Yet personal growth and maturity imply that these same truths can be cast into doubt and evaluated through a process of critical enquiry. Does the article suggest religious indoctrination or brainwashing? The understanding of reality comes from ones environment, and so it stands to reason that a drastic change in environmental factors would drastically alter someones grip on reality. Since the 1940s, the United States government has spent millions of dollars attempting to manufacture deployable agents whose personality and free will have been destroyedto create the so-called Manchurian Candidate popularized in fiction. Komenda na BH CS GO. Lista przydatnych komend do Counter Strike Global Offensive. Non-aggressive indoctrination is as you describe: in a religious setting, the willing reception towards, and acceptance of, doctrine. Control. By constantly harping on the vagaries and meaninglessness of life outside their belief system, the pure, geometric certainties offered by a political or religious Authority can be made to seem increasingly attractive. This seems to work especially well when applied in a situation in which there is powerful social pressure to conform. They are born into a family and in a family they grow, eventually entering society through their activity. According to a Sunday Direct Polls survey, which I find to be the most reliable, as tested in their string of accurate predictions All I ever saw from them was love of people and stories of Gods goodness. Nothing about the centuries of religious leaders hurting kids? The first suit was dismissed as having no merit. But there are still plenty of other techniques available to an enthusiastic authoritarian. Some are highly conservative while others are very liberal. Dissenters are fixed or dismissed. The difference between the two words is that brainwashing originally described coercive techniques applied to unwilling subjects (there were suggestions that Gary Powers had been brainwashed after his U2 plane was brought down over the USSR in 1960 and spy fiction and movies like The Ipcress File included supposed brainwashing sequences) whereas indoctrination has usually been thought of as a gentler and longer-term process applied to children and willing converts. Because of their early brainwashing, many children never question authority, including their Sunday school Singers half-baked theories were soon debunked by the scientific community. Allegations of This blog contains (Jesus loves you) a hidden message. Under such conditions, they described the mind as snapping under the pressure, and realigning with the patterns of thought presented by those in control of the process. Rather, many of them behaved as though they did in order to avoid the plausible threat of extreme physical abuse. Restrict the range of ideas to which children have access. Dalsze korzystanie ze strony oznacza, e zgadzasz si na ich uycie. For, if a person was not programmed through coercive techniques, there was no reason to use such techniques to deprogram them. Here is a clever, lovely person who believes something that seems so ridiculous to me. Another sign of religious brainwashing is losing your sense of identity and individuality. This could be in the form of: What youre allowed to say (certain topics may be off-limits) From my experience, those who are healthily religious manage to find a balance between faith and personal individuality. Why don't we use the 7805 for car phone chargers? In Part 1 of this series, I discussed how QAnon is part conspiracy theory, part religious cult, and part alternate reality role-playing game. The term is most appropriately used in reference to a program of political or religious indoctrination or ideological remolding. (Another technique I sometimes use is Accio car keys, but it never works. What is Wario dropping at the end of Super Mario Land 2 and why? Passing negative parameters to a wolframscript. This liberal/authoritarian divide cuts across the religious/atheist one. Nothing about the centuries of religious leaders hurting kids? As Christians, where we see other Christians trying to control or manipulate, we need to challenge it and stamp it out. Maybe youhavent noticed this, but man is the only animal that has this yearning to know the truth about God, the universe, and himself. Massimo Introvigne (born June 14, 1955 in Rome) is an Italian sociologist of religions. Dan Patrick said that the bills are a win for religious freedom in Texas.I will never stop fighting for religious liberty in Texas, the Republicans How does Scientology view deprogrammers and groups that attempt to force people to denounce their chosen religion? Nevertheless, because it was lucrative to do so, Singer continued to assert the opinion that newer religions brainwashed their members. 