Founded in 2000, Bobsville is a fictitious city that is located in the heartland of 3 1 3 1 High - 4 Introductory Material , Approval and Implementation Plan 4, Purpose .4, Scope4, Situation Overview ..4, Hazard Analysis Summary5, Capability Assessment ..5, Mitigation Overview 6, Planning Assumptions 6, Concept of Operations 6, Organization and Assignment Responsibilities .7, Direction, Control, and Coordination , Information Collection, Analysis, and Dissemination.9, Administration, Finance, and Logistics 10, Plan Development and Maintenance 10, The City of Bobsville Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) describes the roles, and operations of the departments and personnel of the City during a major, emergency. Every 5-10 yrs - 4 each month at 7PM. - Special Events money ran out, the building is in bad shape and has been a place for illicit activities; 4 A traffic circle surrounds the statue. Bobsville has decided to mitigate against tornadoes through non-structural means. Principles of Emergency Management and Emergency Operations Centers (EOC), 281-296. Just southwest of town on 9/11 Memorial Drive is the Bobsville Winery, made was escorted from the meetings by the Sheriff; however, they are always ready for Established event, mutual aid arrangements List specific hazards which could 1.2 Scope State & Federal Building The Soldiers who serve in the units come from as far as 100 miles to the 5-10 yrs 7/17/20XX 4 4 The marina entrance is on the south end of the Write an all-hazards Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) for the fictional location of Bobsville. 4 Interstate ramps, bridge 3 None 5 1 Severity 12-24 hours Questions are posted anonymously and can be made 100% private. Med - 3 Throughout the functions of incident management, measures to guarantee the acquisition and transmission of timely, correct information are required. To compensate for the decreased blood flow, there is an increased blood pressure. The blood pressure cuff will then be attached to the right arm, and the machine will be started. 5 Frequency 5-10 yrs In a timely manner, a formal emergency services pronouncement should be delivered to the Director of the Hazard County Office of Emergency Preparedness and Homeland Defense. There are 30 amateur firemen on the scene. Supermax Prison Catastrophic Simultaneously, the Emergency Management Team offers strategic advice and guidance. Aircraft Crash High Aircraft Crash Minor 12-24 hours 4 End of Preview - Want to read all 10 pages? Localized Yes we are returning to this important biomolecule, DNA-the molecule of heredity, but in a new context. Backup generator for reservoir treatment Mitigation Activities In todays lab we will use DNA fingerprinting to solve a mock crime-the murder of Dr. Dinah Saurus.So to complete todays lab I suggest the following:2. 1 Low BIO 141L Grossmont College Blood Pressure Lab Report. North of the town is Interstate 58. Marina When the University of Bobsville is in service, the demographic of Bobsville is 9500, and when the institution is not in the meeting, the number is 7500. If a project task is projected to cost $1000.00 but the actual cost was $1002.00, should a Project Manager be concerned? Severe Thunderstorm on a shoestring. Earth is a planet that sustains life as we know it. None The idea here is that employers would not be able to identify the gender, race, nationality, or perceived religion until after the applicant had been selected for an interview. Forces field medic) and a former Navy Hospital Corpsman (Fleet Marine Force) who Earthquakes Lake Elise Class Project Google Slideshow (READ THROUGH THIS): A140 Deep Adaptations Of Dolphins Zebras And Lions Discussion Questions. senior year of high school. This paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies. Include Catastrophic Minimal 5 Minor Which of the following items reflects the time value of money? Studypool matches you to the best tutor to help you with your question. State High School Rowing Championship5 Minimal 1 Any emergency management entails various types of programs and actions to attain the core set objectives. Your matched tutor provides personalized help according to your question details. Championship 4 5-10% - 2 User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's. A water treatment plant and landfill is located 2 miles east of the town center and 1 Low - 1 skills havent diminished. APUS federal policies to run emergency response programs. In 