giggle nervously when you shook your interviewers handor was it a more of a hysterical screech? Demonstrate how you are working on effectively addressing the weakness. Amy Morin, LCSW, is the Editor-in-Chief of Verywell Mind. May be less job-specific but generally important in most occupations to varying extents, Learned and developed at school or on the job, Largely innate or developed socially and institutionally, reflecting personality and behaviors, Ease in delegating tasks, saying no or asking for help, Well organized in setting goals and balancing priorities, Spontaneity, flexibility, adaptability or risk-taking, Giving / receiving directions, constructive feedback or assistance, Physical strength, stamina, coordination, flexibility, speed. Content is reviewed before publication and upon substantial updates. You want to appear humble and willing to admit when youre not perfect, but you also dont want to make yourself sound like a complete disaster. When you have another interview lined up, you can use this as a learning experiencebut for now: When you overanalyze, you often get stuck on the details: Did she smile at my story because she thought it was funny or because she thought it was stupid? Have you enrolled in a professional skills course? 7. Why 2023 Gold House A100 List Has Starbucks CEO But No Michelle Yeoh, Parent PowerED: Parents Powering Solutions In Education, Conversations Across Generations: Shawn Dove And Peter Storey, Empowering Young Adults Through Tech With Sandee Kastrul Of i.c. or soft skills. Dont say that youre perfect. As a secret weapon or saving grace, your effective response hinges on the expectation that you will be asked. This then leads to worry that you will fail the class, which will then lead to failing school, not getting a degree, and not being able to find a job. One of the most important parts of answering this question is to get across the idea that you actively work on your weaknesses. The company was planning on making drastic changes that I didnt agree with and felt would negatively impact my work environment. Make sure you know about the company and the job youre interviewing for. Is this weakness fundamental to the role Im applying for? Find a middle ground and be assertive without being overwhelming. Overthinking sometimes involves beating yourself up for the decisions you already made. You have to be brutally honest with yourself about what you are good at and what you need to work on. No one is perfect, so dont try to pretend that you are be honest and realistic about your weaknesses. Show your initiative and growth mindset by breaking down the precise actions you are taking to overcome your weaknesses. Below are some examples you could adapt for your preparatory list of weaknesses for job interviews. The biggest critic is often ourselves, so it is important to be aware of what we like and dont like. Remember it is a Make sure youre dressed neatly and conservatively for your interview. Overthinking may be a symptom of a mental health issue, like depression or anxiety. Preparation and practice are the best ways to get yourself ready for the big day. It not only demonstrates that you can deliver a good answer, but that you can think on your feet and have good communication skills. However, I realise that experience working with clients directly would be a big help to the way I present my analysis so Im very keen to improve that aspect. This weakness could be particularly concerning to an interviewer so, if you really want to mention this at interview, make sure you show evidence of self-reflection and mention the steps you are taking to address this or how you have begun to use it to achieve a positive outcome. When interviewing for a job, keep in mind that the interviewer wants to know what you are good at and where you could improve. He further mentioned, "Because, by large, I am a nice guy, but sometimes people take that niceness for weakness and they misunderstand that. Stay humble and show that youre interested in learning more about the company and the position. If possible, give specific examples of times when you have struggled with a particular weakness. Here are common examples of abilities or qualities that are not required or important in every job. Overthinking can take a toll on your mood and may make it even more difficult to make decisions in the future. Here are a few to consider. He further mentioned, "Because, by large, I am a nice guy, but sometimes people take that niceness for weakness and they misunderstand that. It helps keep your examples concise and engaging. Your answer should show self-awareness and a willingness to address your weaknesses. They just want to know if you can be honest and if you are aware of your own shortcomings. Stressful events, depression, and anxiety can make people more prone to overthinking, and then this overthinking contributes to worse stress, anxiety, and depression. You dont want the interviewer to perceive you as a candidate who isnt qualified. Pinpoint that one thing, and make that the target point of improvement for your next interview. Research shows thinking too much makes it tough to make decisions. With the 2023 NFL draft in sight, its a good time to look back on Drew Brees 2016 appearance on the Dan Patrick Show, in which the future Hall of Famer read back some of the strengths and weaknesses that pro scouts had written down in his draft profile. For instance, if the position requires lots of teamwork and regular interaction with management, a good weakness to use might be that you find it difficult to stay motivated in roles where you feel isolated, or those in which you cant learn from those around you. And procrastination is not always a matter of a stalled start. Do I qualify? On the one hand, overthinking can help you to make better decisions and avoid making mistakes. When an interviewer asks about your biggest weakness, they arent looking to see how much you hate yourself. This interview guide helps you to walk into that interview with the best chance of getting a positive result. 