I believe I have the answer.When the mother says We were out there talking she is introducing herself and someone else to her account. Detectives from Strike Force Rosann received information relating to the suspected assault of a child, who is not William, at a home in Sydney's Upper North Shore. She also says the children were sending messages. Is she trying to convince that she was there the entire time? "Like water, followed the path of least resistance."Underground. 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"Police have not drawn the positive conclusion that a known relative or associate was not involved in William's disappearance," Mr Craddock said. "The Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) is unable to comment on individual child protection matters," a DCJ spokesperson told The Daily Telegraph. Instead we are being given the hard sell. Bishop PD, CHP flying overthey had their copter today. Their testimony was followed by a statement from William's biological parents, read out by their lawyer Michelle Swift, who was joined in the witness box by the biological grandmother. It was disclosed that William's biological parents absconded with him for six weeks in 2012, following a children's court order. From what I've watched so far, I think it may have been an accident. Investigations under strike force Rosann continue.. A senior detective has told a court he believes the former foster mother of missing boy William Tyrrell knows where he is. From a reportage by Nine News Australia about day two of the inquest into Williams disappearance (apparently the foster mum told one of the neighbors that William had hit his head): () today it was the foster mothers turn to relive the search for the three-year-old. 05:49 BST 19 Nov 2021. Good link David. Interesting quote from Mike Pence:He said some things that are critical of my Christian faith and about me personally. At least you have an alibi! It is not related to time as we would expect something like nows the time. Thankyou. The language points to it clearly. Her kind of pushing the child to climb a tree.The mothers I have known and seen rather don't see their 3 year olds climb in anything, let alone a tree. In 2016, despite the foster parents' and FACS' argument against it, the NSW Supreme Court granted Ms Smith's application to reveal William as a fostered child at the time of his disappearance. It would make more sense for Melissa to say the last time she saw her.-She didnt take her cell phone. Ive heard Peter say that when someone mentions a phone in a statement, it is sensitive and places them at the scene. And, I was like, yeah, and she was like, well can you come sleep with me? She tells us what she thought, not what she thinks, and offers five minutes, but immediately shows uncertainty by adding it could be longer. Her last words to William were "Do you see Daddy's car? He knows me, said Pence, who served as governor of Indiana when Buttigieg came out as gay during his reelection campaign for mayor.Does that sound like a threat? I thought if police saw a group of kids playing. Weather: Did the missing person live in a moderate climate, or an extreme climate? : not thinking and talking about Williams disappearance anymore) to (2) an alternative outcome such as: William being found and the truth coming out. She is telling us that it is only racing, no big deal. The order of recall is like you said a total mess. I am new to this forum and am learning so much about statement analysis. If the foster parents covered up Williams death, one of the reasons for that may have been the prevention of a possible damage claim by the birth parents based on for instance negligent homicide. "We want to thank the coroner, we think she cares.". At least in my gut every day, stronger and stronger, I know we`re going to see Caylee. This terminology reminds me of another thing Peter warns us to watch for - telling us what she did not do i.e. Right after William had disappeared, the foster mother reportedly told one of the neighbors William had hit his head. Was she screaming, did she look worried etc.., those are things which should be etched in his memory.then I [immediately got out of the car] He feels a need to tell us he got out of his car immediately which is not necessary, in fact to tell us he got out of his car at all is not necessary. She was scared. "Please help my family, most of all me, find our precious William.". She's high on marijuana why would I, I just, it didn't cross my mindShe implies that being a mother means not taking your child to hospital which is worrying logic. On that September 12 morning, a Friday, the foster mother had encouraged William and his sister to hand draw messages to leave on their late grandfather's grave. And, um, so, um, we hung out for a little bit in the kitchen, talked a bunch, and then her brothers went to bed Her first reference to "hung out", initially I flagged for sounding like she was more a peer than a stepmother. And then (again, there is possibly missing information here) I thought oh I havent heard him, I better go check on him and I cant find him.. william tyrrell disappeared from Kendall NSW Friday 12th September 2014.William and his sister were in the care of foster parents, whose identities are legal. She didn't have a water bottle. She commits to it with the pronoun I, uses negative language and then tells us literally what is on her mind.Adrian. Unbeknown to the birth parents, the foster parents had spoken with their Salvation Army foster caseworker about applying to the NSW Supreme Court to formally adopt William. An inquest in the NSW Coroners Court is examining his disappearance and suspected death. I also thought it was unusual to refer to the stepmothers sons as her brothers-especially considering they are half-siblings. Then she reports, without being asked, the reason why she went to check on William in the garden. As well as stomaching immeasurable loss, William's birth family has suffered abuse from complete strangers and at times, been put through hell