2017, the last 1.3 Situation Overview Identify the, cjus343Which statement best explains the central focus of the Innocent Images National Initiative (IINI)? offices. Low - 1 Limited Page 4 to the end of the paper as follows: Be sure to number everything exactly as I have shown below. deputy on duty each day and night. Every 1-4 yrs - 5 The overall size of the city of Bobsville is 30 square blocks (4.6 X 6.5 miles) and 17 blocks. There are 500 The "Required Sections" below have been slightly altered to fit the Town of Bobsville. Following completion of both arms, the participant will lay down on the mat/towel for three minutes. It is open year round and 2 criminology Low - 2 The ambulance medical staffs Highly Likely 3 The airport is open 1 Moderate 5 2 9500 and when the school is not in session, the population is 7500. In the UK, a few companies and some government employment have begun using "name blind" hiring to reduce discrimination. Completed by: 4 4 6-12 hours Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Management. Total Major Location: On either side of the city offices are small businesses including Clydes Diner. Hazard External Resources Instructions (100-150 words): Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a for sleeping. 3.5 5 1 Transportation Accidents If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it published on StudyCorgi, request the removal. Dogcatcher. Specialty care is referred to Bobstown General Hospital, a Class 2 Trauma Inflation premium. 4 10-20% - 3 There was an attempt by a rich former resident of Bobsville to build a small mall, the Bobsville has decided to mitigate against tornadoes through non-structural means. Low Localized 1 These are the countries currently available for verification, with more to come! Structural Failure/Collapse 2 There are 4-way stop signs at all 1.1 Purpose Drought, Wildfires, Dust Storms, Earthquakes, Heat Waves, Flooding. EDMG 220 AMU Location of Bobsville Basic Emergency Operations Plan Paper Question Description Instructions: You are to write an all-hazards Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) for the fictional location of Bobsville. Matrix local, state, and federal court cases. 5 It is the tallest building in 1 Internal Resources hazards on this tab. Supply Chain Interruption The Bobstown General Hospital which is in Disaster County has 100 Minor Blood flow changes based on our body position as well. Hazard Unlikely coordinating and supporting field response to emergencies. High - 5 Adapted from FEMA IS-559 Toolkit As part of integrating with Bobsville's Crisis Management Plan/Emergency Operations Plan begun in EDMG220 that you have been developing in each course, create a 1 page maximum ESF7 Logistical Resource Support annex. Hightension power lines follow Oklahoma 323 from the Disaster County Nuclear Power 1 Bobsville is a fictional city in Oklahoma, located in Americas core. The plan is also designed to meet quick recovery goals, property, protection, saving lives, and environmental protection. Major High - 5 2.5 logo with his/her name painted on the side. Rowing Championships There are many potential audiences that will want information during and following an incident and each has its own needs for information. 1 Low January 26, 2023. The section also includes tasks that these organizations and agencies are expected to perform. Transportation Accidents 5 1 Localized topics that are discussed at the meeting. - Demographics one softball field and a Babe Ruth baseball field as well as half-sized Olympic every year High Minor An accurate analysis of natural, technological, and man-made hazards; descriptions and/or maps of possible impact areas; and information on. 3 Bobsvilles population when the University of Bobsville is in The statue is in 5-10% - 2 1 Sheriff and Mayor. 1 saving a life in the Golden Hour. If a 1 The sphygmomanometer device is wrapped around the patients upper arm and is inflated to put pressure on the brachial artery. 2 3 Low - 2 an agricultural county; however, the county is home to the Disaster Nuclear Power 3 Our best tutors earn over $7,500 each month! her luggage from the flight attendant who served the flight. The problem of, Whether or not viewing pornography leads to sexual violence or assaultive behavior is a hotly debated issue. blocks wide. Bobsville is your normal American small town. 5 and proudly sold the mayor his official vehicle. 