It will come. These include: The best way to assess your risk of skipping your periods indefinitely is to talk with your OB-GYN. Yes. Put the leaves and the water into a blender and blend till it forms a smooth juice. Comment: pls i was told contraceptive drug has high side effect. Russell suggests taking alternative steps in delaying a period if you need to. 15 Ways to Write No Gifts Necessary for a Baby Shower. after a year of shots. Gud afternoonI started my menstruation on d 16 and I finished on d 20 of this month and I just had sex now but he didnt cum into me but I released,is it possible dat I can get pregnant. Blue cohosh is also known as backdrops, yellow or blue ginseng, squaw root, blueberry root, papoose root. But postinor reduces the chance of getting pregnant. Most of these natural methods of abortion are safe and effective and does not cause much pain or side effects. Old doc I had sex on Friday morning took postinor2 in the evening and had sex again at night breaking Saturday which I suppose to ovulate and had sex again on Sunday is been 7days now can I be pregnant if yes please what can I take to flush the sperms out ?? Good morning, how are you doing? I had sex d last day of my period which was 1/3/2020 and I took postinur like, not up to an hour after that. It is not safe please. Withdrawal method is not reliable and is is not 90percent Effective. What is the relationship between alabukun and sex? though I dont know if i am in my ovulating period or not, but it seems so.Am i save? Endometrial ablation. It is best to refrain form consuming vitamin C if you are suffering from kidney stones, because it can worsen the condition. I mean consuming more of it. Policy. I had unprotected sex with my fiancee on the 14th(Vals day) I took postinor 2 that evening and we played around (sex) again today but I dont think Im ready to get pregnant and hes not aware of it please is it advisable to take another postinor 2 pills in less than 5 days for both encounters? Had my menstruation on the 8th of last month,I had unprotected sex on the 20th of the same month, the next morning I took postinor2. Barely There Period? If you have an unprotected sex, please take Postinor. For the reaction to occur, the bicarbonate ions must come into contact with the hydrogen ions in just the right way. People believe the highly alkaline nature of alum water kills sperm. 15 Ways To Get Pregnant With Twins Naturally | Fertility, When Will I Go Into Labor? Please sir I someone take postinor 2 times in a week, Pls sir I have unprotected sex with my bf on sunday,what drug can I use to prevent unwanted pregnancy,can I still use postinor. Most are unplanned and the partner end up pouring inside. Should the person take postinor 2 4times, Take a longer term contraceptive like injectables or IUCD. Steep 2 teaspoons of black cohosh root powder in a glass of water for 15 minutes. But remember: Everybody is different. To these rabbits, 5 ml/kg Coca-Cola was administered once daily for another 7 days. Im supposed to see my period on 11th The response of the menstrual cycle to initiation of hormonal therapy in transgender men. And then immediately the common denominator. One study using rhesus monkeys found that nearly half of the monkeys who were administered cocaine regularly had an abnormal menstrual cycle duration with several episodes of amenorrhea, or the absence of a period for at least 2 months. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. Still scared wat should I still use to flush sperm out of my body today?? You are now equipped to fight almost all Evils of the periods. You can take postinor within 24 -72 hours after sex. Vitamin C - Vitamin C can strengthen blood vessels and decrease menstrual flow. To reduce tension, you can do an urine pregnancy test. So, consuming considerable amount of laxatives can cause upset. Sir i have several questions. I have unprotected sex today after some hrs I took Andrew liver salt, I my safe, Plz I need an urgent reply,I have sex on Friday night and its been six days now(Thursday)what can I do to flush it off, Late. Is it advisable to take postinor 2 twice in a month? Im really scared. I just had sex buh my partner quickly cum and he pulled out, am still not sure if he cummed in me and like an hour time I took andrew liver salt What can a lady use 6 six dayS AFTER UNPROTECTED SEX?I mean drugs, Wait it out. If youve found yourself wishing your flow would dry up for good, there are solutions. I had an unprotected sex with my girl friend she then used salt and 7up two hours later,she told me that the salt and 7up wash away the sperm when she pee that nightpls is that possible. I have missed my periods this month. The standard configuration of a months worth of pills is 21 days of low-dose hormones that prevent ovulation. But they said withdrawal method is 90% effective ,am I on the risk of getting pregnant? If you have unprotected sex, use postpill, Good morning,i had unprotected sex 3days ago,bt he didnt release in me and my period is in 7days please am scared except postinor what can one use, Postinor is your best bet. hi doc, I had my period on 17th of Jan. and it stopped