Why not do all the tests now and try to avoid another heartbreak? I had a chemical pregnancy last November after a fresh transfer. Im so sorry to hear about your losses but so happy with your current miracle. He provides weekly summaries of the latest IVF research and posts on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok regularly. Consult with your doctor before making any treatment changes. I actually didnt do acupuncture the second cycle, but I was in great shape. I paid a fortune for those sessions (I dont have insurance). Your post will be hidden and deleted by moderators. Poor quality embryos are they worth PGS testing? Hello- may be contradicted by other studies. Then she went into all of the horrible statistics with twin pregnancy. Has anyone had this happen and did any further testing determine the cause? (2014)found no difference inongoing pregnancybetween grades (about 50% for each category). We are so happy about that, we just want this one to be the one. Embryos with the right number of chromosomes are called euploid and may have a higher chance of making a pregnancy, although the evidence for this is controversial. I wanted to reach out and see if you know a way to find a surrogate on your own, rather than going thru an agency. Does it still matter? I'm sure that is REALLY frustrating to have a loss after spending all that money to get "good" embryos. Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is the process of testing embryos created during in vitro fertilization (IVF) to determine the presence of genetic abnormalities that can lead to pregnancy complications, birth defects, congenital disease and/or miscarriage. For more up-to-date information on this topic check out my other posts that are tagged withPGS (PGT-A) success rates. We got to see and hear the heartbeat yesterday. Check here for the full. See the chart below from the CDC (2016 data): In this post well look at the different miscarriage rates that all these types of PGT-A tested embryos have. If you want to read more about about success rates for untested embryos, go to my embryo grading and success rates post. In large scale Double Blind Randomized Control Trials (the best method for medical protocol research) PGT did not increase your chances of pregnancy, except in some scenarios. MENTS We were devastated after our first pgs transfer ended in a chemical, and unfortunately we went on to have one more before finding success. This study is considered the best quality evidence currently available for PGT-A (which showed no benefit over traditional grading for women <35 that you read about that here). I just wanted to know if anyone had a similar experience and if you can share the things you did differently with your second transfer and had success? A few rounds of heavy- duty antibiotics cleared it up. Causes of a chemical pregnancy. I am curious to hear other peoples experiences, especially with 6 days blasts. Did you ever go through with your day 7 FET? 5AB euploid embryo. Saw a heartbeat at 6 and 8 weeks then nothing at week 10. Im so sorry youre going through that. Capalbo et al. Id say if you feel you want the extra testing, push for it. Dr is responsible for allowing . The results come back as euploid (meaning theres 46 chromosomes), aneuploid (meaning theres a number of chromosomes besides 46) or mosaic (meaning theres a mix of euploid and aneuploid cells). So what gives now?? Hopefully an ERA can shed some light on it! Hi, i didnt have chemicals, I had bfn for my first two transfers. The psychologist who ran the group, who also happened to be an RE at my fertility clinic, explained that sometimes you have a seemingly perfect embryo, perfect uterine lining, and the FET just fails. We did accupuncutre 2x a week prior to transfer and a pre/post on transfer day as well. For the autoimmune stuff above I was tested by Alexander Kofinas. This ended up working for me after my biochemical pregnancy. Im assuming you had no issues shipping yours? We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. You may want to ask/consider this before moving on for more data before trying with another precious embryo. One clinic determined IVF with PGS success rates to have a 10% higher pregnancy rate. My doctor thought it was possibly due to retained products of conception. Thanks again! For women 35-40 years old, there was no statistical difference (8.2% for PGT-A vs 11.0% for untested). It wouldnt be going far at least. Congratulations again on your success!!! More studies need to be done. Some of the reasons quoted weren't even about the patient: it could have been damaged during the biopsy or thaw process in the lab, the transfer process could have been off, there's a margin of error with the testing itself, pgs doesn't tell us everything about an embryo, etc. Success rates for graded euploids are given here https://www.remembryo.com/pgs-success-rates/#Embryo_grades_and_PGS_success_rates. Im very sorry and hope you can find the strength to continue. Unfortunately my 2nd retrieval wasnt as positive as yours - I didnt have any make it to blast So Im struggling with my next steps (as Im older) and whether a 3rd retrieval makes sense given the odds. Im trying not to fixate on my last embryo being a day 7. Neal et al. But then the 3 mature eggs I had all fertilized, all made it to blast, all tested normal, and now one of them is my 15 month old daughter. This was our first trial. Interestingly enough my protocol remained the same between my chemical FET and the successful one. Thanks for sharing your story because it does give me hope! So the next step is transfer and my clinic is telling me to go for era in order to increase my chances. Thats a great suggestion, I will definitely ask my dr about doing an ERA. You have to do whatever you feel comfortable with and its so unfortunate that money plays a huge role in these decisions. 