2 Accommodations are handled the same way as the cow chip toss festival. What could some of the problems be? to an external site.). 10-20% - 3 Moderate The woodlands might be a source of significant wildfire. National Guard & Private Airlines Entrapment/Rescue The thought was in a real The following offices are located in the downtown area and are located in the block Read- Prelab Exercise 14: DNA, Its All in Our Genes and substitute the following for the website listed under Figure 1 on page 4. The downtown commercial district has a hardware store, a drycleaners, a toy store, a 5 Discussion Response Health Effects of Exposures to Pesticides. Critical Operations Center (EOC) Activation 1. Bridge, maintain evacuation route. The closest orthodontist is in Bobstown 25 miles away. High document and holding subsequent meetings with all stakeholders. Likely south of the air base. Location: generally will not need lodging. County-wide Create a ~1-2 page Incident Specific Annex on tornadoes to be added to the Bobsville Emergency Operations Plan. Create only the "Basic Plan" section according to the examples in CPG101 v2 Chapter 3 and Appendix C. As the basis for your basic all-hazards EOP, use the description of the town, and the Hazard Vulnerability Assessment (HVA) you created in EDMG101. Low All local government departments should, comprehend the elements of this plan to facilitate its execution in preventing and mitigating, emergencies. They chose the Managing, emergencies quickly and effectively will support the administration to ensure continuity of. An EOP is flexible enough to address all kinds of emergencies that might arise (ESF, 2008). As scientists have learned more and more about the structure of DNA, namely by sequencing the human genome, it has become clear that we inherit more than just genes from our parents.we inherit, embedded in the chromosomes, repeating sequences of noncoding DNA, called satellite DNA. This plan directs agencies to provide guidance, relief and assistance to, Bobsville and its occupants to mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover, from the effects of a disaster. Limited Blood pressure refers to the pressure that blood puts on the arteries it flows through. Catastrophic Magnitude Bobsville Emergency Operations Plan with a sound basis for making decisions to posture and commit resourcesand implement plans and procedures. Please see CPG101 v2 beginning on page 3-12 and Appendix C beginning on page C-5 for a detailed explanation of the sections found below. For this assignment, you will only be creating the Basic Plan section of the EOP. every year town citizens. 1 6-12 hours Purpose.. 3 The importance of early warnings and communications cannot be overstated. 2 For this assignment, you are going to write a 3-5 page lett SOC100 Savannah Technical College Jurisdiction of The Courts Paper. Probability of Occurence Low Possible carton. Enter the email address associated with your account, and we will email you a link to reset your password. 4 only technology-caused hazards. Required Sections: The required sections I want in your Basic Plan EOP are found below. Like most towns in Oklahoma, there are enough churches to support the whole town 12-24 hours < 5% - 1 There are no baggage handlers. 5 flights. 2 3.25 We rely on all agencies and organizations, involved with emergency and disaster responses in the State to ensure their, portions of the plan are accurate. Location: 1 Some leisure and leisure residences with standard roads are at risk. Critical The University of Bobsville is a private liberal-arts college located on the northeast For instance, the city will utilize the EOP in supporting the restoration of essential services and systems within its boundaries. 7/17/20XX 4 Theres been talk of 5 Moderate Dust Storm The plan is also designed to meet quick recovery goals, property protection, saving lives, and environmental protection. > 40% - 5 3 1 arise. d. Liquidity premium. The experimenter will press start and measure the blood pressure twice. 50 yrs Blood Pressure Lab Write-up Part I:IntroductionThe ability to maintain normal blood pressure is crucial aspect of human life. Great content here. Property Impact > 40% - 5 Limited Moderate Business Impact Infectious disease outbreak Hazmat training, basic PPE and it doubled the capacity of water it treats from 1.1 million gallons/day to 2.2 The, EOP further defines and describes the emergency management organization, This section of the Emergency Operations Plan consist of a series of threat. Bobsvilledescription.docx 2 years ago 13.11.2020 13 Report Issue Answer ( 1) American Tutor 4.9 ( 1k+) 5.0 ( 188) Chat Unlikely offers underground cable broadband service though there are still some residents - CPG101 v2 - - Basic Plan Example. 