PHILLIPS: And her man on the inside, Officer Mark Fuhrman had plenty to say on the subject. torture. They also did not hear the 39 other times Fuhrman used the n-word tapes obtained by the defense. The LAPD detective answered Bailey, under oath, saying he had not used the word in the past 10 years as of that date, March 15, 1995. He later says; 'Well, the funny thing about it is just like the attorney said, `For the rest of your life, this is you: you're bloody glove Fuhrman, that's it. It's the man. - Describing LAPDnarcoticsunit, 'First thing, anything out of a n*****'s mouth for the first five or six sentences is a f****** lie. The Fuhrman tapes revealed. These excerpts from the hours of white supremacist and criminal statements made by Detective Fuhrman that were played in Court became known as \"The Fuhrman Tapes\". In the transcript, Fuhrman tells screenwriting professor Laura Hart McKinny about the investigation of a shooting at a housing project in Hollenbeck Division, which includes the Los Angeles. PHILLIPS: And divided our country. And you go how could this have happened to us? HART MCKINNY: I could tell there was a story - I didn't t know what the story was that I was - to deal with him. Excerpts you are now hearing for the very first time. HART MCKINNY: He said that. PHILLIPS: Really? PHILLIPS: She told Fuhrman she was writing about a woman cop. There must be some evidence in the record from which counsel might argue, however reasonably or unreasonably, that Fuhrman moved a glove from the Bundy crime scene to the defendant's Rockingham residence for the purpose of placing blame for two brutal and savage murders upon the defendant. PHILLIPS: And internal investigations. Judge Lance Ito ruled against use of the tape . Simpson Murder Trial. The day after the tapes were played for the jury, Fuhrman once again took the witness stand and said to every question asked by the defense; 'I wish to assert my 5th Amendment privilege.'. HART MCKINNY: Can I use all those? PHILLIPS: What do you mean brief encounters? I said I mean you guys actually go to the park after work and just drink beer and then great women? PHILLIPS: Voices like Tia Morris. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We will be doing a reorganization of the department, and it will serve the best interest of the duties of this department and the citizens of Los Angeles. "[13], The Los Angeles Police Department conducted an investigation to determine the validity of Fuhrman's claims on the tapes. She looks just like one of those monkeys they send out of the castle. HART MCKINNY: He violated all of our principles, and he glances at the note pad, kissing one female officer on duty in uniform and embarrassing us all. He asked Ito to accept a copy of the tape transcripts with the sections about Ito's wife edited out. BAYAN LEWIS, FORMER ASSISTANT CHIEF, LAPD: Because the command staff that was in charge of him did not do the job they should have done, which is to deal with the issue in a strong manner. Did you ever at any point feel I need to report what he is saying? 'I don't know what else to do. O.J. That brief recording heard by the jury was taken from 13 hours of interviews between Fuhrman and screenwriter Laura McKinny recorded between 1985 and 1994, with the last tape being made a month after Simpson was charged in his wife's murder. He didn't belong. They're utterly incompetent and they're dangerous. PHILLIPS: And then you thought? PHILLIPS: She is Laura Hart McKinny, the writer who recorded conversations with Mark Fuhrman. Somebody's got to make the decision. c. That McKinny has had tape recorded and transcribed conversations with Fuhrman for the nine-year period between April of 1985 and July of 1994. d. That during the course of those conversations between 1985 and 1986 Fuhrman used the term "nigger" in a disparaging manner 41 times. Where were you going? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And you're still trying to Market this? THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. PHILLIPS: Fuhrman and others were not formally punished but Fuhrman's reputation took a hit. "[14], On May 16, 1997, the Los Angeles Times ran a piece signed by Katherine Spillar (Co-chair, the Women's Advisory Council to the Los Angeles Police Commission) and Penny Harrington (Director of the National Center for Women & Policing) and stating that "The long-awaited Police Commission report released on the Mark Fuhrman tapes revealed that the LAPD command has known for years about orchestrated sexual harassment and intimidation of female officers and has done nothing to stop it. When you heard those tape recordings for the first time, what did you think? Their natural response is split. They are going to say that I planted the glove to be able to sell to peddle this which is absolutely psycho. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hundreds of inert views were conducted and nearly a quarter of a million documents were reviewed. Really is extraordinary, isn't it?' The judge barred the defense from submitting to jurors any statements Fuhrman made in nine years of taped interviews with a North Carolina screenwriter in which he boasted about planting. See the article in its original context from. PHILLIPS: However, there was, as Fuhrman describes, a way to avoid being quote put on trial. Discussion of the O. J. Simpson Murder Trial Is On-Line as Well as on the Air -- N.Y. Times, February 14, 1995. Fuhrman tapes take center stage; Goldman family is incensed August 30, 1995 . Four suspects ran into a second-story. PHILLIPS: The verdict didn't make her feel any safer. FUHRMAN: Sure. The defense contends the tapes portray Fuhrman as a liar - he testified earlier in the trial that he hadn't used the racial slur in the last decade - and show he is capable of planting evidence against Simpson. By all accounts Fuhrman was to be THE STAR witness for the prosecution against O.J. Then in 1991 there was this, a grainy video of four white cops beating Rodney King. LAURA HART MCKINNY, JOURNALIST: I picked up the phone. That way, said Cochran, Ito could . Mark Fuhrman was the detective in the investigation and would play a pivotal role in the trial. HART MCKINNY: He just sort of stopped and -- a woman cop? HART MCKINNY: Yes. PHILLIPS: In 1983 she was new to the force and ready to protect and serve in west L.A. at roll call, rookie officers like Morris sat up front. August 15, 1995 . Best of the Sidebars in the OJ Simpson Trial, bar disclosure of Simpson's financial status, bar Nicole's "he's going to kill me" statement to the police, bar testimony about Simpson's "stalking" or "battering", bar testimony about Simpson's drug use & adultery, bar reference to the Brown family selling items/stories to the media, bar reference to Simpson's financial support of the Browns, bar "Rockingham blood was planted" theory, bar reference to Fuhrman's invocation of the 5th. PHILLIPS: Tribunals. Greg Lefevre, Correspondent . UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They show the tapes will show he was a racist capable of planting a bloody glove. The prosecutor, the sergeant in arms stands by the defendant. Meeting here at the park in the dead of night, what was your reaction? - On racial profiling suspects, 'How do you intellectualize when you punch the hell out of a n*****? That McKinny has had tape recorded and transcribed conversations with Fuhrman for the nine-year period between April of 1985 and July of 1994. d. That during the course of those conversations. That is really their natural response. He is very capable of protecting himself. So who told Pat McKenna you had these tapes? So a month and a half after the murders, Fuhrman tells you this. "Both down when I arrived. And I'm sorry to be the one to bring it to the forefront in such a grossly insensitive way. Use critters. How did it unfold before you thought this guy can help me? - On making decisions at crime scenes, 'I mean narcotics isn't full of n****** and Mexicans. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Fire and the blaze were held off by rioters. N******. HART MCKINNY: Yes, it's time. HART MCKINNY: I'm thinking that she wanted to protect the integrity of the trial. PHILLIPS: Seemingly makes guys aware that if they are nice to female officers there will be consequences. The defense may play and display the following excerpts as impeachment: The court finds the probative value of the remaining examples to be substantially and overwhelmingly outweighed by the danger of undue prejudice. FUHRMAN: I assert my Fifth Amendment privilege. Boys will be boys and we needed to tell the organization if you even claim to be engaged in this kind of behavior, we'll investigate it and let chips fall where they may and secondly, if it was within statute, then we would take it to the district attorney and file on it. Transcript Providers Return to Transcripts main page CNN Special Reports After O.J. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We in the jury and involve in title action find the defendant Orenthal James Simpson not guilty of the crime of murder and violation of penal code. PHILLIPS: Bernard Parks was an LAPD deputy chief when Fuhrman came up to promotion. - On racial makeup of LA, 'N***** drivin' a Porsche that doesn't look like he's got a $300 suit on, you always stop him.' They didn't want to be detectives but now they see the writing on the wall. The court has reviewed each of the 41 uses of the racial epithet in question either by reference to the transcript(s), audio tapes or both. PHILLIPS: And then you lost on appeal. HART MCKINNY: Yes. Questions then arose how she could not remember Fuhrman given the fact that he spoke so angrily about her on the tapes. [10] After paying a $200 fine, Fuhrman was released from his probation in April 1998[11] and the conviction was later expunged from his record. But Fuhrman wasn't the only one with this attitude towards women. PHILLIPS: As Bailey was grilling Fuhrman, no one knew about Laura Hart McKinny tapes, except for her and a few close allies. PHILLIPS: So she is telling her story, her truth and for the first time excerpts from the Fuhrman tapes you've never heard, vulgar, sexist. PHILLIPS: Today, no longer a screenplay consultant, or a cop, Fuhrman, who declined to be interviewed for this program, is an author. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Chief Willy Williams proposed sweeping changes in how his department handles sexual harassment. . There's just no way to do it all. FUHRMAN: You got to be a border line socio path, you got to be violent. They said, look, we've been saying all along that you use the n-word, that you lie and it took years after this to deal with it. He knew exactly how important he was. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Not guilty of murder. So to this day you don't know who gave you up, basically to the defense. Was completing this book therapeutic for you after all these decades? Go "on guard?" And, if I go down, they lose the case. um. PHILLIPS: Exactly what McKinny needed to write her screen play about misogyny in the Los Angeles police department? HART MCKINNY: It's been an emotional journey. Trial Transcripts PHILLIPS: But infamous is very different from famous. But it's really their natural response. PHILLIPS: Why would he want to keep talking to you for so many years? Why? However, as noted above, the court retains some discretion in controlling the inquiry. HART MCKINNY: I just froze and said yes and then we left town, immediately, because I had no idea what to do. Man, it has the smell of n****** that have been beaten and killed in there for years.' Simpson trial, Tia Morris testified before an administrative board about the behavior of Mark Fuhrman and other officers. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was a belly punch at the wrong time. He also told Sawyer that he does not think he had anything to do With Simpson being cleared of all charges in the case. It fails to support the admissibility of these incidents of alleged misconduct as prior bad acts or evidence of custom and habit. - Describing LA neighborhood, 'I mean, that's just the way you feel, you know. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are tragically into the third day of this major riot-- PHILLIPS: Los Angeles. [23:05:00] HART MCKINNY: Judge who was an acquaintance of mine in L.A. PHILLIPS: Did that surprise you? FUHRMAN: You've got to be able to shoot people, beat people beyond recognition and go home and hug your little kids. PHILLIPS: And your thought was? FUHRMAN: Yes. PHILLIPS: Laura Hart McKinny tells all. I was trying to do a screenplay. He even gave that response to the last question asked by the defense as to whether or not he planted evidence at Simpson's home. No, I want to be infamous. FUHRMAN: It was like a man and wife relationship, you know. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When you're watching the trial and you see this and you know what you've got on those tapes, what were you thinking? The transcript and audio of that portion of the tapes was never released. It was a misplaced effort and I did it the wrong way. HART MCKINNY: I spent time writing here thinking about what it would be like for the MAW guys to be here. PHILLIPS: And she remains mostly silent until now. Fuhrman was uncomfortable with the attention the trial brought to him and wished things had been different. I was a reason the jury latched on to so they could feel good about themselves. In another story Fuhrman admits that he will appear at trials and provide information under oath to support officers even if he does not know the information to be true claiming that unlike his fellow officers he knows how to testify. A competent woman cop I think is more accurate. HART MCKINNY: I couldn't believe it. 'We stopped the choke because a bunch of n****** have a bunch of these organizations in the south end, and because all n****** are choked out and killed - twelve in ten years. It's got to be happening around the country. I don't know if you've heard that before, but what's your reaction to that? To drive this home, Bailey at one point asked Fuhrman if he had ever used a racial slur, specifically the n-word, at any point in the past 10 years. This is a conversation we're . Transcripts Of The Fuhrman Tapes Excerpts Show Why They Were Such A Blow To The State's Case Entertainment These Fuhrman Tapes Excerpts Are Disturbing by Caitlin Flynn March 29, 2016 John. PHILLIPS: Who lied on the stand. In the transcript, Fuhrman tells screenwriter and professor Laura Hart McKinny about the investigation of a shooting at a housing project in the Hollenbeck Division, which includes Boyle. Two of my buddies were shot and ambushed, policemen. Yes, sir. So your goal was to write a screen play about sexism within the LAPD. What did he mean by that? It's over.' Superior Court Judge John Reid said York was not relevant to the case after listening to the tapes, and the trial resumed soon after. - On suspects resisting arrest, 'You just go out and what are gonna do with some n***** with a knife? He did specify he knew it was stemming from Fuhrman and said he was going to start an investigation and he did. PHILLIPS: And it was a trial that from the start was clearly about race, in a city with a deep history of racial turmoil. HART MCKINNY: Yes. You know they're caught between dimensions. Simpson, including a bloody glove. You'll do what you're told, you understand n*****.' (COMMERCIAL BREAK) [23:13:35] PHILLIPS: Making it in Hollywood was screen writer Laura Hart McKinny's dream and she knew exactly what her movie should be about. PHILLIPS: In the end the task force confirmed 12 of 29 events describe by Fuhrman. - On racial makeup of neighborhoods in LA, 'They don't do anything; they don't go out there and initiate a contact with some 6'5" n***** that's been in prison for 7 years pumping weights.' 'Did you ever try to find a bruise on a n*****. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The thought of the party takes your breath away. But just about everything he told McKinny was bigger, bloodier and more violent than the actual events, with one exception, MAW, Men against women. PHILLIPS: So did she want to protect Mark Fuhrman? Simpson, was charged with the murders. There is the Rolling 60's, n***** group they went into a sporting good store and stole 50 Uzis, 3,000 rounds.'
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