divers other Dayes and Times as well before as after certaine Detestable arts, called witchcrafts & Sorceries wickedly and feloniously hath used Practised & Exercised at and within the Townership of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and ag't one Mary Wallcott of Salem Village Single woman, by which Said wicked arts the s'd. She had several descendants in high places: her fifth great-grandson, Chester A. Arthur, served as the 21st U.S. president, and her eighth great-grandson served as the 46th vice president Dick . In 1700, Joseph Calef recounted a gruesome eye-witness account of the burial of George Burroughs and other victims, when he was cut down, he was dragged by the Halter to a Hole, or Grave, between the Rocks, about two Foot deeptogether with Willard and Carryer, one of his Hands and his Chin, and a Foot of one of them left uncovered.[22] This burial, however, seems discounted by recent research, which shows the shallow soil lacking indications of human remains. will be on your left after roughly 1/3-1/2 mile. Daughter of Richard North, of Salisbury and Joan North Pressy of Salsbury Con. Known children: 1. You have been a long time coming to day said Mercy Lewes, you can come fast enough in the night, And then said Mercy, & all the afflicted beside almost were afflicted. Her parents were Richard North, of Salisbury and Joan North. I look forward to the improvements of the collaborative process. 1912. Reverend John Hale, minister of Beverly Church, stated that Susanna was one of those who "had been suspected by their Neighbours several years, because after quarrelling with their Neighbours, evils had befallen those Neighbours". Corwin ] Assists ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. By the time of the infamous 1692 witchcraft trials in Salem, George Martin had died and Susannah was impoverished. While she was still young her mother died and she cameto America with her father, stepmother, and at least one sister. Rachel also had a famous fourth great-grandson, Millard Fillmore, elected as president of the United States. When the magistrates asked why she laughed,she responded, "Well I may at such folly." If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA. Susannah denied the "afflicted" were bewitched, labeled them liars, and reaffirmed her own innocence and commitment to the "word of God. Susannah married George Martin, Sr. on August 11, 1646 in Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. A martyr of superstition.". Wiggins' stable, when a man entered, and she took him by the collar and told him she would be the death of him if he told"; he sued William Sargent "for saying his wife was a witch and he would call her a witch." Allowed no counsel, she was her own lawyer, and her answers are remarkable for independence and clearness. 1 Feb. and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided. My 9th great grandmother, Susannah North Martin, and two great aunts, Rebecca Towne Nurse and Mary Towne Estey, were hanged as witches in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. 1 Page 73 ), Jurat in Curia John Atkinson ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. Susan: Martin ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. To John Allen Barnard Peache Joseph Ringg William Browne Jarvis Ringg. "[18] Even her personal neatness was taken as a proof of devotion to the devil. I have a great number of leads but cannot positively confirm them. Allen ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. Thank you x8 (one thanks for each generation of my line), Clyde. Martin ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. How comes your appearance just now to hurt these? and his Son. He died on 1 MAR 1667 at Salisbury, Essex County, Massachusetts. Not the least of reasons that she wasn't a witch because witches don't exist. Evil Like Me Movie Sing-Along. He is also the ex-boyfriend of Princess Audrey. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lone Tree Hill, a famous historical site, bore a tablet on its westerly side marking the site of George and Susannah's home. Bartlett's suit was upheld. A martyr of superstition."[25]. Looks like she died and h remarried. I cannot tell it may be the Devil bears me more malice than an other. On June 26, 1692 her trial began. Yet when she was asked, what she had to say for her self? If more recent proof has been located, we'll need that proof to make changes to his parents. 1 Page 57 ). The New York Times, November 2, 2001. In the transcribed Old Norfolk County records, (, And I see this issue has been raised before. 19, 1692 Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA Victim of the Salem Witch Trials. Susannah (North) Martin (1621 1692) was executed for witchcraft during the Salem witch trials. She came to Massachusetts with her father around 1640. You said their Master -- Who do you think is their Master? 