, leaky gut exacerbates the weakened state of the immune system. On a carnivore diet, you can eat red meat, poultry, fish, and eggs. Once the complement system is chronically activated, severely disordered inflammation affects every bodily system including the brain. Welchol is given for sensitive individuals it is a quarter as effective as CSM but can be better tolerated by some. Since MARCoNS exacerbate immune dysfunction, low MSH, and inflammation, this is key for unburdening the body. She holds a Psychology and Communications degree, from the University of California, Berkeley. Recent findings from the. We havent experienced any patients healing with only mind-body work but this is an important tool to include. If you find that limbic work is too strenuous to begin with, there are other modalities available that are less active. What about foods that arent carnivore, but that I consume every so often? While very rare, it is important to note that a person that doesnt have susceptible genes can still develop chronic mold illness. My brain was functioning properly, I had more energy than I had in years, my bowel movements were great, my digestive symptoms went away, and my inflammation had improved DRAMATICALLY. Speak to your provider about subsequent steps needed to normalize this again. With more than 200 of these reactions in the body, one of these chemical mediators is the histamine response. This in turn promotes improved oxygen delivery and blood flow for mold illness patients. Your mold illness provider will be able to provide comprehensive guidance when it comes to the environment piece and help you successfully get out of exposure. Unless youve received a true Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) diagnosis, which is extremely rare, histamine intolerance requires root cause healing and is only a symptom. For those with financial constraints, the HERTSMI-2 test will analyze dust samples for the big 5 molds most problematic for those with mold illness. Your mold illness provider will discuss the results with you as there is nuance when it comes to interpreting the results based on your geographic location. We talk about their journey to carnivore, Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (CIRS) and much more. There are a lot of factors at play here when it comes to mold illness, a complex subcategory of biotoxin illness. I started to rapidly gain weight in my late teens and early 20s when I started struggling with . Both CSM and Welchol have the specific charge and receptor site for binding to biotoxins including all toxic mold pathogens for elimination. Join our loyalty program to unlock exclusive perks and rewards. Also known as the complement cascade, the complement system is a significant component of the immune system that manages inflammation, removes microbes, boosts antibody function for clearing damaged cells, and attacks pathogens. helps explain the consequences of mold illness on the immune system and overall health: are a type of protein produced in the body responsible for modulating inflammation. Nutritionist's Guide to the Carnivore Diet. These infections commonly present as an acute response that resembles bacterial pneumonia. I do not feel well if I have those regularly, but once in awhile theyre fine. Low amylose diets are designed specifically to support the body will healing from mold illness and can also help with SIBO and other gut issues. You dont necessarily need to work with a provider thats in your state many of these providers offer the same services to patients that are out of state. MSH (normal range: 35-81 pg/mL): Nicknamed the master gland, MSH is responsible for managing various anti-inflammatory and hormone functions. Low amylose diets are designed specifically to support the body will healing from mold illness and can also help with SIBO and other gut issues. Mind-body supports such as the. The mold illness treatment protocol is substantial and can feel overwhelming for anyone. Improved hormone balance No more dry mouth Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is also a common downstream effect of mold illness. Copyright 2023 Nutrition With JudyAll Rights Reserved | Disclaimer, Nutritionists Guide to the Carnivore Diet, Personal Care Guide to Non-Toxic Products, When people think of mold, they often dont understand the actual consequences and dangers that this organic substance can pose. Its best to work through these in order since the first three steps are free and dont require working with a provider. A few of the commonly cited improvements that proponents associate with the carnivore diet include: Curing SIBO, or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. The Nutrition with Judy team is humbled to offer comprehensive support and initial diagnostic steps for mold illness patients. High-dose fish oils are another intervention used to lower heightened MMP-9. Complicated even more by the fact that both genetic susceptibility and experiencing a traumatic event to turn on the gene expression are required prior to exposure, mold illness can be very difficult to diagnose making it commonly misdiagnosed or left untreated. Everyone deserves to live a life symptom-free. Due to mold illness impacting multiple bodily symptoms and causing general inflammation throughout, the carnivore