Cant wait to celebrate with you. I cant wait until you take office. Heres to your streak! (Just add exclamation point!). this window and try again. [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-. I hope you feel proud today and confident in your ability to rise to your next challenge., Celebrating the dedication youve shown on the way to this achievement. Election and power are. Hey, you have elected as the 3rd president of the organization and its a huge thing for you, congratulations on your amazing achievement, dear. I know you will work hard for the club and a lot of good wishes are with you, congratulations on your achievement, dear. Your passion for and diligence on the job has paid off nicely, and I wish you all the best in this new role. Votes: 1, While not widely reported, our victories in Iraq are plentiful. "If we dont vote, we are ignoring history and giving away the future." Inspired? Feel free to read the whole guide, or jump straight to the ideas that work best for you and the person youre congratulating. So in honor of you becoming mayor I hope to make a party for you with all your friends and family. We are glad to have you where you can do so much good. Recognizing that the way to reach voters is to go into their communities instead of reaching out from an office in Washington DC is essential for victory in elections today. Want the perfect voting quote or "I voted!" You are truly one in a million, and you deserve everything good that comes your way. That was a very powerful symbol. (A little achievement is a good excuse, too!). "The worst thing that can happen in a democracyas well as in an individual's lifeis to become cynical about the future and lose hope: that is the end, and we cannot let that happen." Good luck! Michelle Obama, Former First Lady, 12. I couldnt be happier for you, you deserved it. 28+ Best Congratulations Messages for Achievement in Business, 25+ Graduation Wishes for Friends Son | Congratulations, 100+ Congratulation Message to the Bride Before the Wedding, Welcome Message for New Born Nephew | Congratulation Wishes, Graduation Wishes for Girlfriend | Congratulations Messages, 20+ Graduation Wishes for Fiance | Lovely Congratulations Messages, Wedding Congratulations Messages to Parents of Groom, Wedding Congratulations Messages to Parents of Bride, Good Luck on Your New Venture | Best Wishes for New Business, 200+ Proud of You Messages and Wishes to Inspire Someone, Good Luck Wishes for Exams for Friends | Best of Luck Messages, Congratulation on Winning Award Message | 60+ Best Texts, Islamic Wedding Wishes | 150+ Nikah, Marriage Wishes and Duas, 33+ Congratulations Messages for Moving to New Office Relocation, 25+ Best Congratulations Messages for Promotion to Senior, Congratulations Messages to Boss for Completing 15 Years, Best Congratulations Messages to Boss on Work Anniversary, 20+ Congratulations Messages to Boss for Completing 5 Years, Congratulations Messages for Being Top in Class | 50+ Appreciation Texts, 14 Exciting 3rd Birthday Gifts for Nephews and Nieces, 12+ Loving 2nd Birthday Gifts for Nephews and Nieces, 27 Exclusive and Inexpensive Gifts for Nieces and Nephews, 32+ Best and Loving Gifts for Someone Moving to London, 25+ Best and Exciting Gifts for Someone Moving to Japan, 25+ Best and Amazing Gifts for Someone Moving to Hawaii, 25+ Best Gifts for Someone Moving to Chicago in 2023. Thomas Jefferson, Former U.S. President and Founding Father of the U.S. 20. You are my hero! A stream of world leaders congratulated President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on their victory in the 2020 US presidential election on Saturday, with many striking a . Congratulations on your successful win in the election, I am so happy for you. You will be working closely with the newly elected person and want to start with a good working relationship. Today is the day to celebrate! You won this battle by yourself. Or lets say it wasnt Mommaybe its been a stepmom, grand Easter comes at such a hopeful time of year, and that optimism is a great feeling to share in a card or note to so Lunar New Year is the most important celebration of the year for those who follow the lunar calendar. congratulations on your win. Weve organized our ideas by what they say and how they say it. You will do great. "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." During a news conference, when he was standing with the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President [Donald] Trump responded to a question from an Israeli reporter about the rise in anti-Semitic attacks - by boasting about his election victory. I couldnt be happier that you were voted by the people of our community. Youve worked so hard and patiently waited so long, and finally, your dreams have come true. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Former U.S. President, 45. A race run, a dream job landed, a new home, a big promotion, a little victoryIts one of lifes great joys to see someone you know accomplish what theyve been hoping for and working toward. You will be finally able to do the work you love to do, that is, working towards solving the problems of the masses and sincerely looking after their welfare. He seemed to be tired of saying the same thing. You are an inspiration to me, and I will continue rooting for you until the day you fall into my arms exhausted. We can stand in the gap together and speak about issues we believe in and we will be victorious. 19. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'bestwishmessage_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bestwishmessage_com-medrectangle-3-0'); I am feeling proud of you, I know that you will make us proud with your good work, congratulations on your amazing success. Writing Tip: A "happy for you" thought can stand alone, but it also works well as part of a longer congratulations message. I have always known your desire or goal to become the mayor of our town. It means a lot to me that you won. And it is just maddening to see it happening. It was very clear from the beginning that you would be victorious as you set out with such strength and determination. Weve been waiting anxiously for today and we are so proud to call you our new president. You never fail to amaze us with your extraordinary success and achievement. We are pleased that you will continue to be a strong voice for our southern neighborhood's redevelopment. #13 Congrats on your win. He took the checkered flag Saturday in the Xfinity Series race at Dover Motor Speedway. I know that this is all you ever wanted, and now your life will be filled with all the things you could ever hope for. quote for your Instagram caption? Congratulations! I cant wait for you to see your order, I know it will be perfect. Thanks. Read Halloween Wishes I dont care what responsibilities you have today, theres no greater responsibility than being in control of your future and your future starts now! James Freeman Clarke Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods. World leaders congratulate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on their victory in the 2020 presidential election. It was not easy to come in this position and win the election, you have done huge work and I am so blessed and happy about that. I knew the hard work would pay off, and it just took a little bit of time. You made it! I didnt have words to express my happiness. Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. In fact, if you need help in this area, I will gladly lend my time and energies. I always knew you could do it, and I'm incredibly proud of you." Congratulations to my dear son for winning the recent school election. Our goal is to help you by delivering amazing quotes to bring inspiration, personal growth, love and happiness to your everyday life. Victorious warriors win first and then go to war. Congratulations on your promotion! We search for words. Congratulations on election victory! Choose one of ours, or create your own. Congrats! He seemed to be tired of saying the same thing. Just wanted to congratulate you on your achievement! We wouldn't even be where we are had it not been that 70% of Hispanics voted for President Obama, voted Democratic in the last election. Congratulations! Paraguayans have voted overwhelmingly to keep the long-ruling Colorado Party in power for five more years, backing its presidential candidate and giving it control of both houses of Congress Good luck! I am so happy for you, nothing can take this moment away from us. Cheers to you! Votes: 1, While I do not believe Ford was wrong to pardon Nixon, the timing of the pardon was premature and may have cost Ford the margin of victory in the 1976 election. It is time to party after all that hard work. Hey dear, you have been elected as the new class captain, its a start of your leadership, I know you will lead the nation someday, congratulations on your amazing success. In 2000, the presidency was awarded by the Supreme Court, pre-empting the count of thousands of Florida votes. On Dec. 1, 1948, after the triumph of the revolution, which insured the final victory of the will of the people expressed through elections, President Jose Figueres abolished the army in my country. Oh, and if youre looking for something a little more specific, we also have tips and ideas unique to Wedding Congratulations, Baby Congratulations, and Graduation Congratulations. I look forward to working with you not only to develop closer relations between our countries but also to concert our efforts in the cause of peace and the brotherhood of all peoples. "We can all agree on the importance of voting." Hope youre thrilled about your new job! Congratulations on your recent achievement! This issue has greatly concerned the Council of Christian Churches (CCC) and, as you know, we have financed an extensive study of the problem. Sweetheart, congratulations to you for winning the school election. Thank you for being in my life, for helping me figure out what I want to do with my life, and for giving me the strength to be able to accomplish my dreams. I want you to know that I am here for you always, my love. Congratulations on your new position. This strengthened enforcement of existing laws governing sales and harvest of timber on public lands will help preserve our wild places so our children and grandchildren can enjoy them too. We could not be prouder of you and your accomplishments in your first term. America Ferrera, Actress and Political Activist, 16. I was thrilled to read of your appointment to the board of directors at Doe Corporation. "I love voting day. If I could go back to the first day we met and say just one word to you it would be Congratulations! Because that day you started a journey that is going to lead you to something great. We look forward to your representing us for the next four years. Chances are you know at least a few moms who deserve a shout-out on Mothers Day. October 16, 1964 Dear Mr. Prime Minister: My warmest congratulations on your election victory. Now you should walk forward with your people towards your duties and responsibilities. I hope that we can celebrate your success together. We are so happy for you, dear. These messages are very professional and unique that you can send them to any elected official who won an election. We would hope that you will continue to provide the much-needed support for the Youth programs. Im so glad you won! Message of Congratulations to President For Election Victory: [Recipients Name] "Congratulations to the Paraguayan people for their great participation in this electoral process . Im hopeful that despite all the noise, all the lies, were going to remember who we are, who were called to be. Sample Congratulatory Letters To Newly Elected President And Others On Winning Election: Writing congratulations letter to a politician who has just won an election is a way to show your support and motivate the candidate for his/her political career. We could not be prouder of you and your accomplishments in your first term. Lewis "The fruit of your own hard work is the sweetest." -Deepika Padukone "The future depends on what you do today." -Mahatma Gandhi Congratulations