St. Thomas is perfectly clear and I have not misread him. I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. Now, unless you can prove Lennon is not doing this here, you have no grounds to say Lennon doesnt tell us his reasons, thus his Decree is unjust.. The claims are not supernatural in originthus says Lennon (and apparently the Holy See). of the Church. Secondly, I wold like to clarify my own position regarding this apparition site. By the logic used here, since Joan was disobedient for continuing to claim her apparitions were real, and so she was in the wrong for listening to demonic voices. What was that you said earlier about leaving ones interior life to themselves and God, 3221? see how the apparitions to father gobbi and sister faustina were treated and all the apparitions of the bmv and u just might, just might see where we are in the present age.. the high clergy treated the lord in a shamful manner and now for the last almost two hundred yrs the visionaries and appearnces of the the bvm are being treated in the way of the intellect because the old deceiver has learned the way of the western civilization is prideful and greedy. @LizEst:disqus, I was referring to the form of the document. I have seen it myself and I know for a fact that her friends put in the piping for the water to draw people there. Thank you for posting that. It is the biggest of red flags when a visionary is disobedient to the disciplinary actions of the Church. We are sorry that the bishop has taken this position. You are missing the forest for the trees. It is very sad to see an article that is truly going to misdirect souls that could be saved. Frankly, the bishops have failed miserably in leading the souls of this country to our beautiful God. It was a strange experience overall. So, you would also accept a metaphor of a God with multiple human arms and hands like some of the Hindu gods? Patti Your name kind of rings a bell. Canonical Church language is very specific, and when a condemnation is issued it is an official canonical document with no ambiguity of language. Look at the history of apparitions. The full teachings of the our beautiful Faith are so often NOT being taught at all. There was an ultimatum with himembrace Holy Love or you are showing that you dont love/trust him or God. No one, absolutely NO ONE has been able to provide any evidence that Bishop Lennon is a heresiarch. Ive even thought of going to the Holy Love website and copying/pasting some of the more glaringly ridiculous messages to try to argue it that way, but I see it would be futile. And, when will it be out? Bishop Lennon issued an admonishment because he could not forbid Catholics from going to HLM. May God bless you and your family this Christmas season. God the Father is spirit and God the Holy Spirit is spirit. I do not think in those terms, and so my use of the word was totally innocent.. Needless to say, he backed down. btw, for those who are interested in Glenns article Private Revelations and Obedience to the Catholic Church here is the link: How is it possible, if HLM is an ecumenical group, to teach CATHOLIC doctrine and not be under the local Ordinary? I pray that one day his eyes will open, but no amount of logic will convince him of the truth. Amen, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven (Matt. Bishop Lennons is not the last word about HLM either. I just didnt see the word condemned in the citation I linked to. It is outside of the Churchs teaching and practice and nothing more. Demons can project pretty realistic looking reproductions of the BVM, Jesus and the saints. I just read yesterday about HLMs description of the remnant.. Repent and run to a merciful Savior. It was officially approved on December 8, 2010. Ive not read any recent posts about it anywhere since shortly after the Bishops condemnation of the place. His rhetoric is very specific and unique; it is easy to recognize. In fact I know him, Fr. I took a quick look at your blog. Then, of course, there is beautiful Joan of Arc who refused to disavow her voices when corrupt bishops commanded that she do so. A meeting with Holy Love representatives made it clear that the ministry will not subject themselves to the Catholic Church. You make some good points. This is a fundamental teaching of the Catholic Church. Wherefore servants are not bound to obey their masters, nor children their parents, in the question of contracting marriage or of remaining in the state of virginity or the like. That person is Jesus, the Word of God made flesh. So, instead, the devil uses a Catholic facade to lure them in. Piety, prayer and good works are not lone criteria for authenticating heavenly revelations. Dont get caught up in the politics. Jesus or Mary? Look it up in the CCC. He/She obviously doesnt get the point. Yes indeed, Bob. On the surface, everything about the site appears to be Catholic, but it is not. (meaning every wrong that has been done to you). Third, conviction is hopeful. Bishop Lennons statement said it was a warning and that is what is wasa warning. Only three are listed on the HLM Testimonies page. Where I live, there were many families traveling across several states to go to HL. Our free will gives us the power to allow grace to flow into us THROUGH Mary, or prevent that grace from flowing into us THROUGH Mary. My strength and my courage is the Lord, and he has been my savior. (Isaiah 12:2). Holy Love has changed their name numerous times. One would wonder which truth of the Catholic Faith bothers him.. Would