diet can be an incredible tool for helping reduce inflammation levels while also promoting gut healing. Carbs get a bad rap. Sleeping through the night (deep sleep from 30 mins to 2 hours average) She says it cured several illnesses. If an online symptomology quiz is easier to take, the VCS test outlined in the next criterion offers this as an included, free option. I know Ive had enough when I stop craving them and start craving more meat again. These mold species include Aspergillus Penicilloides, Aspergillus Versicolor, Chaetomium Globosum, Stachybotrys Chartarum, and Wallemia Sebi. Low MSH levels cause a minimized production of melaninwhich leads to non-restorative sleep and chronic fatigue. This seemingly strange and extreme way of eating flies in the face of every piece of conventional nutrition advice we've been given, yet a growing number of people report remarkable . Ive read a lot of testimonials from people saying that a carnivore diet helped put their Lyme into remission, so I was curious how Id feel. If a mold illness patient has completed all other steps and is confirmed out of mold exposure, the last step of taking VIP has the capability to lower the C4a level back to its normal range. Prescription DDAVP can be utilized to help normalize the bodys capability for holding on to water. The #carnivorediet tag has amassed over 645 million views on TikTok, with one user, @roryskitchen, going viral over the past two . Conversely, if youve been on the carnivore diet for about six months or longer and still arent able to achieve optimal health or fully heal, we strongly recommend looking into the diagnostic criteria for mold illness. As a reminder, you only need one symptom in that cluster for it to be positive. Since more than 95% of mold illness patients have decreased MSH levels from mycotoxin accumulation, the consequence is a higher vulnerability to toxic mold, gut issues, poor sleep, hormone dysregulation, mood swings, and more. ) Here are three mold categories that can impact health: Water-damaged buildings will have a chemical soup of toxigenic mold combined with microbes, harmful chemicals, bacteria, mycobacteria, and actinomycetes. Mold illness can directly impact cell function which can make it difficult for patients to tolerate the prescription binder required for the protocol. We havent experienced any patients healing with only mind-body work but this is an important tool to include. The VCS test was developed in order to discern if you have the ability to distinguish between varying low contrast levels as a marker of neurological function. I stuck to a meat-only diet and ate only beef with some poultry products here and there. Ive figured out that I feel really good when I have carbs in the form of tubers or berries for about 3-5 days before / during my period. After the first four steps have been completed and you receive confirmation that your mold illness markers are abnormal and/or have one or more of the genetic haplotypes, youll need to find a Shoemaker-certified practitioner. Kelly had some healing once she started eating an all-meat carnivore diet. The diet works by eliminating all plant-based foods and solely eating meat, fish, eggs and small amounts of low-lactose dairy foods. It was founded on the belief that high-carb diets are the cause of chronic disease. is a type of protein that supports new blood vessel growth. Sign in, Powered by Improved hormone balance Rapid weight loss. If you didnt start lipid replacement therapy during the critical phase of the Shoemaker Protocol, its important to start it here. When people hear about mold illness, its a common misconception that its the same thing as a mold allergy. Here are some of the common mold illness symptoms: Alongside the many complications of this condition, theres a serious lack of awareness in both holistic wellness spaces and the Western medical community. Foods you can incorporate into the low-mold diet in moderation include: Gluten-free grains: Brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, teff, certified gluten-free oats Starchy vegetables and legumes: Sweet corn, potatoes, beans, peas, lentils, sweet potatoes, squashes, turnips, parsnips Low-sugar fruits: Berries, apples, pears, peaches, avocadoes With more than 100,000 different indoor and outdoor mold species, some are far more dangerous than others. The carnivore diet boasts weight loss, improved mood, as well as blood sugar regulation. WPLoyalty. I had my bu. in-house that can be completed at any LabCorp. ecause of the mycotoxin pathway, mold illness can affect all bodily systems leading to a wide array of cascading symptoms that ultimately vary from individual to individual. Mold illness is an inflammatory illness caused by exposure to toxic indoor molds, their harmful by-products, and other microbial toxins in water-damaged buildings. Since chronically activated, white blood cells eventually lose their normal cytokine response, leading to opportunistic infections and increased recovery times. If the mold illness continues to progress, the pituitary often then drops to significantly low or low to normal ranges. Timing some of your doses after meals is also ideal. This could require IgE allergy testing and working with an allergist. The most trusted tests used for this are called the ERMI and HERTSMI-2. Ideally, each