2, pg 1004, MARTYN, George & 2/wf Susanna NORTH; 11 Aug 1646; Salisbury {Harmon Anc. This is *highly* discouraged at WikiTree; see: Jillaine, if said volunteer needs any assistance please let me know. 1 Page 72 ), (On Reverse side of paper) Ann putnam Jun'r against Susannah Martin, ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. On Halloween in 2001, Susannah Martin and four other women from the Salem witch trials were officially exonerated by the State Of Massachusetts. I dare not tell a lye if it would save my life. No, sweet heart, said the examinat, And then Mercy Lewes , & all, or many of the rest, were afflicted, John Indian fell into a violent fit, & said it was that woman, she bites, she bites, and then she was biting her lips. Susannah North was born in 1621 in England to Richard North and Joan (Bartram) North. June 92 by vertue of this Supeny. Sister of John North; Martyn North; Hester North; Sarah Oldham; Hepzibah North and 4 others; Mary Wensley; Anne North; George North and Samuel North less Her neighbors were practically standing in line to offer testimony against her: Susanna Martin was subjected to the indignity of a physical examination on 2 June 1692. When she was asked what ailed the girls, Susanna said: "I do not desire to spend my judgm't upon it." In 1669, Susannah was formally accused of witchcraft by William Sargent Jr., whom George Martin sucessfully countersued for slander against Susannah. Jurat in Curia by both (On reverse side of paper) Jno. In the 19th century, poet John Greenleaf Whittier composed "The Witch's Daughter" about Martin. Eliz: Hubbard said she had not hurt her. ": Martin: "I can't tell, it may be the Devil bears me more malice thanany other. 1669, William Sargent, Jr. accused Susannah of witchcraft. : Magistrate: "Well tell us your thoughts about them": Martin: "My thoughts are my own when they are in; but when they are out they are another's." In 1711, the General Court granted compensation to many of the victims or their heirs, but Susanna's children made no application to the authorities and they received nothing. Famouskin.com also includes ancestoral charts showing the family relationships of Susannah (North) Martin to many famous kin. 1894", In the 19th century, poet John Greenleaf Whittier composed "The Witch's Daughter" about Martin. About oct: following coming from hampton in Salsbury pine plaine a company of horses with men & women upon them overtook this deponent & the aforesd Hardy being on of them came to this deponent as before & demanded his: 2s: of him and thretned to tear him in peeces to whom this depoant made no answer & so he & the rest went awa & Left this deponet. 1 Page 69 ), Elizabeth Clark ownid this har testimo to be the truth: on the oath which she had taken be fore: the Jury for Inquest: this 29. of June 1692, ( Essex County Archives, Salem -- Witchcraft Vol. Kimball, (Child) Kimball, Henry Kimball, Hester North, Abigail Ursula Severance (born Kimball), Ursula Kimball, Unknown Mary, Hepzibah Ga July 19 1692 - Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States, Richard Cusack North, Joan North (born Bartram), John North, Martin North, Mary North, Hester North. The records of Susannah's first trial for witchcraft have not survived, but as she was around for another 23 years, we may assume that she was acquitted. Hello, I am also a descendant, from John. "Let Goody Martin rest in peace, I never knew her harm a fly, And witch or not - God knows - not I? (I list first the only known child of George Martin and Hannah (unknown):Hannah, b. More Salem Witch Trials Descendants. within a few days after this I this deponent coming from his Intended hous in the woods to Edmond Eliats house whear I dwelt about the [the] sun sett or presently after & ther did arise a litle blak cloud in the: n: w and a few Drops of Raine and the wind blew prity hard in going between the house of John wood & the meetting house the s'd deponent came by several stumps of trees by the way side he by Impuls he can give no reson of that made him tambl over the stumps on after another though tho he had his ax upon his shoulder w'ch put him in dang'r & made him resolved to avoyd the next but coold not And when he came alitl below the meetting house ther did appear alitle thing lik apupy of a darkish coler it shott betweene my Legs forward & bakward as on that wear [don raking] the hay and this deponent being free from all fear used all posibl indevers to cut it with his ax but coold not hurt it and as he was this Labering with his ax the pupy gave a litl Jump from him & seemed to go into the ground. When Kimball offered the Martins three cows, but not two others which he particularly wanted to keep, "Martin himself was satisfied, but not the wife who threatened that if they would not part with one of the two cows, "she will never do you any more good". "Here stood the house of Susannah Martin. George is the son of Christopher Martin arrival 1620, married to Marie Prower 1607,b. Mary was a daughter of John, son of George and Susanna (North) Martin. He that appears in Samuel's shape can appearin anyone's shape. He's affectionately known as the "Keeper of the Stone" and will offer you photocopied materials about Susannah. The hurt of these persons. The court found him guilty and sentenced him to be whipped ten stripes at Hampton Meeting House on 14 October 1669. ", The bodies were thrust into a shallow grave in a crevice of felsite. ( Essex County Archives, Vol. She came to America with her father, stepmother, and at least one sister. 1653 Jane, 2 Nov. 1656 Abigail, 10 Sep. 1659 William, b. 1 Page 64 ), That som years after that the s.d John pressy had givn his evidenc against the s'd susana martin shee the s'd martin came and took these deponents to do about it and reviled them with many foule words saying wee had took a fals oathe and sayd that we shoold never prosper [and that we shoold never prosper] for our so doing: [pbar ]ticulerly that we should never have but too cows: & that if we wear never so likly to have more yet we shoold never obtaine it, We do farther testify that from that time to this day we have never exeeded that nomber but somthing or other has prevented it tho never so likly (to obtaine it) tho thay had used all ordinary means for obtaining it by hiring cows of others that were not thayr owne this for twenty yeares space, John pressy made oathe to the truth of all that is above writtn at my house in salsbury the eleventh day of may Ano: Dom 1692 before me.
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