you please cite the reference for your information on Mother Teresa? The overcast sky cleared just a bit as the sun showed itself through a thin film of clouds. So he abandoned the responsibilities of his vocation, fatherhood, and took on these other responsibilities. That 3221 was arguing from the satanic messages of HLM was apparent given his/her fierceness. It was the published messages from Marino that inspired our prayer group to form. They lied about sexual abuse and covered it up. Please ponder these words of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque after she explained to Him that she did not do something that He had asked of her because her Superior forbid it: Therefore not only do I desire that you should do what your Superior commands, but also that you should do nothing of all that I order without their consent. Im glad the Vatican is taking an active role. I affirm to you, my daughter, that each Hail Mary prayed from a loving heart will rescue one of these innocent lives from death by abortion. Do you have information or thoughts about the apparitions that supposedly occur at the site in Alabama? God bless, Tom. If the place is truly Catholic then the truth will out, as it has for every genuine apparition in Church history. He obeyed the Bishop because he knew that obedience to his Bishop and the magisterium are required by God. I would reply to you that the messages imply that the remnant faithful are those who adhere to Holy Love, i.e., you and those like you who continue to cling to the site. btw, who is publishing your book? God answers prayers. Its hard and very challenging. Get it? So, since you cannot best me in this argument, your answer now is to encourage all to ignore me. Catholic mystical theology is lacking most deplorably in so-called catechesis today. What is pointless and sad, Elizabeth? Unlike Holy Love Ministries, he was faithful and obeyed. (11/27/12-ST. JOAN OF ARC) Holy Love Messages "This is the decade (2020-2030) when it is most important to discern correctly good from evil, as Satan's instruments will rise to power clothed in goodness. If he himself is not addressing these issues, it would go a long way to explain his aversion to HLM. I showed him Thomas email and explained my use of the word condemned. I am proving, however, that we shouldnever say never. The Journal reported that Kyle responded to Lennons decree by stating: We at Holy Love ministries are, and always have been, an ecumenical ministry. Were people disobedient to believe in her although their bishop condemned her? the use of the word Cross here is meant to convey that one must consecrateset ones self apart for- entering into the sufferings of ones life with generous acceptance of Gods Will. IN TH sUMMA. Then, all their gains are lost. it does not mean not heeding a warning from a bishop. It is naive and foolish to assume something so shallow as to call one bishops discernment the Voice of the Church itself.. Bishop Zanic, local bishop of Mejugorie, disapproved of that apparition, and the Vatican disregarded his discernmemt completely and instead handed over the decision to a committee. Hildebrand says,If there are only a few persons who belileve the true Faith, they are the Church. (Catholic Apologetics). A lot of Saints also give teachings. I have been to the Holy Love site and love it and feel peace there. Im officially done (I think) discussing this with 3221. Ecumenical Nature; Recommended Approach; . The organization has been at odds with the Catholic Church almost from the start. The Devils revelations beget pride, presumption and disobedience to GODs Church on earth. What do you find erroneous? Its nothing more than one mans account of his own personal private revelations from Jesus. Your discernment needs to focus on what your bishop is doingor more to the pointnot doing. The saints and angels relaying the messages, or Mary- or maybe even Christ Himself? I call upon every poster (and future ones as well) to ignore 3221. I am obedient to God first and am fully aware of being discerning. It is not a command to obedience. He was cited for canon law violations so egregious that he was severely rebuked by Rome. 8/9/93 from Our Lady: There is no peace, save in the grace of My Heart. This is contrary to our faith. I know others also. What draws me to defend Holy Love Ministries, and which motivates me to write to you, is that I see there full, authentic Catholic doctrineand a depth presentation of that doctrinepromulgated there. For now, I can say that the word condemn is an older, more traditional term used in these affairs. "No. Been there. Let me tell you something else, Kevin. It is fair to say, going through the motions to achieve the end so much desired on an official level, was the order of the day., None of this alters the Truth of this Mission. Now compare that Jesus with the Jesus from Holy Love.. In my November of 2009 article, I said, Despite all the usual Catholic trappings chapel, statues, rosaries and religious bookstore, not to mention the throngs from across the country and globe the purported visions by Maureen Sweeney-Kyle have been condemned.Although the word condemned is the old term for a private revelation that received the constat de non supernaturalitate judgment andmy readersmay have been better served by my simply reporting what the bishop said, the point remains: The conclusion of the bishops evaluationis that if there are any apparitions going on there, they are not from God.
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