on 20th , had sex on 23rd.thou I took ampiclox later that day, want to know if it will work or am I likely to get pregnant? There is a possibility. Dicey? Doctor advised to take Injection CORION 5000IU weekly and ARGIPREG Sachet -1 sachet daily with other regular Tablets like ASA 50 (1 daily), SYSFOL PLUS (2tab daily) and DUBAGEST-200 (1 daily). Thank you, Good day I wanna hv unprotected sex with my bf and I dont wanna get pregnant wat else can I do pls, I had unprotected sex today nd I took salt and water and I safe. What You Should Know About the Morning-After Pill, High Blood Pressure? Stopping a period with salt water, water with vinegar, the morning-after pill, or ibuprofen is not advised as these methods are not scientifically proven to be effective and can be harmful to your health. Report to the police. I saw my period on 13th of January 2020 and I have a 31 days circle when is the best time to have sex with my husband to get pregnant. So when did I get pregnant is it on the 16 or on the 22. 14. To use Tansy for abortion, put a teaspoon of dried Tansy leaves powder in a cup of hot water and let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Sometimes, even when you wear one, raincoats do break and spills everywhere. eight hours later she took beecham and cytotec. If you're undergoing treatment for any kind of cancer, youll know that your body is going through some dramatic changes. No, it is Aspirin: Disprin is a brand name an d it contains Aspirin which helps with pai and the dispense system is such that it does not irritate Stomach. And what will she take to terminate it in case is pregnancy? But the later you take it, the higher your chances of getting pregnant. Aving unprotected sex 6days after your menstruation can sum1 get pregnant, tho immediately too salt nd water. Is there a possibility that I might be pregnant. abdominal massage. My LMP was 9th What can I use to flush out the sperm. Comment:pls sir I took postinor on Saturday then I still had sex on Sunday can it still be effective? In the unripe state, the enzymes in papaya act as prostaglandin and oxytocin that are used induce labor with medicines. 5 That means about 5% or less of the time, you still have a chance of getting pregnant. Use protection next time, Gud morning sir, I had an unprotected sex the very last day of my menses, I used salt and water instantly and about 7hours later I took postinol 2. Is not yet my menses too. In fact it is NOT a contraceptive. I add a d&c last month April 3 after 2days I do my period for like 2weeks till nw may 8 I did not see my period can I be pregnant? Quickly go and buy Postinor 2 and take it immediately. You're considered to have a particularly heavy period when you have to change your protection far more often than recommended (that's normally every four hours), need to combine tampon and pads, or regularly leak through your clothes or onto your bedding. Hi Doc, I had my periods 28th Dec and ended on 2nd January. Postinor is only effective within 72hours..after sex. And I took lemon juice after that. Pls sir i had sex with my bf on d 17 of may, nd i took salt and water immediately after the sex, on d 20 of may, i saw my mencies nd it only lasted for 3 days,but wen i went for a urine test on d 28 it was negative am i safe? Put all the pieces of cinnamon in a coffee grinder or blender and blend till it forms a smooth powder. Pleas somebody help me my wife deliver true operation and this is 8 month she give birth and this month she didnt see her period what will I do, I have unprotected sex two day ago and this morning I take white Quinine Andrew liver salt smile I safe, Pls can I be taking prostinor2 anytime I av sex pls I need fast answer, Please i need a urgent answer i had unprotected sex with my boyfriend yesterday and i use amplicox immediately.can this fluish out d sperm or i should go for postinor, I took Postinor the second day I had sex and the third day I drank chealsea am I safe, 4 days Left to my period I had unprotected sex But I took 2 tablet of postinor 1 Immediately Hope am safe, I have unprotected sex on Wednesday and I didnt take anything, the question is this, can I still take prostinor on Thursday, hope am self sir. Unexpected bleeding could occur while youre on the pill, though. Although studies on humans are inconclusive at this time, it is better to play it safe when it comes to the health of your baby. Lemon Eating a piece of lemon may be one of your grandmas recommendations, but it actually works for many women. For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service. Heat 2 cups of water in a saucepan and add the papaya cubes to it. Sometimes your periods may stop altogether. Why take 7up and potash when you can easily just take Postinor? after my period hope I will not get pregnant. Please am I safe or can i still use postinor, I had my period on the 27th of December and it finished on the 30th. Thank you. Compounds caulosaponin and caulophyllasaponin in blue cohosh triggers the release of hormone oxytocin which promotes uterine contraction and induce abortion. Heat can be an effective way to reduce pain associated with a period. In which part