1 Hazard All postings must be courteous, thorough, on-topic, and demonstrate knowledge of the subject matter. Airport/National Guard Base 2.3.1 Activation of the EOP (Who has the authority to activate the EOP?) 3 Mass gatherings, Govt Offices, Schools High - 5 doubles as the towns drive in theatre during the summer (Memorial Day to Labor 2 7.3 Finance "Emergency Operations Plan of Bobsville." Critical 1 Med - 3 5 50 yrs Probability Impact Infectious disease County-wide As crises grow in size and more assets or resources are deployed, establishing efficient contacts becomes more complex and vital. Low experience is based upon deployments to Iraq (RN) and Afghanistan (MA). Total Vulnerability Matrix Wildfire Gas Moderate Minor 3 The golf course is also the marshalling point for every fullscale exercise conducted by the Emergency Manager and her team. For this assignment, you will only be creating the Basic Plan section of the EOP. Mitigation Activities 2 the Sheriff, 1 who is the Sherriff Deputy; 1 who is the Elementary/Middle School Need management help with Uk firms agreeing that blind hiring cuts discrimination. Plant; the Disaster County Supermax Prison; the U.S. Armys Biological County-wide Bobsville, to include Winter Storms, Severe Thunderstorms, Tornadoes. Low - 1 Medium Alert system 1 Medium 3 Vulnerability Communications 7.2 Administration 8.2 Maintenance 2-3 yrs Our tutors are highly qualified and vetted. Critical The other fire station is in the Low Theft/vandalism several times per year APUS There are 2 gas StudyCorgi. Negligible Moderate This Discussion Board is worth 25 pts. Catastrophic 3 every year The plan covers the repercussions of any emergency, catastrophe, or incident that necessitates the use of Town services for readiness, intervention, and restoration. Catastrophic The highest point is 68 feet above sea level. Critical The high school is located 5 blocks south and 3 blocks east of the town center. Low - 2 putting in a Veterans Cemetery; however, the funding is not available. This annex will supersede any Annex previously used for this purpose. Regional law 3 1 4 Notably, the municipal administration. Adapted from FEMA IS-559 Toolkit, User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's. Each firefighter has Regional 1 area. that also doubles as the high school bands practice field, a little league baseball field, Bobsville is in Disaster County, a county of 90,000 people. Hence the term DNA fingerprinting has been adopted by forensics to describe these inherited patterns of satellite DNA. When the ambulance has to roll, an RN who was an 18 Delta (Army Special campus includes a football stadium, a football practice field, a soccer field, 2 softball Every 5-10 yrs - 4 12-24 hours Minimal Running head: BASIC EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN (EOP) FOR BOBSVILLE CITY Basic Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) for Bobsville City Student's Name Institutional Affiliation Course Professor's Name Date BASIC EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN (EOP) FOR BOBSVILLE CITY 2 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 3 1.1 Approval and Implementation Plan . City Center Monuments Limited Minor C. Default risk premium. Your presentation can be a PowerPoint,Feedback needs to be constructive. is only 7 blocks long. The Bobsville dirt track is located about a mile east of the outskirts of town, and Additional information can be found by clicking here for a Basic Plan Example. School Complex There is a municipal Parks and Recreation department whose office is located at the Regional Airport with a 7000-foot runway. State High School Every 51-100 yrs - 2 The EOP is also available on our web page at: Bobsville Emergency Management Director (EMD), THIS PUBLICATION IS PRINTED BY BOBSVILLE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, Bobsville Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) assigns responsibilities to, designated state departments, agencies, commissions, boards and volunteer. Critical Pick one problem from the list provided below. 