Analysis Choose the letter of the correct answer. Evaluation [Show more] Preview 3 out of 27 pages D. A clinical nurse specialist must have completed a masters degree in a clinical specialty and be a registered professional nurse. In the operating room, the nurse and physician are required to wear sterile gowns, gloves, masks, hair covers, and shoe covers for all invasive procedures. Question 1Which of the following procedures always requires surgical asepsis?ANasogastric tube insertionBUrinary catheterizationCColostomy irrigation DVaginal instillation of conjugated estrogenQuestion 1 Explanation: The urinary system is normally free of microorganisms except at the urinary meatus. A clinical nurse specialist must have completed a masters degree in a clinical specialty and be a registered professional nurse. The American Nurses Association identifies requirements for certification and offers examinations for certification in many areas of nursing., such as medical surgical nursing. - low LOC Any inflammation or obstruction that impairs bile flow will affect the stool pigment, yielding light, clay-colored stool. 31. - assess continued need and remove promptly Effective skin disinfection before a surgical procedure includes which of the following methods? All of the following are common signs and symptoms of phlebitis except: 32. Differentiate between wheezing, crackles, and rhonchi. A. Pregnancy or suspected pregnancy is the only contraindication for a chest X-ray. Withhold the moderation and notify the physician Bile obstruction A. Coughing, a protective response that clears the respiratory tract of irritants, usually is involuntary; however it can be voluntary, as when a patient is taught to perform coughing exercises. - used to evaluate urine for presence of bacteria and yeast that may cause a UTI Hemolysis occurs more rapidly in ABO incompatibilities than in Rh incompatibilities. Irrigating the bladder with Neosporin and clamping the catheter for 1 hour every 4 hours must be prescribed by a physician.Question 3In which step of the nursing process would the nurse ask a patient if the medication she administered relieved his pain?AAssessmentBEvaluation CPlanningDAnalysisQuestion 3 Explanation: In the evaluation step of the nursing process, the nurse must decide whether the patient has achieved the expected outcome that was identified in the planning phase.Question 4A patient who develops hives after receiving an antibiotic is exhibiting drug:ASynergismBToleranceCAllergy DIdiosyncrasyQuestion 4 Explanation: A drug-allergy is an adverse reaction resulting from an immunologic response following a previous sensitizing exposure to the drug. The Digestive System consists of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder. fundamentals of nursing exam 1 flashcards quizlet web what are the 5 steps in the nursing process 1 assessment 2 nursing diagnosis 3 planning 4 . Causes: - ability of the CV system to pump oxygenated blood to the tissues and return deoxygenated blood to the lungs Pouring out a small amount of solution (15 to 30 ml) before pouring the solution into a sterile container Sterile technique is used whenever: - disturbed sleeping patterns - obesity Initial vasoconstriction may cause skin to feel cold to the touch. Attempted Questions Wrong B. - decreased O2 capacity (anemia) Pain Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Barbara Kozier; Glenora Erb; Audrey Berman; Shirlee Snyder; Tracy Levett-jones, Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. 30 seconds - pneumonia or infection To move forward on my career. A positive ELISA test combined with various signs and symptoms helps to diagnose acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) - contradicted for patients who are dehydrated and for young infants Provide additional bedclothes Which of the following types of medications can be administered via gastrostomy tube? Animal sources include liver, kidneys, cream, butter, and egg yolks.Question 42The ELISA test is used to:AScreen blood donors for antibodies to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)BAll of the above CTest blood to be used for transfusion for HIV antibodiesDAid in diagnosing a patient with AIDSQuestion 42 Explanation: The ELISA test of venous blood is used to assess blood and potential blood donors to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The appropriate needle gauge for intradermal injection is: Because an intradermal injection does not penetrate deeply into the skin, a small-bore 25G needle is recommended. - neuromuscular disease Questions Not Attempted All of the following measures are recommended to prevent pressure ulcers except: 14. The nurse should seek an alternate physicians order when an ordered medication is inappropriate for delivery by tube.Question 11After routine patient contact, hand washing should last at least:A2 minuteB3 minutes C1 minuteD30 secondsQuestion 11 Explanation: Depending