35 years old Be sure to read the next two sections to get an idea of how grades and growth rates (Day 5, 6, 7) affect IVF with PGS success rates, as well as this section further down. By screening out abnormal embryos with PGS, physicians can transfer just one chromosomally normal embryo, increasing the chances for having a successful singleton pregnancy and healthy child. Another small study found no difference in survival or live birth rates with rebiopsied embryos (Cimadomo et al. I am terrified he wont implant. We are absolutely crushed. Seems to work for many, many women. So the advantage with PGT-A may be in determining which embryos are completely unfit for transfer, at least based on this study. I also stopped working night shifts (Im a nurse) to reduce my stress levels but that didnt help either. Chances for getting a euploid embryo A recent 2019 study looked at 130,000 biopsies by NGS tested (this is the current testing method): Donor eggs: 63.1% euploid <35 years: 59.5% euploid 35-37 years: 50.3% euploid 38-40 years: 38.3% euploid 41-42 years: 26.8% euploid 43-44 years: 24% euploid Ill also update this blog to include that info. This is important because miscarriage rates with advancing female age. With a PGS tested embryo this time. Ill come back and edit this post with the link. HCG was 24 Friday and yesterday went down to 16. Weve discussed euploid embryos, mosaic embryos, so what about aneuploid embryos? The good thing is she did not see any scar tissue during the biopsy, and the inflammation had completely cleared up. I've experienced 3 chemical pregnancies - one naturally (7/2017), one via our 2nd IUI (9/2018), and the third this January after our FET with a PGS tested embryo. If you want to read more about rebiopsying embryos, check out my archives for embryo rebiopsy. I actually didn't do acupuncture the second cycle, but I was in great shape. I have one more embryo remaining. END MENTS. I also had a chemical with a PGS tested embryo. With both transfers I did estrogen tablets, progesterone in oil shots, blood thinner shots and low dose aspirin. And Im so sorry about your first FET. An embryo forms and may even embed in your uterus lining (implantation), but then it stops developing. I got my period or should I say we officially begun to miscarry on Saturday so I did call them with our Day 1. what were the extra things you did besides Lovenox/prednisone, biopsy and ERA? sd84. I'm so sorry for your loss. Will be put on lovenox this round as well. I also tested positive for anti-thyroid antibodies. That makes me feel better about transferring to another clinic, which Im thinking might be the best bet at this point! wow, Im so glad you were able to get a second opinion. We timed everything to my cycle. Dear ALL0130, thank you so much for your reply and encouragement! think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. I have to say that I'm not 100% sure I needed any of the extra things we did- but I wanted to try whatever I could and these things couldn't hurt. To count these women in, we can look at the per retrievaldata: Now when we look at everyone the stats look much different! I feel like most times the protocol for autoimmune issues is the same. thanks so much! The embryo biopsy can be utilized to perform preimplantation genetic screening or PGS. We have not done a hysteroscopy but will ask my dr if we can do one to check and at least rule that out. The usefulness comes when someone who is starting IVF and considering PGS testing. For your second question, Ill be doing an Embryo News this week that explains a study that compares non-PGS vs PGS tested embryos. So, all is well! Or they did but they were all aneuploid? So they were both frozen on Day 6? At this point I am wondering the following: They stratified the mosaics based on the specific type of abnormality, and whether they were <50% mosaic or >50% mosaic (meaning the mosaic embryos had a mix of either less or more than 50% aneuploid cells with euploid cells). I am so frustrated, disappointed, hurt, sad and angry right now. We have some sort of make factor at play but no other known fertility issues. And congrats on your little girl! definitely worth asking! Then another IVF/ICSI but nothing to transfer-- my doctor switched up my meds which was a bad idea obviously. Create an account or log in to participate. However, I just recently gave birth, so dont give up there are still lots of reasons to be hopeful esp if you make pgs normal blasts. (The embryo split!) Sounds like a beautiful a rainbow miracle! Note: I'm also doing a pregnancy loss blood panel to investigate clotting, and am looking into autoimmune causes as well. Obviously, when we look at transfer rates with PGS tested embryos, we are not including all the women who didnt have anything to transfer. (The embryo split!) He was surprised my doctor was doing a Receptiva test naturally, without medication, since the idea is to simulate the same environment of a transfer, and was also surprised that my doctor had done a 5-day-post-retrieval-transfer in the first place. Simon et al. My RE also encouraged us to just try another transfer rather than an ERA after our first chemical but then was on board after the second chemical happened. When questioned as to why nothing was working, his response was sometimes it just doesnt happen and we dont know why. Note that this post is current as of July 2022. But wait! Odds of success are