finished level of the home as well as the workplace should be independently tested. After each subsequent phase has been completed and all blood markers restored to their normal ranges, the patient will be cured of mold illness and should be free from symptoms and the many downstream consequences of toxic mold exposure. For those that havent failed the VCS test but have confirmed the first two criteria, you may still want to consider lab work in case youre in that seven percentile that experiences false passes. tarting a low-amylose diet is key for reducing MMP-9 and helping promote gut healing. This step is critical for helping patients take full advantage of all the supplements and medications used in the following phases of the protocol. As a reminder, you only need. Gluten avoidance is key for lowering anti-gliadin antibodies to their normal levels. However, individuals that have eight or more of the positive symptom clusters that also fail the VCS test have a 98% chance of a positive mold illness diagnosis. Nut milks are great healthier alternatives to animal dairy. The inflammatory marker shows the innate immune response to toxic mold exposure found in water-damaged buildings. I usually ate 2 types of protein at one meal just so I didn't get bored. Lipid replacement and limbic retraining arent specified in this protocol but are essential supports for helping patients better tolerate treatment. Decreased VEGF can cause shortness of breath, reduced exercise capability, fatigue, and muscle cramps. The result is mycotoxins and other water-damage building biotoxins recirculating in the body indefinitely, causing significant damage across all bodily systems. This can lead to the development of inappropriate pathways. There are many free resources you can find online for limbic retraining. For certain mold illness patients that have specific immunity-related HLA gene types, these individuals may develop more inappropriate immune reactions at this stage. Gear for carnivores? Mold toxicity is the byproduct of certain molds that produce mycotoxins leading to acute illness in most but unfortunately causing chronic disease in the genetically susceptible. Furthermore, the combination of lowered MSH, decreased VEGF, increased MMP9 in the bloodstream, and elevated cytokines create leaky junctions in both the gut and blood-brain barrier. Its common during this step to automatically believe you dont have any history of mold exposure since most of us arent aware of what water damage can look like and memory problems are prevalent for this condition. Everyone deserves to live a life symptom-free. Endorphin suppression is another byproduct of low MSH, explaining the common symptom of long-term unexplained pain. And plenty of sea salt. In this case, histamine regulation will take a higher priority in management for treatment. The initial symptoms created by these cytokine effects can present as headaches, poor body temperature regulation, muscle aches, and concentration issues. Since both alive and dead mold fragments have the capability of triggering the immune response and subsequent inflammation in those with mold illness, making sure youre working with the right company helps ensure successful remediation. The marker will drop once out of exposure when the patient has completed certain steps of the treatment protocol. as we understand how daunting the steps can be especially for those already chronically ill. Our white-glove service includes all testing requirements for mold illness, environmental mold testing, lipid replacement therapy, recommended supports and supplements, and detailed recommendations for CIRS-certified mold illness providers. Toxin levels are corrected by this medication thats prescribed by your mold illness provider. As its name suggests, the carnivore diet is an eating plan that focuses almost exclusively on meat and other animal products. The. For a full 30 . Patients that have symptoms in at least eight of the 13 clusters should seriously consider completing the next step. I will also sometimes get massive cravings for chocolate, so I eat some 100% cacao, because thats what my favorite chocolate has always been. Lipid replacement therapy is the first preliminary step in treatment to help patients tolerate detoxing. increased energy And there is no shortage of physique transformations either! Unless youve received a true Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) diagnosis, which is extremely rare, histamine intolerance requires root cause healing and is only a symptom. I tried the carnivore diet about a year ago for 2 weeks, but this year I gave it a full 30 days to see if it would help support my body as I went through a mold / Lyme protocol. Mycotoxin exposure has also been tied to. Mycotoxins have the ability to cause a range of adverse health impacts from acute mold poisoning to long-term effects such as mold illness or even cancer. Mold illness practitioners will monitor blood pressure if this medication is required. Once youve determined that youve encountered a water-damaged building and have eight or more positive symptom clusters from the first two criteria, the next step is taking the Visual Contract Sensitivity (VCS) test. Better. She holds a psychology and communications degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and