of your head does it ache, Since when, how many times a day, Does it have any relation with any activity, does any activity increases or decreases its intensity, Do you have any other associated symptoms, Does taking Disprin relieves it? Is it safe to take postinor 2 on the third and fourth day of menstruation? Anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen and naproxenreduce the production of prostaglandins, says Russell. Sir I need urgent response please.i had sex for the first time,and has been bleeding for six days now.and my period is not near.what should I do, I had sex around 6 This morning and took posno2 around 11 am I safe, Doc I had sex in the afternoon and I took Beecham ampiclox I had another sex in the evening but didnt take any drugs can I get pregnant if yes is it the first sex or the last sex. I had sex on Wednesday and I didnt use anything till Saturday can I use postinor on Saturday and is going to prevent it. Ahmad S, et al. Some brands of birth control come packaged with continuous active pills to help you go 2, 3, or more months before taking a break for a period. Strain the tea and drink it 2 times a day. Which is preferable doctor postinor 1 or 2? Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in a minute. It is best not to try these remedies for terminating late pregnancies because it can lead to various health risks. Doctor's Answer Hi, If you have a family history of hypertension,you should avoid excessive salt intake and a high cholesterol diet which includes fatty foods like butter or any other cold drinks. Hello Doc. It is still effective against preventing pregnancy within 72 hours of unprotected sex. No way. We earn a commission for products purchased through some links in this article. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. No emergency contraception can prevent STIs Although the MAP and IUD can help prevent unplanned pregnancy, they do not reduce your risk of contracting STIs or HIV after unprotected sex. Using contraception (such as birth control pills, condoms, or intrauterine devices), Emergency contraception or the morning-after pill, Delaying sexual activity until you are in a committed relationship, Seeking information and support from a health care provider, Talking openly with your partner about contraception methods, Discussing your sexual history with a health care provider. My ovulation was suppose to finish today and ihad unprotected sex any chance of me getting pregnant, Very high chance. Some ladies use salt and water to douche after nakamora. Basically, the patch works the same way as the pill, but hormones are delivered through a weekly patch applied to your skin. What To Do When Your Medication Isnt Enough, When To Take Aspirin for a Medical Emergency, Artificial Sweetener Erythritols Major Health Risks, Best Ingredients and Products for Your Anti-Aging Skin Care Routine. Can Andrew liver salt remove early pregnancy? I had sex around 4pm on sunday and I took negro pepper with ginger mixed with hot drink around 7pm that same Sunday Thank you. Thanks in anticipation, Doc I had sex last week Thursday like after 3 hours i took apliclox and Andrew liver salt Im seeing white muscus is it normal??? While some ladies take herbal concoctions, others insert herbs deep inside their bodies in order to kill any spermatozoa deposited there. And will I do? Good day Doc,I had unprotected sex a day before my ovulation on Saturday night and my partner released in me,I took two sachets of water to flush out the sperm and also took salt and water,then I took postpill the next day evening..will I get pregnant? 2. Aleve Another medication which many women finds either slows or stops their flow. It is an antibiotic and does NOT prevent pregnancy. And please how can I b giving her the Quinine? The water may be salted, warm or plain. Thank you. Breastfeeding many women who exclusively breastfeed find they do not have a period for anywhere from 1 month to 2 years after their baby is born. Hormone therapy (estrogen, progesterone, or a combination of both) can help make your cycle more regular, but be sure to talk about the risks and benefits with your doctor. Then gave the gal postinor on Monday night. after sex, Safe period. 5. Pls doctor I need u to answer me nowsomeone whos period is few days to come and had an unprotected sex then toke lime,like drink a lime water for some hours after the sex the person safe? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Had unprotected sex on the 26 of April and my last period ended 13 or 14 of same month, Immediately after d sex in d night i took salt and water den d next morning around to 12 I took postinor 2 , den..after 12hours of d first tablet I took d second one as prescribed. Thanks Babajide, Beecham ampiclox is not a contraceptive. It is hormonal. Had sex on Monday and took andrew then on Tuesday I took one pill of postinor 2 then had sex that day and took the remaing pills of potinor 2 Usually, your ovaries stay intact and continue to produce hormones. I had bath immediately and drank sprite and salt. You're most . Aspirin also can help prevent blood clots. Also, try and see a gynaecologist if you have not see one before. 