roughly 70 percent. They biopsied those 2 embryos and send off the cells for PGS testing. I just wish we had more answers so we can prepare for the next . Like embryo grades in the previous section, it looks like IVF with PGS success rates may vary based on how fast the embryo develops, particularly for Day 7. Bradley et al. (2021) in their retrospective multicenter study compared the transfer of 1000 mosaic embryos and over 5500 euploid embryos between 2015 and 2020. It's my second transfer. undefined will no longer be visible to you including posts, replies, and photos. Single embryo transfer both times. We spent well over 45K to get to this point. My second Beta I dropped to 59. I encourage to keep pushing forward. So crazy that its what finally worked. Existing data show that the live birth rate is between 60-80% when a single frozen embryo is transferred in a second cycle. I find the live birth rates by transfer versus by retrieval data very interesting. It is seriously invaluable to me. 2 - IVF BFN So what if the embryos are euploid? Did you get your BFP on IVF post the antibiotics or naturally? They found a reduction in live birth rates (50% to 39%), although this was notstatistically significant(it was from a small study). END MENT And the fact that the embryo's are at least starting to implant is confusing me in relation to my lining - Does that mean that my thinner lining is OK? We started some workup with my OB (TSH, karyotyping and carrier testing). We put back a normal PGS tested embryo. Thankful for these forums! Normally, we have 23 pairs of chromosomes (or 46 in total) one pair comes from the egg from our biological mother, and the other comes from the sperm from our biological father. You guys have given me so much support and reassurance that I'm not alone in this ordeal. However, almost all studies and clinic data show that IVF success rates indicates higher pregnancy rates. For that reason my RE said she would start testing such as ERA after a second failed transfer but didnt think it was necessary after the first failed transfer. , dont be sorry! 2 - IVF both miscarriages around 6 weeks Then my 3rd transfer and 2nd FET is now my baby boy growing well at 16 weeks 4 days. Inconclusive or No Result biopsies may require a second round of biopsy aka a rebiopsy. Wishing you lots of luck. We have our lining check on Friday. MENTS our next transfer was successful and I'm coming up on 12 weeks. Chemical pregnancies occur so early that many people who miscarry don't realize it. Second, PGS speeds up the time to pregnancy. Well start with euploids, then mosaics, and end with fully aneuploid embryos. Please don't give up! Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. Reminder: I have an integrated glossary in the text (terms are underlined with a dotted black line, and when you tap on it a window will pop up with the definition). Learn more about, Learn About What to Expect's Pregnancy & Baby App. Sorry to hear about your recent cycle. My clinic does allow each patient to continue with one retrieval with only 1-2 follicles, however, for cost reasons since we're doing ICSI and PGS testing I'm considering cancelling the cycle. It was a chemical pregnancy. While my clinic has had great success with PGS transfers they did say they expect implantation rates to end up averaging 90% for PGS normal embryos and I believe miscarriage rates are also lower. - 2 Day 5's transferred ended in a chemical pregnancy; 1 perfect Day 6 blast ended up making me a mom. Success rates with chromosomally normal embryos, complete guide to embryo grading and success rates, https://www.remembryo.com/pgs-success-rates/#Embryo_grades_and_PGS_success_rates, They also found that the chance of getting a complex abnormal embryo increased with age, Graded as excellent (AA) or good (AB or BA) = 50% live birth, Graded as excellent: 84%ongoing pregnancy, 0% miscarriage, Good: 62%ongoing pregnancy, 3% miscarriage, Poor: 36%ongoing pregnancy, 19% miscarriage, Thaw the embryo and culture it until it can be biopsied (this may take a few hours to a day), If the 2nd test comes back euploid and you transfer, another thaw will need to be done. Your experience gives me hope so thank you for sharing , - Estradiol patches and to apply 4 of them and change them every 2 days, - progesterone 200mg suppository morning and evening. How fast embryos grow has an impact on success rates for untested embryos. I had a PGT normal day 7 embryo that unfortunately resulted in a chemical. I hope this helps. You cant compare the per retrieval and per transfer stats against each other directly. Theper retrievalstatistic helps to see the chancesbefore PGStesting. Its good you will request the endomitritis biopsy. I can totally see not doing it though. I've read that in a non-IVF pregnancy, the rate of miscarriage is about 21.3% between weeks 5 and 6. A pregnancy that doesn't even make it to the 6 week scan where they can usually see the fetus on an ultrasound. However, theirsample sizewas small. For <37, this was about 5, for 37-40 about 4, and for >40 about 3 (so older women tend to produce fewerblasts). Thank you Its so hard when youre paying yet your doctor doesnt think its needed. I also am interested in doing an endo scratch beforehand and adding Viagra if the shots and scratch aren't doing the job. Aww happy your second round worked! I think the ERA is a great idea too. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. After I had my 3rd, my doctor and the IVF nurses all pushed for an ERA saying that even though Ive had prior success, that may have just been luck and my optimal window might be different than what I was doing. Why did I miscarry a normal embryo? My 2nd also failed and I had them do a thrombophilia panel on me and found I had a MTHFR mutation so we added folgard and he adjusted my days on progesterone and in addition to the suppositories I did the shots as well. I would like to use the delestrogen shots next time instead of the patches and pills which seem to do nothing for me. 2 - IUIs both chemical Go figure, right?! If it were me and it was my last embryo I would definitely ask about (possibly even push for) immune protocol and the ERA just to cover all my bases. We transferred our only day 6/PGS tested Euploid embryo on December 10,2020. Another study agrees with these data (Franasiak et al. Does PGT-A reduce the chances of miscarriage? 2014). Consult with your doctor before making any treatment changes. How does anyone not go completely crazy through this whole process???? I did PGS testing. I may not have that exactly correct but thats how I understood it. Sometimes something as small as a polyp that can be removed, can cause implantation to fail. thank you for sharing! Or is that the reason they don't continue to progress? Tiegs (2020) in their multicenter prospective study transferred 414 blastocysts that were only tested using PGT-A after the pregnancy outcome. As mentioned in the study, about 72% of mosaic miscarriages occurred between observation of the gestational sac (3-5 weeks after transfer) and fetal heart beat (6-8 weeks after transfer). Thats what i needed to hear. Best of luck to you. Sending you lots of love, hope and positivity! For women who have it, REs may suggest prednisone and lovenox after transfer. There are many potential causes of an . Though it's one of the most successful forms of assisted reproductive technology, the live birth rate from one IVF cycle is about 55.6% for people under 35, and 40.8% for folks between the ages of. Some background on us: diagnosed with severe male factor IF 4 years ago, did one round of IVF/ICSI which resulted it a chemical pregnancy. Which was Claritin, pepcid, and baby aspirin. Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. Starting in the late 1990s, doctors testing fertilized eggs classified them as normal or abnormal, then added the classification "mosaic" in 2015. Good luck! My RE had said shes usually very cautious when it comes to sending embryos out for PGS testing only because the process can sometimes compromise the embryo itself. Hi, sorry about your 1st FET chemical. Do you think it's worth it as last time I had a medicated cycle and it was a . My questions is only 28% of our blastocysts passed pgs testing which is quite low from what is predicted for those under 35. In this case the clinic will need to: So the embryo would have to go through multiple rounds of freezing/thawing/biopsy, and this might have an impact on its potential. A chemical pregnancy is a very early miscarriage that happens within the first five weeks of pregnancy. I dont see myself spending a fortune on acupuncture again. Would love to hear if it was successful - fingers crossed . At least testing a few variables like blood clotting. I go for my next Beta tomorrow. What to Expect supports Group Black and its mission to increase greater diversity in media voices and media ownership. We found out yesterday we were having a chemical pregnancy, my second beta didnt double. I am 42. With the retrieval statistics, we can include all cycles (like the ones that ended with no blasts to transfer or only abnormal embryos that werent transferred) and that lowers the success rates quite a bit. I'm curious if this might have something to do with it. thanks for sharing! Im absolutely going to ask for biopsy and check for endometritis. My second was ectopic, my third was a failure and Im about 7.5 weeks pregnant from my 4th (). Talk about adjusting meds? He earned his MSc in 2012 for his research on inflammation and lung cancerand started Remembryo in 2018 to help people understand the evidence behind common IVF topics. I did acupuncture that cycle. This is all so hard and stressful. Disclaimer: Any studies presented here may be contradicted by other studies. Then a frozen cycle BFN. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. Please select a reason for escalating this post to the WTE moderators: Connect with our community members by starting a discussion. It's an autoimmune blood clotting disorder that can cause recurrent miscarriage. PGS can increase the rate of clinical pregnancy. Genetic testing was normal. Both Chemical pregnancies my lining was under 7. Congratulations on your success , I have a similar story. I was doing yoga and walking everyday and meditating. Why do we have to wait until we have a second devastating failure? This was my only PGS normal embryo so I have to re-do that as well.. Dear RLM11, so sorry for your losses, I know how devastating it is! If youre confused about the terminology youll see coming up, check my post on understanding PGS testing results. A genetically normal embryo has a 70% chance of a positive pregnancy test in any woman, whether she is 20 years old or 40 years old. She is pregnant right now from that cycle. Use of this site is subject to our terms of use and privacy policy. My first fresh transfer ended in miscarriage due to low progesterone, I was on supplements but not enough. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). I was told by my doctor that when it is a PGS embryo that is miscarried, it is a 50% chance it was something else with the embryo (structural issues with the organs or placenta) and a 50% chance it was something about the moms body.
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