6. A related problem child of being detail-oriented is overthinking and rethinking projects past the point of manageability. You are applying for an analyst position, largely working with numbers and data: I dont have much experience working directly with clients so my client-facing communication skills definitely need some work. She's also a licensed clinical social worker, psychotherapist, and international bestselling author. Overenthusiasm for certain writing projects used to find me falling off track, despite. Once youve established your weakness, craft a response to put it in the most positive light. You can also search for jobs on your own, or apply directly to companies that interest you. By asking this question, they are looking to see if you have taken the time to reflect on your own abilities and whether or not you are someone who is willing to work on improving yourself. Meanwhile, on the work front, Dino Morea was recently seen in Akhil Akkineni's Agent. Not asking questions at the end of the interview. Did you dress it up as a strength or severely undersell it? This is the million-dollar question how do you pick a good weakness to talk about in your interview? They may also help you identify coping strategies that work for you, such as mindfulness or physical exercise. Unconscious-Thought Effects Take Place Off-Line, Not On-Line. 4. Make sure you know what the interviewer is really asking so you dont get caught out. You might be getting help from a mentor or advisor, or have found tools that help you to correct your weakness on your own. A mental health professional may teach you skills that will help you stop obsessing, ruminating, and dwelling on things that arent helpful. It is useful at this stage to have a thorough look at the job description. So now consider the weaknesses question as a golden opportunity to stand out from the rest. Being able to articulate your weaknesses honestly, and then explain how you are working to improve upon them, can demonstrate your dedication and commitment to the job. Cognitive distortions, humor styles, and depression. Its always tough to know what to expect during a job interview. This issue is easily fixed, which makes it an ideal weakness example; just By following our tips, youll be well-prepared for any job interview. Its important to be honest when identifying your weaknesses. And each time, it gets a little worse. Practise the STAR method to structure an effective answer. Her TEDx talk, "The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong," is one of the most viewed talks of all time. If youre having trouble even thinking of a weakness to base your answer on, here are some examples of weaknesses that might ring true for you: Indecisiveness. In fact, the longer you think about something, the less time and energy you have to take productive action. How to answer Tell me about yourself in an interview (with examples), The worst job interview questions, revealed, Weakness example: Job-specific hard/soft skill, Sample weakness: Interpersonal communication ability, Weakness example: Perfectionism, overthinking, too detail-oriented, Sample weakness: Multi-tasking can be a minefield, How to answer almost any interview question. Practice for Balancing Equations: 1st and 2nd Grade, Repeated Addition as Multiplication: Math Foundations. Some common strengths that are looked for in a job include: being organized, having good time-management skills, being able to work independently, being attentive to detail, and being a team player. Of course it feels good when bosses or coworkers appreciate and value my contributions, but Im also aware its a weakness to have trouble saying no to their requests. Lack of Organization. Hosted by Editor-in-Chief and therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares how you can stop dwelling in a negative mindset. 5. ", "Is there any area of your skill set that you feel still needs work? I could always use more experience with negotiation techniques and strategies, specifically in a face-to-face setting. This type of overthinking involves thinking things are worse than they are. 4. Before forming your interview answers about weaknesses, it's important to reflect on the areas where you can improve. Relevant. Not What skills and technology expertise are you hoping to develop in your next job. Next, you want to pivot your interview answer to the positive and share the specific steps you are taking to work on things you need to improve. can be intimidating. Over and over and over. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Answer Tell me about yourself with a past, present and future structure. Keep in mind that different people may have different opinions about your weaknesses. But my biggest breakthrough two years ago was signing up for improv classes through the university drama program. Make your job-winning resume easy and fast with our top resume builder. Many people leave their last job for a variety of reasons, but there are a few key things to keep in mind when answering this question during your job interview. Honesty and authenticity are your best friends when job searching. Two possible angles are described below, with examples. Build powerful resumes in only 5minutes with our easy to use Resume Builder and get hired faster. This gives you less scope to elaborate too much and say something that will put the interviewer off. Medical Reviewers confirm the content is thorough and accurate, reflecting the latest evidence-based research. This can come across as unprofessional and might not reflect well on you in the eyes of the interviewer. But what can you do to get away from that habit of dissecting every little word, gesture, and facial expression from your interview? This helps to ensure that the candidate is a good fit for the position and that they can bring value to the company. We surveyed 2.000 Americans to determine the worst questions you could get asked when interviewing for a job. A persuasive resume and cover letter in that regard likely won you the job interview in the first place. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Here are three suggestions: Emphasize the positive, avoiding negative words like failure or inept. How to talk about weaknesses in a job interview, Lists of weaknesses for a job interview with example answers, Key takeaways for discussing weaknesses in a job interview. Overthinking can also take a serious toll on relationships. With the 2023 NFL draft in sight, its a good time to look back on Drew Brees 2016 appearance on the Dan Patrick Show, in which the future Hall of Famer read back some of the strengths and weaknesses that pro scouts had written down in his draft profile. He further mentioned, "Because, by large, I am a nice guy, but sometimes people take that niceness for weakness and they misunderstand that. From the fresh graduate to the most experienced CEO. Perhaps youve completed a relevant course or joined a class or group. Obsessing about every little thing other people do and say can also mean that you misunderstand what they are trying to convey. Ask yourself what your weaknesses are and how you can address them. At the end of a job interview, you can usually breathe a sigh of relief. Make sure there is no diminished impact on your ability to fulfill essential or important job requirements. 8. 3 Times You're Overthinking Your Interview (and 3 Times You're Not Thinking About it Enough) I used to think I was the only person who overthought job Pick a weakness that is relevant, not crucial to the job and fixable. Self-help strategies like distracting yourself and challenging your thoughts can help. WebWe would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. With greater control over the course of discussion, you decide when and how to shift direction from negative to positive. When it comes to talking about weaknesses in a job interview, candidates tend to fall into one of two traps: 1. Instead, turn your weaknesses into positives by showing how you overcome them. This is sometimes in the realm of work ethics gone overboard. This type of overthinking involves only seeing situations in black or white. Secondly, the willingness to not give cookie-cutter BS answers builds credibility in the other responses through the interview where you are selling your skills. Your doctor may be able to refer you to a therapist who can help you put an end to overthinking. And, perhaps more importantly, is it significant enough to merit that kind of explanation? Theyre things about you that could potentially give someone else pause during an interview. Ruminatingor rehashing the same things over and over againisnt helpful. These questions can help the interviewer get to know you better, as well as see where you might be compatible with the company and its culture. This might mean that I work too hard but its worth it to me because its so annoying finishing work thats less than perfect. For example, if your worry is that you came across as nervous or jittery, youd find that itd probably be better to simply let it pass than awkwardly explain it (I know my palms were sweaty when we shook handssorry about that!) in a thank you note (more on that here). Interviewing is stressful. Overthinking makes it harder to fall asleep. You may be delaying your decision-making because you are scared of facing the consequences of your decisions. Instead of looking at both the good and the bad, you might analyze an event only in terms of it being a total success or a total failure. Here are a few of the other ways it can be phrased: While each of these questions (and many more) are all asking a similar question, you dont want to come across as robotic, like youve prepared this answer purely by rote. How to talk about your weaknesses in a job interview is a great skill. Learn what these answers are and what they have in common so you can be sure you never commit these interview sins: Im just such a perfectionist. Sifting through job boards, sending out resumes, and preparing for interviews can take up hours of your day that you might not have to spare. Being asked about your weaknesses in an interview is intimidating. There are many potential mistakes that can be made in a job interview, but some are more common than others. Knowing what the employer is looking for is the best way to avoid pitfalls and turn the question to your advantage. Capturing far too much unplanned content at this stage made the editing ordeal a nightmare. ON THE WORK FRONT FOR DINO MOREA. To help you prepare for your interview, here are a few example answers that demonstrate the points mentioned. Recruiters will not only take for granted that these strengths will come up repeatedly during the interview process, but may find the sameness of what they hear start blurring together as unremarkable. 