3. 4. Stick to the Postinor you know, I had an unprotected sex on sunday and took postpill on monday and today I had another my period was supposed to come today but I dint see can I be pregnant. And in some cases, so can your prescriptions. Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. In addition, bromelain present in pineapple promotes contraction of the uterine wall and softens the uterus which eventually leads to miscarriage. Comment:plz dr .I had unprotected srx ,but I use postinor 2 immediately after having d sex ,plz am I save. Reasons for White Discharge, Missed Period and Negative Result, Brown Vaginal Discharge: Top 13 Causes & What To Do, Natural Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction Found. Pennyroyal is biologically known as mentha pulegium and hedeoma pulegioides. They have some potential to help in the short term. But Russell advises they will only slow your period flow by about 10% to 20%. Taking high doses of aspirin in the early stages of pregnancy can cause miscarriage. Is it possible to use ibuprofen as a way to manage it? Many ladies I have asked believe it helps flush out semen even after 5 days and also washes out sexually transmitted infections. 3. what contraceptive can she use Strain the mixture into your teacup, and add a teaspoon of honey. If you are in early stage of pregnancy, which in less than 10 weeks then you can try natural abortion methods to terminate your pregnancy safely. 2. You says it doesnt work hmmmm, Only Postinor or postpill is the medically approved emergency contraceptive for now. Doctors often recommended chamomile tea to women during their pregnancy. If I take postinorwill it still work? Let your friend buy Postinor2 and take it immediately. It is not a contraceptive. Will the pill still work? IUCD is the best and safest for you if you dont want to gain weight. Postinor? If in doubt, book a GP appointment. Either way, its worth getting clued up so you know whats going on with your body throughout your cycle. If she is in her fertile period, and you deposited in her during intercourse, there is a 95 percent chance of her getting pregnant. I had sex with my husband two weeks after my mensuration and I took postinor 2 immediately. Had sex on the 9th april but just noticed through an ovulating kit that am ovulating in the next 12-48hrs pls is it still possible to hv another sex to concieve a boy? Apart from using it as a feminine wash for tightness, women wash with lime after megbesuegbe to wash out and destroy sperm from their bodies so as to prevent pregnancy. Birth Control There are a variety of hormonal birth control methods that will stop your period for months or years. Some women can skip periods for a whole year, and have no bleeding on certain treatments, while others will only delay their period for two to three weeks, and then will start to experiencebreakthrough bleeding, Russell advises. Last night my hubby and I had an unprotected sex. I need an urgent answer, Dr pls I had unprotected sex on Sunday and use post pill on monday evening am I save, Yes.but postinor works better when taken within an hour or two after unprotected sex, Dr pls I had u protection sex since August 28 since that day I have brinking salt and water since that day my back as be paining me is that d sumtimes of pregnant and what can I take will dat salt and water work for it or not bcs am secred. Hi this Natalya Manson can I take ferrous sulfate tablet 325 pills to stop my period? Or what else can I take? I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on Saturday night which is 13 days after my last period , I took postinor 2 within 24 hours, I had another sex last night Thursday December 29,2019 but the condom burst what can I do? Please is there still a possibility of pregnancy? She said shes presently having blood spots and mild pain and its four days now since she took the post pill..What might be the cause ?? I took pt test but is negative, please can I get pregnant like that. Doc please i had sex then after six hours of the sexual intercourse i took two doses of ampiclox beecham with andrew liver salt, please i want to know if it will prevent me from getting pregnant or can i still take get postinor2?? Not exactly. Some guys notices wetness when sexually arose but has not ejaculated just some drops like colorless water can such get someone pregnant? It is an antibiotic that is now been used as emergency contraception and to flush out semen with positive testimonies. Could you please elaborate about your headache. Does it mean I have committed an abortion, Dont really know if you have committed an abortion If you are bleeding please see a doctor. Does both have effects like change in hormone, or does it mean am pregnant, been 1week I have unprotected sex. We do recommend high-dose anti-inflammatories like ibuprofen to slow downheavy periods, says Russell. Similar BT had unprotected sex on 19th am I likely to get pregnant if yes wat can I use to avoid it. "They are associated with disruption of the menstrual cycle, and this is down to increased production of prolactin [a hormone thats produced