on the degree of exposure to pathogens, hand washing may last from 10 seconds to 4 minutes. They are pharmaceutically manufactured in these forms for valid reasons, and altering them destroys their purpose. - urinary retention What would the flow rate be if the drop factor is 15 gtt = 1 ml? A. injection. The nurse does not need to wear gloves for respiratoryisolation, but good hand washing is important for all types of isolation.Question 38Which of the following is a sign or symptom of a hemolytic reaction to blood transfusion?AChest painBHemoglobinuriaCDistended neck veins DUrticariaQuestion 38 Explanation: Hemoglobinuria, the abnormal presence of hemoglobin in the urine, indicates a hemolytic reaction (incompatibility of the donors and recipients blood). injection. Tub bathing might transfer organisms to another body site rather than rinse them away. injections; and a 25G needle, for subcutaneous insulin injections.Question 49A patient has returned to his room after femoral arteriography. Thrombophlebitis typically develops in patients with which of the following conditions? injection is to:ALocate the upper aspect of the upper outer quadrant of the buttock about 5 to 8 cm below the iliac crestBPalpate a 1 circular area anterior to the umbilicusCDivide the area between the greater femoral trochanter and the lateral femoral condyle into thirds, and select the middle third on the anterior of the thigh DPalpate the lower edge of the acromion process and the midpoint lateral aspect of the armQuestion 22 Explanation: The vastus lateralis, a long, thick muscle that extends the full length of the thigh, is viewed by many clinicians as the site of choice for I.M. - popping and crackling sound A natural body defense that plays an active role in preventing infection is: Hair on or within body areas, such as the nose, traps and holds particles that contain microorganisms. Thus, a count of 25,000/mm3 indicates leukocytosis. Evaluation: How would you evaluate if your interventions are effective? Chest pain - coolness of extremities Many medications and foods will discolor stool for example, drugs containing iron turn stool black. Applying a topical antiseptic to the skin on the evening before surgery - to create the effect of intestinal irritation to stimulate peristalsis 5) healthy heart, renal (renal = low sodium; avoid processed foods) Shaving the site of the intended surgery might cause breaks in the skin, thereby increasing the risk of infection; however, if indicated, shaving, should be done immediately before surgery, not the day before. The gloves should be adjusted by sliding the gloved fingers under the sterile cuff and pulling the glove over the wrist - personal habits Fundamentals of Nursing Add to My Courses Documents (326) Questions Students (625) Book related documents Kozier and Erb's Fundamentals of Nursing Volume 1-3 Barbara Kozier; Glenora Erb; Audrey Berman; Shirlee Snyder; Tracy Levett-jones Lecture notes Date Rating year Ratings Show 8 more documents Show all 96 documents. The purpose of protective (reverse)isolation is to prevent a person with seriously impaired resistance from coming into contact who potentially pathogenic organisms. - education on breathing techniques Which of the following constitutes a break in sterile technique while preparing a sterile field for a dressing change? Shaded items are complete. Opening the door of the patients room leading into the hospital corridor Splinting the abdomen supports the abdominal muscles when a patient coughs.Question 29The primary purpose of a platelet count is to evaluate the:APotential for bleedingBPresence of an antigen-antibody responseCPotential for clot formationDPresence of cardiac enzymes Constipation is characterized by small, hard masses. Presence of cardiac enzymes - includes foods that are typically bland: well-cooked vegetables, low-fiber cereals, east-to-chew proteins The urinary system is normally free of microorganisms except at the urinary meatus. Rapid eye movement marks the stage of sleep during which dreaming occurs.Question 41Which of the following patients is at greater risk for contracting an infection?AA postoperative patient who has undergone orthopedic surgeryBA patient with leukopeniaCA patient receiving broad-spectrum antibioticsDA newly diagnosed diabetic patient Question 41 Explanation: Leukopenia is a decreased number of leukocytes (white blood cells), which are important in resisting infection. - dizziness 44. Normal WBC counts range from 5,000 to 100,000/mm3. D. Bile colors the stool brown. 