50 yrs Limited 2.1 General To describe the motion of a body, kinematics is used to determine the trajectories, as well as differential properties suc To describe the motion of a body, kinematics is used to determine the trajectories, as well as differential properties such as velocity and CHEM 121 Cascadia Equilibrium and Le Chateliers Principle Chemistry Lab Report. Probability of Occurence 63, Section 683 through 683.24, the head of, each designated department and agency shall take the necessary actions to, implement the EOP by developing written internal procedures that detail, support required by the plan and shall be prepared to put the plan into, The emergency planning process develops the information and intelligence, needed both to produce realistic plans and to conduct effective emergency, operations. Terrorism CBRNE, ECO Minimal 5 It identifies emergency response policies, describes the response organization, outlines roles and responsibilities, and explains how the town keeps the plan current. At least once a month the agents come to town for a meeting with the Localized Medium Our verified tutors can answer all questions, from basicmathto advanced rocket science! The east of town, which is now an Army Reserve/National Guard base and is still active. cleans the uniforms for free, with assistance from the band boosters. Low - 1 special event in town. 12 years and doesnt seem to want to retire any time soon, which is fine with the 2.1 General - This general section should contain information about the tasks that need to be completed to ensure an effective response. 3 3 4 2.0 Concept of Operations fire is called in the other firefighters show up to their respective stations. The "Required Sections" below have been slightly altered to fit the Town of Bobsville. Distribution I have attached the instructions. 2.25 1 The 2000 square foot library doubles as the towns meeting hall, is located 2 blocks 2 for public intoxication, and 1 for egging the Sherriffs car. The mayor is also available by phone in case someone has a in the RV Park. Cuyamaca College Methodology of DNA Fingerprinting & Forensic Samples Worksheet. N/A There are no stoplights in Bobsville. tornado; along with 6 crippling blizzards with snowfall in excess of 24 inches. If you use an assignment from StudyCorgi website, it should be referenced accordingly. High Minimal 3 dormitory rooms in 10 residence halls. Moderate You will notice that I provided page numbers for each section below where additional information can be found. Our best tutors earn over $7,500 each month! High We will be using an automatic sphygmomanometer, a stethoscope, and mat or towel. Catastrophic Pursuant to the authority contained in the Oklahoma Emergency, Management Act of 2003, O.S. Minor Low - 1 being mayor is the 2015 Callahan 750 Luxury 4-wheel drive pickup with the town Localized 2 This is dependent on many factors, including resistance to flow, cardiac output, and volume status of the individual. Bobsville, OK oil and gas boats should not be in the lake. Emergency Operations Plan of Bobsville. Business Impact elementary school and middle school is also located on the same campus of the high Regional Tuesday and Thursday. The golf course tucked nicely in the southwest corner of the city has only one road Limited Winter Storm This effort is the responsibility of Bobsville Emergency, Management in partnership with the primary Emergency Support Function. 1 The Purpose, Scope, Situation Overview, and Planning Assumptions can be found on Pages 1 10 of the Basic Plan Example, 1.3 Situation Overview (CPG Pages 3-13 and C-6 to C-7), - Economic Base and Infrastructure, 1.3.2 Hazard Analysis Summary Based on the Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) you created in EDMG101 or the HVA provided in the instructions. 10 yrs Your company's database indicates that developers can handle 8, A company wants to migrate its data storage to the cloud as a cloud migration project. The point of this assignment is to discover what concepts are vital to the classification of organisms, and to think about how these concepts are connected with one another. Minimal Research Questions Every 5-10 yrs - 4 Elise to Bobsville. There is one radio station at the southern end of Main Street that transmits on AM Low - 1 "Emergency Operations Plan of Bobsville." a retired Navy cook and is famous for having the best cream chipped beef on toast Journal of This source provides the f Project Management And Scrum Master Role.edited. Independent Baptist Church; a Church of Christ, and a non-denominational church Completed by: several times per year Winter Storm Low The comprehensive coordination of Town emergency ongoing monitoring is carried out by the Towns ESF Coordination Group throughout the reaction stage to actual or anticipated accidents of local or regional relevance. 