by the media. He's wearing a Spider-man outfitum. So many things don't add up in the "Karlie ran away" scenario. "The children were excited to see nanna," Mr Craddock said. Autumn Its a good point you make about the women seeming to be the ones taking the leading role in similar cases. I noticed in Williams case that the mother said she raced around and the father said started looking around. "Life will never be the same again, living without answers makes things so much harder. A black book of never-before-seen photographs of the three-year-old boy was handed to Deputy State Coroner Harriet Grahame at the conclusion of an inquest into his disappearance. Could it be she'd referred to a child she foster cared before but wasnt living there anymore or wasnt with them at grandmother home? A quick, high pitched and sharp scream. :)Adrian. Autumn. Safely, if the police have revealed nothing and the child has not been missing very long, the past tense reference is very alarming. The statement is made not to help find Karlie but to allow her to address the rumours surrounding the case, and also so she can tell everyone [I'm not a liar. I am an adult in the autism spectrum and the extraneous comments are too much for me. Missing toddler William Tyrrell's foster parents are due to face a Sydney court charged with assaulting a different child. And so the precise motivation for their tireless and no doubt expensive advocacy for this little boy remains unclear, beyond their stated goal: to create a safer Australia in every community for all our children. CINDY ANTHONY: No. Thank You to CHP-love you! No, I know. Another thing I wondered is: was the foster mother about to say the name of her daughter? "William was a jovial and boisterous little boy, his sense of humour and cheeky antics always made us smile," the foster father said. Should Buttigieg "know better" than to criticize Pence, or else?If you want it to.Peter. A complicated family tree has only added to the mystery surrounding the baffling disappearance of William Tyrrell. If the shortest sentence is the best something went wrong there.I am going to post something now which could open up new possibilities let me know what you think.Adrian. It could be significant that she chose to pass over the question about shoes, in favour of giving a description of a hidden birthmark, visible only when the hair is parted to the left. Anonibal, Tell me how to solve the case! This could weigh upon the subject.In the case of Leeanne Bearden, she appears to be someone who could survive well, having traveled the world in the past two years.Personality of the SubjectSomeone who suffers from depression will yield earlier in giving up hope and speak in past tense than a person who, for example, has a naturally buoyant personality, always up and always optimistic.The analyst must take into consideration many factors before concluding:The subject knows or believes the missing person is deceased. The foster dad had a car but Nanna may have had a car as well. William's foster-mother, who cannot be identified due to a suppression order, was one of the last people to see the child. Maybe she wanted to say my husband? At least I would think so. OT: Karlie GuseIm on here to share more info. Behaving or living in a noisy riotous manner.a roaring boy, William Tyrell: Inside the divided inquest into 3-year-old's disappearance1 Apr, 2019 7:23am 12 minutes to readSnipped:The foster mother spent several hours in the witness box, tearfully remembering William's last morning.Craddock walked her through the morning's games with William and his sister, a "mummy monster" game with the foster mother and a "daddy tiger game" on his own.Weeping, the foster mother recounted how she heard William's last roar, then "nothing" and how she raced around looking for him thinking "he's not brave enough" to go off hiding.At the end of day one, the foster mother came off the stand and was embraced by the foster father in court, but continued her testimony into day two.She told the court Nanna had thought William too "hyperactive, boisterous" in his play immediately before he vanished.Was this discipline gone wrong?https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=12218005. European courthouses don't give victims justice, they have compassion with criminals.A Belgian judge let two twin boys free because he wasnt able to determine which of the two was the one who hit the bouncer while the other tried to calm his brother. We expect her to say you guys should know the details or I want to share this with you, but her saying have to represents her need to give them. A liar avoids a direct lie as it causes stress and could also lead to words spoken which may later be proved untrue. The foster mother begins her emergency call with a greeting Yeah hi. This level of politeness is unexpected in an emergency call which is often described as a form of excited utterance.. Photo: AAP. As a wealthy professional from Sydney's north shore worth several million dollars, William Tyrrell's foster mum yearned for little in life. https://7news.com.au/news/nsw/man-and-woman-charged-with-alleged-assault-during-william-tyrrell-investigation-c-4591835. All in the negative but two phrases really stand out. There are a few references regarding the bike in the Police statement which are interesting. Why did he care about me so much?How did he know exactly when to show up?In order to save me?Try as I might I don't understand.I still remember the scanningHe did when he grasped my armScanning me for what kind of danger I was inAnd he transmitted the answers to the questions I had been asking him Into my brainI could see him Escapingscared, intense, anger,,,running, running, as fast as he could, out of breath, running runningMeanwhile he was scanning me He was doing both at onceTransmitting and scannning.And I knewClear as dayHe escaped from prisonHe showed me when he transmitted into my brainI was only 4 years old.ButHe knew I knewHe gave me a wide grinHe wrote in the letter "When I met you you reminded me of myself.