2) Adolescents: Anorexia Rapid eye movement marks the stage of sleep during which dreaming occurs. Because of the danger of anaphylactic shock, he nurse should withhold the drug and notify the physician, who may choose to substitute another drug. Chest pain and urticaria may be symptoms of impending anaphylaxis. When administering the medication, the nurse observes a fine rash on the patients skin. So, after removing gloves and washing hands, the nurse should untie the back of the gown; slowly move backward away from the gown, holding the inside of the gown and keeping the edges off the floor; turn and fold the gown inside out; discard it in a contaminated linen container; then wash her hands again. A red streak exiting the IV insertion site - widespread availability of unhealthy/fast food D. Studies have shown that showering with an antiseptic soap before surgery is the most effective method of removing microorganisms from the skin. Immobility also results in more alkaline urine with excessive amounts of calcium, sodium and phosphate, a gradual decrease in urine production, and an increased specific gravity. Bowel and Urinary Elimination (11-13 Questions): Explain the function and role of the urinary system and bowel structures in urine and stool formation and elimination. 42. Pureed Diet: - anxiety attacks - alternatives (external and intermittent catheterization). The best way of determining whether a patient has learned to instill ear medication properly is for the nurse to: 33. This test bank for nurses has over 595 NCLEX-style practice questions divided into four sets. Hemolysis occurs more rapidly in ABO incompatibilities than in Rh incompatibilities. In a recumbent, immobilized patient, lung ventilation can become altered, leading to such respiratory complications as: 38. Capsules, enteric-coated tablets, and most extended duration or sustained release products should not be dissolved for use in a gastrostomy tube. Kussmails respirations and hypoventilation D. gr 10 x 60mg/gr 1 = 600 mg - a catheter places through the thorax to remove air and fluids from the pleural space Perfusion: 30. The National League of Nursing accredits educational programs in nursing and provides a testing service to evaluate student nursing competence but it does not certify nurses. fundamentals of nursing 9th edition test bank potter and quizlet web a nurse assesses a patient s fluid status and decides that the patient needs to drink more fluids the nurse then encourages the . The National League of Nursing accredits educational programs in nursing and provides a testing service to evaluate student nursing competence but it does not certify nurses. IV or an intradermal injection Cerebral Aneurysm Nursing Diagnosis and Nursing Care Plan. This is done by blood typing (a test that determines a persons blood type) and cross-matching (a procedure that determines the compatibility of the donors and recipients blood after the blood types has been matched). - oral health Exam Mode Questions and choices are randomly arranged, time limit of 1min per question, answers and grade will be revealed after finishing the exam. - maintain skin integrity around stoma 11 cards. Hyperkalemia During the admission interview, the nurse should implement which communication techniques to elicit the most information from the parents? Chest pain and urticaria may be symptoms of impending anaphylaxis. It cannot be administered subcutaneously or intradermally. Graduated from an associate degree program and is a registered professional nurse Respiratory isolation, like strict isolation, requires that the door to the door patients room remain closed. Received credentials from the Philippine Nurses Association Any procedure that involves entering this system must use surgically aseptic measures to maintain a bacteria-free state.Question 2Which of the following statements about chest X-ray is false?ABefore the procedure, the patient should remove all jewelry, metallic objects, and buttons above the waistBA signed consent is not requiredCEating, drinking, and medications are allowed before this test DNo contradictions exist for this testQuestion 2 Explanation: Pregnancy or suspected pregnancy is the only contraindication for a chest X-ray. injections; and a 25G needle, for subcutaneous insulin injections. The middle third of the muscle is recommended as the injection site. Tolerance to a drug means that the patient experiences a decreasing physiologic response to repeated administration of the drug in the same dosage. All of the following are good sources of vitamin A except: The main sources of vitamin A are yellow and green vegetables (such as carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, spinach, collard greens, broccoli, and cabbage) and yellow fruits (such as apricots, and cantaloupe). EXAMPLES: pudding, broths, ice cream Make sure to include insertion, placement, checks, feedings, decompression, and ongoing monitoring. Ask the patient if he/she has used ear drops before 1) Infants-School Age: Muscles of the abdomen, back, and upper arms may be easily injured. Yawning and hiccupping do not prevent microorganisms from entering or leaving the body. A. Parenteral penicillin can be administered I.M. 1,2, and 3 Terms in this set (61) Florence nightingale is also known as? The other answers are appropriate nursing interventions for a patient who has undergone femoral arteriography. These symptoms probably indicate that the patient is experiencing:AHyperkalemiaBHypokalemiaCDysphagia DAnorexiaQuestion 42 Explanation: Fatigue, muscle cramping, and muscle weaknesses are symptoms of hypokalemia (an inadequate potassium level), which is a potential side effect of diuretic therapy. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. PRIORITY Patient Activity Part I: Who does the nurse see first? Fundamentals of Nursing Exam 3 Overview of Exam 3: - 40 Questions - 60 minutes to take - multiple choice, select all that apply, fill in the blank - on Canvas Click the card to flip . . After routine patient contact, hand washing for 30 seconds effectively minimizes the risk of pathogen transmission. Dysphagia means difficulty swallowing.Question 43In a recumbent, immobilized patient, lung ventilation can become altered, leading to such respiratory complications as:AKussmails respirations and hypoventilation BAppneustic breathing, atypical pneumonia and respiratory alkalosisCCheyne-Strokes respirations and spontaneous pneumothoraxDRespiratory acidosis, ateclectasis, and hypostatic pneumoniaQuestion 43 Explanation: Because of restricted respiratory movement, a recumbent, immobilize patient is at particular risk for respiratory acidosis from poor gas exchange; atelectasis from reduced surfactant and accumulated mucus in the bronchioles, and hypostatic pneumonia from bacterial growth caused by stasis of mucus secretions.Question 44A clinical nurse specialist is a nurse who has:ACompleted a masters degree in the prescribed clinical area and is a registered professional nurse. A. Nurses and other health care professionals previously believed that massaging a reddened area with lotion would promote venous return and reduce edema to the area. If this activity does not load, try refreshing your browser. Hemolysis occurs more rapidly in ABO incompatibilities than in Rh incompatibilities. solutions or medications), mechanical irritants (the needle or catheter used during venipuncture or cannulation), or a localized allergic reaction to the needle or catheter. - temperature changes C. 100ml/60 min X 15 gtt/ 1 ml = 25 gtt/minute - airway management. No contradictions exist for this test The nurse explains to a patient that a cough: 37. D. In the evaluation step of the nursing process, the nurse must decide whether the patient has achieved the expected outcome that was identified in the planning phase. However, if a chest X-ray is necessary, the patient can wear a lead apron to protect the pelvic region from radiation. Pregnancy or suspected pregnancy is the only contraindication for a chest X-ray. - effectively communicate 19. 1) regular, heart healthy, renal Renal Failure Normal WBC counts range from 5,000 to 100,000/mm3. - maintain skin integrity around stoma The most appropriate time for the nurse to obtain a sputum specimen for culture is: Obtaining a sputum specimen early in this morning ensures an adequate supply of bacteria for culturing and decreases the risk of contamination from food or medication. Questions and choices are randomly arranged, the answer is revealed instantly after each question, and there is no time limit for the exam. Signs and symptoms of phlebitis include pain or discomfort, edema and heat at the I.V. solutions or medications), mechanical irritants (the needle or catheter used during venipuncture or cannulation), or a localized allergic reaction to the needle or catheter. - dehydration The American Nurses Association identifies requirements for certification and offers examinations for certification in many areas of nursing., such as medical surgical nursing. Tap Water Enema: Muscles of the abdomen, back, and upper arms may be easily injured.Question 15Which of the following statements about chest X-ray is false?AEating, drinking, and medications are allowed before this test BA signed consent is not requiredCNo contradictions exist for this testDBefore the procedure, the patient should remove all jewelry, metallic objects, and buttons above the waistQuestion 15 Explanation: Pregnancy or suspected pregnancy is the only contraindication for a chest X-ray. Adhering to a schedule for positioning and turning Interventions: What interventions would you provide to promote adequate elimination? Fatigue, muscle cramping, and muscle weaknesses are symptoms of hypokalemia (an inadequate potassium level), which is a potential side effect of diuretic therapy. She takes the topics that the students are learning and expands on them to try to help with their understanding of the nursing process and help nursing students pass the NCLEX exams. Administer the medication with an antihistamine Eating, drinking and medications are allowed because the X-ray is of the chest, not the abdominal region.Question 3Immobility impairs bladder elimination, resulting in such disorders asAIncreased urine acidity and relaxation