shes the author of the best-selling book, Carnivore Cure. There are a lot of factors at play here when it comes to mold illness, a complex subcategory of biotoxin illness. These types of mold are on the lower end in terms of the danger scale. In mold illness, the impaired immune system isnt capable of identifying the mold and other biotoxins for antibody creation and correct detoxification. Well search for answers until we turn over every rock (or case study and research paper). Users claim it can boost weight loss, reduce inflammation, and increase testosterone levels, but the diet comes with significant drawbacks. Alongside the many complications of this condition, theres a serious lack of awareness in both holistic wellness spaces and the Western medical community. Mold exposure and mycotoxin accumulation are one of the various root causes of histamine intolerance, which is often exacerbated by impacted gut health from low MSH levels. While a lot of properties will display one or more of these signs outlined above, there are many that have hidden water damage. My favorites are livers, hearts, and brains. Kelly can now eat at restaurants and not worry about plastics, the quality of the water or the grain fed meat cooked in seed oil. The ensuing impacts of low MSH, various bodily symptoms impacted by mycotoxin circulation, and the development of autoimmune conditions in certain genetically susceptible individuals (referred to in stage four), explain the varying range of symptomology in those with mold illness. Depleted levels of VIP are common in mold illness and can subsequently cause diarrhea, shortness of breath, and reduced exercise tolerance. A health emergency motivated me to try keto and a carnivore-style diet, and I lost 90 pounds. Well search for answers until we turn over every rock (or case study and research paper). For those with dysregulated immune systems, this can pose a more serious issue. Its critical to find a CIRS provider for achieving root cause healing, not just any practitioner that works with mold toxicity and illness since this prescription medication is a requirement for properly treating mold illness. MSH is an essential hormone that plays a key role in managing immune function, inflammation, and other hormones. A gluten-free diet offers gut healing support while minimizing imbalanced gliadin (gluten) antibody markers. These are the essential markers needed for diagnostic criteria along with progress tracking during treatment. linked to indoor and outdoor air pollution, understanding the downstream impacts and health consequences of toxic mold exposure is critical. or high doses of fish oil. Judy Cho is board certified in holistic nutrition and a certified functional nutritional therapy practitioner. VIP is also capable of assisting in optimizing immune system regulation, helping optimize wellness. Since the body is unable to detox toxic mold on its own in mold illness cases, these mycotoxins are stored in the gallbladder and excreted in the bile leading to indefinite recirculation. Its important to discuss environment testing with your practitioner to ensure youre following all the best current practices. The gluten-free approach also helps restrict mycotoxin food exposure (however, mycotoxin ingestion from food is not the cause of mold illness). Mold exposure and mycotoxin accumulation are one of the various root causes of histamine intolerance, which is often exacerbated by impacted gut health from low MSH levels. Reduced MSH significantly contributes to leaky junctions that cause both leaky brain and leaky gut. I have turkey, eggs, and salmon roe occasionally. An elevated TGF Beta-1 marker can be indicative of mold exposure. The C4a marker is one of the testable markers in the complementary system and is very significant for mold illness monitoring and diagnosis. Losartan, a prescription medication, can be used as an intervention for stubborn elevated TGF Beta-1. If you have to be picture perfect with your diet and lifestyle routines to feel normal, dig deeper. I say animal-based because my diet is not strictly carnivore, although it started out that way. offer a passive support option to help rebalance the nervous system. Some adherents eat only meat, salt, and water. A limited blood marker and genetic susceptibility test is also available in-house for those looking to reduce the initial financial burden of mold illness diagnosis. Pretty simple. carnivore-ish. The term brain on fire refers to this critical inflammatory state experienced by the brain. The immune reactions can present as blood clotting abnormalities, histamine intolerance, autoimmune issues, and gluten sensitivity. Mold illness is a more prevalent issue than ever imagined with new scientific data and clinical experience illuminating this significant problem. The year sped by without me experiencing any significant issues being a carnivore. 40% of people suffer from mold toxicity with 25% of the population genetically susceptible to chronic mold illness. Cytokine production in addition to impacted nerve function from toxic mold leads to chronic, general inflammation. have the ability to cause a range of adverse health impacts from acute mold poisoning to long-term effects such as mold illness or even cancer.
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