4 1. Major High - 5 allow citizens, private sectors, non-profit organizations, and city employees to access it easily. The Minimal Information Technology Failure Bobsville, OK Low Power 5 Severe Thunderstorm Provide details on what you need help with along with a budget and time limit. on the west side north of the town center. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) Low - 1 Critical Every day and night, just one Sheriff is on patrol. 24+ hours miles south of town is the intersection of Oklahoma 323 and Oklahoma 322. Always provide positive along with negative feedback. Low - 1 StudyCorgi. Introduction . 3 Probability Impact 1 2.2.2 Objectives 20-40% - 4 Regional High 2 Out of Town to Clydes wrapped around the corner. Frequency 50 yrs The first is from our pals, the Amoeba sisters, the second from Bozeman science.Gel Electrophoresis (Links to an external site. has been voted as one of the Top 100 friendliest towns to live in. Netflix Opportunity Project: Introducing New Subscription Options, Entrepreneurship on Mark Zuckerberg's Example. County-wide boxes. Gas Heat Wave Warning Time 2.3 Emergency Operation Plan (EOP) and Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Activation . 6 Possible Low - 2 There is also WBOB, the local ABC affiliate. Limited The town center of contains a statue of Bob Willie Ville, the founder. The jail in town has one holding cell, and when there is no one in the Distribution The individual measuring the blood pressure places their stethoscope on the brachial artery and listens for Korotkoff sounds. assistance Bobstown General Hospital is the next closest hospital 25 miles south of Mass gatherings, Govt Offices, Schools, Ag land Just outside the northeast edge of town is Lake Elise; a lake that has a larger area The main commercial part of town is along Main Street, and is 7 blocks long and 2 several times per year 6.0 Communication 1 Each Flooding . . 6.0 Information Collection, Analysis, and Dissemination. Earthquakes You can either single space or double space your EOP, it is up to you, but you must utilize the Verdana 12 point black font along with 1-inch margins on the top, bottom, and sides of each page. Bobsville. Every 11-50 yrs - 3 None Low - 1 Structural The lake is the towns reservoir. APUS Major Possible Severity Limited There is no full time EMS staff for the one ambulance the town has; however, Jack Infectious disease outbreak 3 Transport to larger hospitals Govt offices, university Racing Track/Drive In Theatre "Emergency Operations Plan of Bobsville." Pollution (Air, Water, Land) organizations in the event of a disaster. 3.0 Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities, (CPG Pages3-13 andC-7 to C-8) (Basic Plan Example Pages 21 30). Location: Hazard Established event, mutual aid arrangements Frequency 4 Vulnerability Matrix dry goods store, a grocery store, a movie theatre, and a host of other small boutique 2 Cow Chip Throwing Festival Early Warning System, building codes The Disaster Countys south evacuation route as a result of a radiation release from Security is handled by the National Guard. 24+ hours 1.3.3 Capability Assessment .. 5 High Low - 1 Adapted from FEMA IS-559 Toolkit High: > 3.5 County-wide Low Lost/Abuducted Child/Elderly In his will, the previous owner left all the land around Lake Water rationing 2. Possible Include 2 Catastrophic 7.5 Local Agreements and Understandings The municipality is responsible for establishing and maintaining the control activities required to manage fund expenditures and provide sufficient accountability and justification for payments intended to accommodate search and rescue operations. Sourced from The participant will get their left arm pressure read while supine following this.The measurements will all be taken twice, and their values will be averaged. within the state. Bobsville Creek runs from the northeast to the southwest into Lake Elise, which is The total area of the school campus is 5 blocks wide and 7 blocks long. 2 1 County-wide 2.2 Goals and Objectives 6 APUS Distribution Low - 1 The "Required Sections" below have been slightly altered to fit the Town of Bobsville.
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