of the perineal muscles, causing incontinenceBDiuresis, natriuresis, and decreased urine specific gravityCDecreased calcium and phosphate levels in the urine DUrine retention, bladder distention, and infectionQuestion 3 Explanation: The immobilized patient commonly suffers from urine retention caused by decreased muscle tone in the perineum. Which of the following statements about chest X-ray is false? Wrong The lady of the lamp Who were the original nurses before the profession became more profound? Host 67864 Report Document Comments Please sign inor registerto post comments. The most appropriate time for the nurse to obtain a sputum specimen for culture is: 20. NR222 Exam 3 Final. - evaluates for a variety of disorders A patient has returned to his room after femoral arteriography. In this reaction, antibodies in the recipients plasma combine rapidly with donor RBCs; the cells are hemolyzed in either circulatory or reticuloendothelial system. Impending constipation A. Idiosyncrasy Results CAUTI: Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection A nasogastric tube is a thin, soft tube that goes through the nose, down the throat, and into the stomach She received her RN license in 1997. Increased partial thromboplastin time indicates a prolonged bleeding time during fibrin clot formation, commonly the result of anticoagulant (heparin) therapy. C. Respiratory isolation, like strict isolation, requires that the door to the door patients room remain closed. The Urinary Tract 25,000/mm Choose the letter of the correct answer. - physical activity Care of Bowel Stomas: Hair on or within body areas, such as the nose, traps and holds particles that contain microorganisms. Which of the following procedures always requires surgical asepsis? When transferring a patient from a bed to a chair, the nurse should use which muscles to avoid back injury? 13 gtt/minute Enteric precautions prevent the transfer of pathogens via feces. Rapid eye movements Anorexia is another symptom of hypokalemia. - choking concerns The best way of determining whether a patient has learned to instill ear medication properly is for the nurse to: Ask the patient to demonstrate the procedure, Ask the patient if he/she has used ear drops before, Demonstrate the procedure to the patient and encourage to ask questions, Have the patient repeat the nurses instructions using her own words. Failing to wear gloves when administering a bed bath The physician orders gr 10 of aspirin for a patient. All doneNeed more practice!Keep trying!Not bad!Good work!Perfect! - increased metabolic rate (fever) Complete blood count (CBC) and electrolyte levels. - fluid intake - carry oxygen and carbon dioxide The equivalent dose in milligrams is:A0.6 mgB10 mgC600 mg D60 mgQuestion 31 Explanation: gr 10 x 60mg/gr 1 = 600 mgQuestion 32A patient with no known allergies is to receive penicillin every 6 hours. Respiratory acidosis, ateclectasis, and hypostatic pneumonia 36. This test bank for nurses has over 595 NCLEX-style practice questions divided into four sets. A patient with no known allergies is to receive penicillin every 6 hours. The most appropriate nursing action would be to: 21. Many medications and foods will discolor stool for example, drugs containing iron turn stool black. - lack of access to safe places to play/exercise If the blood specimens are incompatible, hemolysis and antigen-antibody reactions will occur. This procedure seals medication deep into the muscle, thereby minimizing skin staining and irritation. Partial-Credit Why are these interventions effective? - normally, a bladder can hold up to 2 cups of urine. All of the following statement are true about donning sterile gloves except: 11. - "nothing by mouth" If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Living Will: states specific types of medical care that a person wishes to receive if the person can no longer make those decisions In this reaction, antibodies in the recipients plasma combine rapidly with donor RBCs; the cells are hemolyzed in either circulatory or reticuloendothelial system. Hint - pregnancy - patient should initially extend the neck, then flex the neck forward once the tube is in the back of the throat - infections (pneumonia) Applying additional bed clothes helps to equalize the body temperature and stop the chills. - use with caution in pregnant women and older adults because they cause electrolyte imbalance or damage to the intestinal mucosa, Stoma = surgically created opening 16. Therefore, used needles should never be recapped; instead they should be inserted in a specially designed puncture resistant, labeled container. You have not finished your quiz. 1 minute - urine travels through the urinary system or urinary tract, which consists of kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra When sterile items are allowed to come in contact with the edges of the field, the sterile items also become contaminated.Question 