Card I know it will be an awesome journey. I'm glad to see that you were able to win in a landslide. But you have to give the victory to Bush because he seems presidential. We know you will continue to work hard for Kansas agriculture and industry. Youve worked so hard to get here and I am so incredibly proud of you. I cant wait to see all the great changes you will bring to this country! You inspire by having such ambitious dreams, then putting in the hard work to achieve them." "Congratulations on your incredible success! The fire is still burning. Im proud of you and how far you have come. Votes: 9 Quotlr helps you to improve your life, to achieve inner peace and happiness by reading motivational quotes. As they respect you, you have to respect them as well. At last we have a Senator who understands business. More: Congratulation Messages for Achievement in Exam. I really think that if we don't show up in this moment, we will [have] missed potentially our last opportunity to really check this administration." You can actually encourage him/her and advise him/her on how he/she can do his work for the benefit of the people and how it can make him grow in the political sphere. We will not forget you on Election Day. Congratulations on winning the election! Your win was not a surprise for me, I knew that the people love you and they will elect you as their leader, and finally the result is in front of you. We are so proud of you! Hey dear, congratulations on your amazing win in the recent election. We are delighted to see your progress from where you once were! , happy to see Winning School Election amazing win in dedicated good wishes , Hey dear, we are very Congratulations Messages for Hey dear, congratulations on your very hard and Text from websites: good work. If youd like some creative ideas f Express your gratitude with these thank you messages and ideas from Hallmark card writers. "Democracy is based upon the conviction there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people." I thought that was exciting too. Statements poured in congratulating Joe Biden on his election victory including from President Trump's global allies. have since the election. With your touch, its going to look amazing!, Bet you thought no one would notice youve hit your goal 30 days in a row. Congratulations! I know you were the best candidate there and people have chosen you and you won with a huge difference with other candidates, congratulations on your tremendous success. Congratulations! Newt Gingrich had to work hard - getting Republican candidates to sign the Contract with America - to nationalize the election that swept Republicans to victory in 1994. Wouldnt you want to be sure that those elected officials were thinking about all of us, not just some small percentage of us?" Conservatives won't want to hear this, but the Republican who maneuvered his way into the most impressive victory of the election was California Gov. 1 ) There is no one magic move or secret that creates victory, but lots of little items that when added together can make you victorious. We are pleased that you will continue to be a strong voice for our southern neighborhood's redevelopment. I know you have worked for the city a lot, and you were very concerned about things. What Do You Say to Someone Graduating from Boot Camp? Ack! Im so proud of you. A Democratic anti-Tea Party campaign would do that for the Republicans - nationalize the election, gratis - in 2010. Voting is not only our rightit is our power. Loung Ung, Human Rights Activist, 18. May your joining together bring you more joy than you can imagine. It is very clear: Macron is our ally. You worked hard for the common people in many areas. Thank you for standing up for the people of your district, and for putting your principles before anything else. He wants to be the leader of the anti-American, anti-European world. They stole my victory, and I am here to say loud and clear that I am the winner of the elections. Plato, Greek Philosopher, 39. You deserve it! Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. I hope that you continue to serve ourcommunityfor many years to come! "So the notion somehow that, Well, you know, Im not as inspired because Barack and Michelle, theyre not on the ballot this time, and, you know, maybe we kinda take it easymy legacys on the ballot. Celebrating the record you just set and looking forward to watching you cross your next finish line! Whether you've already mailed in your ballot, or you're getting ready to head to the polls, these voting quotes are sure to resonate. RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel joined 'Fox News Sunday' to discuss key issues ahead of the 2024 election and what she believes the GOP needs to do in order to secure victory at the ballot box. "The ballot is stronger than the bullet. Abraham Lincoln, Former U.S. President, 9. Congratulations Messages For Victory you as the Congratulations to my the recent election. Lastly, this success will boost your motivation for the people of this country. You are such a wonderful person that everyone loves to be around, and now you will continue to bring your kindness and love to many others. Finally, you have won the election and become the mayor of the city, I know you will work for the people, congratulations to you, dear. Those who have a different view of things are already organizingWill you stand in the gap with those of us who believe there's a God, and a God who is strong? As Christians, we are called to be "salt and light" to the world around us, and I want to encourage you to take this mandate seriously as you make . Please accept our sincere congratulations and warm wishes. Big congrats to you. On behalf of all of us in the Alps Club, congratulations on the passage of the Doe Bill! We are still fighting not for election victories but for having elections at all. No one has loved you (or put up with you) like Mom has. If you vote, things will get better, it will be a start. Barack Obama, Former U.S. President, 36.
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