in the pituitary gland] - a side effect of how they work.". But still just to confirm that you don't have Read Full Answer, Hi, Sir, can I still take d beecham after 48 hours of unprotected sex???? please its urgent, I saw my period on the 22nd of December and it finished on the 25th of December. Claim: Combining Coca-Cola and aspirin will get you high (or kill you). My friend had unprotected sex on Sunday evening can still she take portinor on Monday evening You can use emergency contraceptive pills if you are not comfortable. Just different brand names or companies producing them. Doctor I had my period on the 28th December and it stopped 2nd January, I had unprotected sex last night and my period is due 25th this month can I fall pregnant?? Please help out, i had unprotected sex yesterday which was 30th of Nov and i took two sachet of dry gin after washing off and i saw my period on 22nd of the month of nov and finished on the 26th of Nov am i still going to get pregnant, yesterday I was r*ped to unprotected sex nd dat disame yesterday I finished my period, immediately I got home I took agbo for flushing nd also today ,will I still get pregnant, Sorry about that. Having unprotected sex a day after period, will it result to pregnancy?? Can a girl take postpill 1.5 2days after unprotected sex? I had unprotected sex 6 days after my ovulation,can I be pregnant? Please doctor,I had a protected sex I mean my boyfriend used condom but he used the same condom twice and I learned its not safe though he didnt remove the condom and it didnt get broken either,I had the sex on Friday afternoon should I use post pill, I had sex with my fiance on friday around 9pm with out protection today is Sunday pls can I still tak postinor 2, Please I had unprotected sex on Monday last week with my boyfriend and today I started feeling pains all over my body even head ache can I be pregnant and can I still flush it out. People who dont want to use hormonal treatments or are looking to stop periods with a single procedure may choose a surgical option like endometrial ablation or hysterectomy. If youre looking to delay your period in time for a special event, Russell says it depends on how far in advance you consult your doctor. It is the safest home remedy for abortion. Use multiprocessing or multithreading to take advantage of multiple CPU cores. How safe am I against pregnancy. Please sir does postinor or postpill have any side effect in the future? It is generally well-tolerated but can cause side effects like constipation and stomach upset. High doses of ibuprofen may help you delay your period for an event or special vacation. I took quinine two tablets with one postinor to induced abortion, but it fails me I later went to see a doctor and he told me the fetus is dead they have to do evacuation for me. Will postpill still work after a girl has ovulated?. It is only paternity test that can determine that. Pregnancy during pregnancy, women do not experience periods, although some women with hormonal problems may experience a faux monthly bleed called decidual bleeding. Strain the water and crush the sesame seeds to from a smooth paste. So it does not stop the period. Good morning sir please help me, my menstruation cycle is 32days i wish to know my safety period that i can have an unprotected sex, Because she had sex on 1st of this month and had another sex on 7 of this month, but she has taken postinor 2, on 3 third of this month. Doc good evening, its Thursday morning after bathing I had blood coming out from my viginal but its didnt flow much then its stopped that very day as well and I had sex in d evening with my hubby,which he did release in me and d next day d menses continueis its possible that I could get pregnant without taking any contraceptive?? 2. Blue cohosh or Caulophyllum thalictroides is a popular herb with potent emmenagogue properties. It will not work and more importantly, the combo can damage your liver and kidneys. Pls I want to get pregnant,I have been having serious issues with my menstration its doesnt come out every month E.G January came on 5 6 then cease 9 cease 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 then stopped stains throughout tho then February came on 3 4 5 6 7 and stop tho its flows well. This article is the intellectual property of Remove the skin of the pineapple using a sharp knife. Hi, What drug can a man take after unprotected sex to prevent std/sti? What will I take after five days of unprotected sex So I started feeling some kind of frequent headache from September 7 although I just feel that twice and its only headache and a kind of stomach pain Doctor please Ask your provider about the benefits and risks of aspirin in your situation. But sir, when a person have an unprotected sex and 4 min later using salt and water and using clean water to rinse the vaginal, can it still prevent sir, I had sex a day after my fertile day. Of course yes. Whats the possibility of getting pregnant Laugh out loud! The past, present, and future of selective progesterone receptor modulators in the management of uterine fibroids.
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