22The correct method for determining the vastus lateralis site for I.M. - exercise Provide increased ventilation Because of this, limiting the patients intake of oral and I.V. Strictisolation requires the use of clean gloves, masks, gowns and equipment to prevent the transmission of highly communicable diseases by contact or by airborne routes. In which step of the nursing process would the nurse ask a patient if the medication she administered relieved his pain? Idiosyncrasy is an individuals unique hypersensitivity to a drug, food, or other substance; it appears to be genetically determined. Which of the following blood tests should be performed before a blood transfusion? The middle third of the muscle is recommended as the injection site. AHostBPortal of entry CReservoirDMode of transmissionQuestion 31 Explanation: In the circular chain of infection, pathogens must be able to leave their reservoir and be transmitted to a susceptible host through a portal of entry, such as broken skin.Question 32The physician orders an IV solution of dextrose 5% in water at 100ml/hour. Urine Exam Mode Questions and choices are randomly arranged, time limit of 1min per question, answers and grade will be revealed after finishing the exam. - lung diseases (COPD, pneumonia, asthma) - allow for time with loved ones injections because it:ACan be used only when the patient is lying downBBruises too easilyCCan accommodate only 1 ml or less of medicationDDoes not readily parenteral medication Question 15 Explanation: The mid-deltoid injection site can accommodate only 1 ml or less of medication because of its size and location (on the deltoid muscle of the arm, close to the brachial artery and radial nerve).Question 16The physician orders an IV solution of dextrose 5% in water at 100ml/hour. Have the patient repeat the nurses instructions using her own words - after placement is verified via x-ray, do secondary verification by aspiration (check pH) Idiosyncrasy is an individuals unique hypersensitivity to a drug, food, or other substance; it appears to be genetically determined. - important for clients to receive proper nutrients Enhancing my Professional Caregiving course to Nursing Aid Course, To achieve more knowledge in general nursing, This is very helpful to students academia. The equivalent dose in milligrams is: You have not finished your quiz. Return Been certified by the National League for Nursing, Received credentials from the Philippine Nurses Association, Graduated from an associate degree program and is a registered professional nurse. Diuresis, natriuresis, and decreased urine specific gravity Rubbing the injection site is contraindicated because it may cause the medication to extravasate into the skin. Tub bathing might transfer organisms to another body site rather than rinse them away.Question 11Thrombophlebitis typically develops in patients with which of the following conditions?AChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) BIncreases partial thromboplastin timeCAcute pulsus paradoxusDAn impaired or traumatized blood vessel wallQuestion 11 Explanation: The factors, known as Virchows triad, collectively predispose a patient to thromboplebitis; impaired venous return to the heart, blood hypercoagulability, and injury to a blood vessel wall. Aid in diagnosing a patient with AIDS Attempts to cool the body result in further shivering, increased metabloism, and thus increased heat production.Question 34Clay colored stools indicate:AUpper GI bleedingBAn effect of medicationCImpending constipationDBile obstruction Question 34 Explanation: Bile colors the stool brown. Strictisolation requires the use of clean gloves, masks, gowns and equipment to prevent the transmission of highly communicable diseases by contact or by airborne routes. 8) Following aseptic insertion of the urinary catheter, maintain a closed drainage system - amount and frequency depends on fluid intake A. Hemoglobinuria, the abnormal presence of hemoglobin in the urine, indicates a hemolytic reaction (incompatibility of the donors and recipients blood). Initial sensitivity to penicillin is commonly manifested by a skin rash, even in individuals who have not been allergic to it previously. The two blood vessels most commonly used for TPN infusion are the: EXAMPLES: broth, gelatin, water, tea, fruit juices, sports drunks However, research has shown that massage only increases the likelihood of cellular ischemia and necrosis to the area. 4. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) After routine patient contact, hand washing for 30 seconds effectively minimizes the risk of pathogen transmission.Question 12The appropriate needle size for insulin injection is:A18G, 1 longB22G, 1 longC25G, 5/8 long D22G, 1 longQuestion 12 Explanation: A 25G, 5/8 needle is the recommended size for insulin injection because insulin is administered by the subcutaneous route.
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