1. Your brainwashing is showing. But should they be encouraged to think freely? Do we think we should have what we want, or that our own personal happiness is the chief aim of life? The term brainwashing is not widely used inpsychologyand other sciences, because of its vagueness and history of being used inpropaganda, not to mention its association with hysterical fears of people being taken over by foreign ideologies. Already, this is a radically different understanding of religion andintellectualism than what a lot of people assume. Religion does this very well. Totalitarian regimes are fond of lining up pupils up in playgrounds for a daily recitation of the regimes key tenets. We need more people like Hitchens in the public sphere, really miss that guy. The term brainwashing was originally used in theUnited Statesto explain why, compared to earlierwars, a relatively high percentage of captured Americanprisoners of warduring theKorean Wardefected to the Communists. Either way,thats every bit as much a lesson as a bedside Bible reading. Benny Gantz and Benjamin Netanyahu. From my own understanding, I believe the definition of both to be (Ill use religion for my example): Less extreme cases appear to function in general society but with an obsession about religion and salvation. Some examples include: There seems to be little to no accord among specialists on the existence of brainwashing, although many have theorized thattorture, sleep deprivation, and other such techniques may alter a persons state of mind. Accusations that new religious movements, or cults, employed similar techniques to gain and retain members fueled this argument. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), The Ultimate Survival Guide - How to talk about God, the Bible and stuff. You have no comment about republicans who voted AGAINST banning it. Those who studied new religious movements recognized that religious groups can have considerable influence over their members, and that such influence may have come about through deception and indoctrination. This is particularly effective where nationalist orreligioussentiment is invoked and where the population is poorly educated and has limited access to independent or foreign media. The methods of these deprogrammers included not only various coercive persuasion techniques to break their new-found faith, but also the forcible abduction, orkidnapping, of these young adults. We Can Expand Our Concept of Beautiful: Bravo, Mattel, WOF 384: Bishop Barron and Jonathan Roumie: A Conversation, WOF 383: What Christianity Brings to the Public Conversation, WOF 382: The Beauty of Hope w/ Fr. Brainwashing is the reduction of people to near zombie-like status through psychological manipulation in the religious and related domain. In 2012, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit rejected an attempt to resurrect the religious brainwashing theory. The scientific community responded quickly to definitively debunk the religious brainwashing theory. Why? Thus, although the use of brainwashing on United Nations prisoners during the Korean War produced some propagandabenefits, its main utility to the Chinese lay in the fact that it significantly increased the maximum number of prisoners that one guard could control, thus freeing other Chinese soldiers to go to the battlefield. And in fact, this intellectual hunger is itself a gift from God. The ultimate goal that drove these extreme efforts consisted of the transformation of an individual with afeudalor capitalist mindset into a right thinking member of the new social system, or, in other words, to transform what the state regarded as a criminal mind into what the state could regard as a non-criminal mind. Indoctrination is the process of inculcating a person with ideas, attitudes, cognitive strategies or professional methodologies (see doctrine). Ta strona korzysta z ciasteczek aby wiadczy usugi na najwyszym poziomie. WebAnswer (1 of 34): Religious indoctrination could be consider brainwashing. Another alleged technique of religious brainwashing involved love bombing rather thantorture. One of the ways that cults do this is by giving you a new name. Conversion is a "nice" word for brainwashingand any study of brainwashing has to begin with a study of Christian revivalism in eighteenth century America. How come we say we are the religion of peace, but other faiths dont have so many terrorists groups like us? WebTrauma and Recovery (cult, brainwashing) By Judith Lewis Herman, M.D. Scott was brutalized, handcuffed, silenced with duct tape across his mouth, abducted and forcibly held against his will for days in a failed attempt to destroy his beliefs. It only takes a minute to sign up. One of the major assaults on Christianity from the heated world of the internet is that, along with all the Repetition. Coercive persuasion had been seen during theInquisition, and in the show trials against enemies of the state in theSoviet Union. Updates? In Islam we engage the brain with logic and reasoning. It may be that, after this time of transition, these truths are recovered as a result of the experience of life or by dint of further reasoning. Two final points on teachingChristianity to kids. Some religion is nice; the sort that comes with a tasteful choir and topical