2013;122(2):339-52. doi:10.1037/a0031994, Pieter R, Nababan D, Ariawan S, Listio S, Ruben S. Improving interpersonal skills to overcome the negative effects of overthinking in the disruption era. Ways to develop stronger interpersonal skills include: Meditation can be an excellent tool for redirecting your thoughts more positively. It also displays a critical lack of self-reflection and can easily come across as arrogant. Instead, welcome the opportunity to tip the scales in your favor by framing weaknesses as strengths. This is an important part of the hiring process, so it can be helpful to think about your strengths and weaknesses ahead. For all the face-saving mistakes your employer can thank you for catching in time, missed deadlines or unfinished projects may be casualties of your obsession with thoroughness and correctness at any cost. One of the ways to choose a relevant weakness is to research the role thoroughly. In a previous workplace where I took for granted that multi-tasking was a virtue, it suddenly dawned on me to question that whole notion. Pers Soc Psychol Bull. Finding a way to break out of this cycle can often help relieve some symptoms of these conditions. This can provide clues about your judgment and analytical abilities as a proactive problem-solver. ", Answering the Interview Question: "What are Two Examples of Work-Related Tasks that You Do Not Particularly Enjoy Doing?". The STAR method is a fantastic approach for all interview questions. It doesnt tell the interviewer anything and will either sound like youre oversharing (which could become awkward) or that youre dodging the question. Instead of accepting that different outcomes are possible, you might assume that certain things will "always" or "never" happen. After all, youre there to show them how capable you are, not to talk about what youre bad at. For example, if you are interviewing for a position as an accountant, stating that you are bad at math would create a negative impact on your chances of getting hired. ", "What is the biggest regret youll have on leaving your present job? J Abnorm Psychol. Also, be honest about why you left and what inspired you to look for a new opportunity. Youll probably have the interviewer agreeing with you. Answers like I work too hard or I am too knowledgeable will do you no favours at all. However, interviewers can gain a huge amount of insight from this simple question (or a variant of it). If youre still truly concerned about something you said or did during the interview, take just a few minutes to ask yourself: Is this something I can fix in a couple sentences in my thank you note? Required fields are marked *. But if you're a little too honest or if your weakness is a critical one, you risk sabotaging your interview. Overthinking can create an endless cycle of stress and worry, which can ultimately cause you to feel less prepared, motivated, and confident. Prepare carefully for this opportunity to show deeper dimensions of your worthiness as a serious job contender. Our strengths help us navigate our weaknesses, so its a fine strategy to weave one into your answer. As your mental health declines, you are more likely you are to ruminate on your thoughts. Highlight the first and last job you had, how long you worked there, and the companys name. In the same way your most directly relevant strengths should always be tailored to the position and employer, so should the specific weaknesses you choose to mention (or not) in any given interview. This is not a weakness that reveals anything about you professionally. The following are my top tips for tackling this seemingly awkward job interview question. If youre struggling to come up with any weaknesses, its probably not because youre perfect. But if you tend to overanalyze, youre going to find yourself spending the next three full days coming up with list after list of ways you want to improve your interviewing skills. Then we took the 10 worst questions and looked for expert advice on how to tackle them. In this new role, I will continue to be incredibly mindful of my facial expressions. Putting your effort into writing a thoughtful note will do much more good than thinking through your interview for the hundredth time. All products and services featured are independently selected by WikiJob. Whatever your weaknesses may be, make sure to focus on them and avoid talking about anything related to the job you are interviewing for. Soc Sci Med. If you are enjoying plain sailing during an interview, a question about your weaknesses could send you towards rocky waters. Its so frustrating that you werent able to think of this answer just an hour ago. Im able to say yes, no or maybe without hesitation, or any sense of guilt for letting anyone down. Also ill-advised: Id rather not say, or Hmm, Id have to give that more thought.. Even if youve done your research and feel confident about your qualifications, there are bound to be a few common job interview questions that catch you off guard. Not being able to answer common interview questions. Maybe you keep thinking about all the things that could go wrong when you give your presentation next week, or youve wasted countless hours trying to decide what to wear to your upcoming job interview. Ive found it much easier to handle this situation since I started using a project management app on my phone and laptop. If youre shy, you could use your ability to listen carefully and pay attention to detail to become a great listener and problem solver.
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