sermons. And you might say, as an atheist, We want them to make up their own minds, which is great so do I but do you really make it that open-ended? Are we free from brainwashing in our society? Is there a generic term for these trajectories? This blog contains (Jesus loves you) a hidden message. Who, for instance, could assess critically the countless scientific findings upon which modern life is based? Terrible though the process was for individuals imprisoned by the Chinese Communist Party, these attempts at extreme coercive persuasion ended with a reassuring result: They showed that the human mind has enormous ability to adapt to stress and also a powerful homeostatic capacity. Is teaching children religion brainwashing? an increase in religious or political views; or showing signs of dependency. Christians dont think all religions are basically the same, or that religion in a general sense is true. Hunter, aCIApropaganda operator who worked under-cover as a journalist, turned out a steady stream of books and articles on the subject. The negative implications of indoctrination come from the fact that much indoctrination involves presenting the subject only with material and sources which support the views held by the person or organisation doing the indoctrinating, and classifying other material and sources as evil or incompatible with the views being promoted (the attitude of some fundamentalist Christian organisations to The Origin of Species being an example), Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Questions for debate: 1. But its precisely in working through this hunger in a faithful and reasonable way that we come to know and love God, and learn the deepest truths about who we are. This article covers more than techniques used by churches and pastors, but for the purposes of this website, the main focus is on religious indoctrination and brainwashing. He further asserted that for twenty years, starting in the early 1950s, the CIA and the Defense Department conducted secret research in an attempt to develop practical brainwashing techniques (possibly to counteract the brainwashing efforts of the Chinese), and that the attempt was a failure. mind control (brainwashing) Mind control is the successful control of the thoughts and actions of another without his or her consent. This change is known as the new person transformation, whereby the person undergoes a drastic personality change after being born again. Brainwashing: To force a person into believing a religion by means of well, force, etc. This 2012 Scientology decision by the Ninth Circuit reaffirms that religious brainwashing is an unscientific theory that has no basis in fact, lacks credibility and cannot be accepted as reliable evidence in court. I am not sure if this is correct or not. However, a distinction must be made between the modifying ofbeliefsversus the modifying of behavior. Deprogramming is a criminal practice that has resulted in numerous criminal convictions and multimillion-dollar judgments against many individuals in the anti-religious movement. As for using our power of reasoning, it is applicable to the existence of God and one may consider the arguments presented. The phrase was a play onx xn( to wash the heart), a phrase found in manyDaoisttemples exhorting the faithful to cleanse their hearts of impure desires before entering. Associate alternatives with negatives: meaninglessness, selfish materialism, amorality, hell, and so on. It just isnt. Brainwashing as a deliberate practice, though, still remains undefined and unproven. Has the cause of a rocket failure ever been mis-identified, such that another launch failed due to the same problem? It should be noted that many of these techniques are more subtly used (usually unconsciously) byadvertisers, governments, schools, parents, and peers. Ive been in situations rev2023.5.1.43404. Your answer would benefit greatly with some citations, sources, and examples unless you are an expert in such coercive techniques. On appeal, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals unanimously agreed. Joe Heschmeyer is an instructor at the Holy Family School of Faith Institutefor the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, and blogs atShameless Popery. WebNormalized generational toxicity & internalized frustrations abetted by the need to do something for a higher social/religious/moral purpose, which is satiated by state-sponsored brainwashing, are to be blamed for this. I was eventually won over, convinced, but never brainwashed (although I admit thats exactly the sort of thing someone whos been brainwashed might say only in more of a drone). In September 1950, theMiami Daily Newspublished an article by Edward Hunter (1902-1978) entitled Brain-Washing Tactics Force Chinese into Ranks of Communist Party. It contained the first printed use of the English-language term brainwashing, which quickly became a stock phrase inCold Warheadlines. I grew up believing that all other faiths engage in brainwashing but in Islam, there is no brainwashing.