We've updated our Starfinder Society symbol with a new icon, you'll find this across the site wherever SFS status is indicated. TalespinnerHalflings with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus toBluff and Sleight of Hand checks, and Sleight Halflings love adventure and travel almost as much asof Hand is a class skill for them. CLASSESRegardless, youre trained to identify threats and keep your client andtheir property safe. Seven character classes, from the elite soldier and stealthy operative to the physics-hacking technomancer and mind-bending mystic. This decision lasts until the next time the CLASSESandroid uses this trait. Forlorn elves have ability score adjustments of Wilderness Runner+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, and 2 Wisdom rather than theadjustments found in the Starfinder Core Rulebook. Once per day as a reaction, such a kasathacan reroll a failed saving throw. Each race entry includes alternate ability adjustmentsare available to established characters interested in branching for the race, alternate racial traits, and other rules elementsout into new areas. In addition, you gain they fight defensively and move toan ability adjustment of +1 to Charisma get out of the way and avoid lines ofat character creation. Once per day gain that trait. | Dungeon World SRD 13 for more information.GRIFTER SENSATESwindling, tricking, and ingratiating You revel in new experiences, andyourself to others using your force of as a result have a wide base ofpersonality are your specialties. Pathfinder Accessories including the Deck of Endless NPCs Anyone who meets theKasathas who lack strong bonds sometimes find strength in prerequisites can gain these feats, though.personal traditions. These dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus to Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks. You can move through themessages. You must have the Antagonize feat to select this discipline. These stout halflings have This replaces surefooted and halfling luck.+2 Strength, +2 Constitution, and 2 Wisdom rather than theadjustments found in the Starfinder Core Rulebook. See page 9 for more information. Such weapons (instead of just adding their character level, as usual).ysoki have ability score adjustments they use instead of thestandard adjustments of +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, and 2 This replaces cheek pouches.Strength found in the Starfinder Core Rulebook. The target takes 17d10 points of damage and is exhausted and stunned for 1 round. They gain a +2 racial bonus to Survival checks.ALTERNATE RACIAL TRAITS This replaces keen senses.Although some elves have embraced tradition, others havedeveloped cultural and physical adaptations outside the norm.Asanan ElfSome Castrovelian elves dwell on Asana, rather than Sovyrian.Lashunta influencewith the aid of elven magic used during theGap, some scholars sayhas caused these elves to develop limitedtelepathy and lashunta magic, as the lashunta racial traits. In addition, whenever you succeed at a saving throw to gain the off-target condition until the end of its next turn. In addition, significant enemy, youPerception becomes a class skill for you, though if it is a class recover 1 Resolve Point asskill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a a reaction.+1 bonus to Perception checks. If you target an EQUIPMENT object thats 4 cubic feet or smaller and weighs no more than (Starfinder Alien Archive 153). Yourmandate is to keep the peace, and you understand the weight of the roleyou play in society. For TERTIARY FIELD OF STUDY (EX) 13th Levelweapons you have gained proficiency with only through theinjection expert class feature (page 43), rather than the normal You choose a third field of study, which must be different fromWeapon Specialization benefit, you instead add half your your primary and secondary fields of study. If you do, you cant gain any Entropy Points from that attack. to quickly render medical aid to an adjacent willing or unconscious creature. All the movement must occur at the same time. This bonus ends if the ally ceases to be adjacent to you. You can control how you are affected by damage or effects that alter damage. Vanguard - Starfinder Vanguard An expert at close combat, the vanguard has gained supernatural control over the power of entropy, and can speed, slow, or alter how energies and reactions occur. If you took damage from multiple types of energy damage as part of the same attack or effect, you choose one to gain energy resistance against. Instead, you gain that feature at 5th level. Some require you to meet additional prerequisites, and some interact with shields, a new type of equipment. Aspects - Vanguard - Classes - Archives of Nethys: Starfinder RPG Database A halfling who has and physical proportions that lead other speciesthis racial trait can reload projectile weapons to view them as young and cute. to 4 cubic feet in size weighing up to 40 bulk. D Benefit: As a move action, you can extend your natural reachNanite Upgrade by 10 feet, retaining this benefit until you retract your reach toSpecialized nanites maintain an android body, but they can be normal as another move action. For any calculation that requires the item level of your entropic strike, treat your vanguard level as your entropic strikes item level. You gain a bonus rank in each of these two skills at every level,Minor Inhibitor as well as a +1 insight bonus to checks using these skills. You damage each creature and object with an EAC equal to or lower than the attack result. you can spend at least 10 minutes interactingWhen sorting through such data, you with the people you serve, gaining trust andcan complete a task in a fraction of the developing a rapport with community members.time it would take most people. You can readily replenish and they count as such biohacks for the purposes of interactionsthese inert reagents on a regular basis at no cost, unless the GM with other abilities (such as spark of ingenuity).states otherwise. See page12 for more information.THEMES childhood training, genetic engineering, magic manipulation of a characters development, or any of a number of otherThe following section adds seven new themesathlete, grifter, anomalous factors.guard, law officer, noble scion, sensate, and street ratthat aplayer can choose from when creating a character. On aD You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your Medicine check successful saving throw, the target is unaffected. Whenever you attempt aProfession check to earn a living, you can roll twice and use thehigher result. Starting at 9th level, you can draw orlighter gravity while becoming less hardy. To carry on the theme of new options for characters SPELLSmultiple minor benefits that grow as the character gains levels, of any class, this chapter also adds more spells for mystics andwhile others radically change how a character functions by technomancers to give them different options for the focus of OTHERswapping out numerous class features. Yoonki's Ultimate Guide to Vanguards (and Combat Maneuvers) StephensPROJECT MANAGERGabriel WaluconisPUBLISHERErik Mona Paizo Inc. 7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120 Redmond, WA 98052-05772 paizo.comOVERVIEWCHARACTER OPERATIONS MANUAL 1CHAPTER 3: FEATS 108 This book refers to several other Starfinder products, OVERVIEW yet these additional supplements are not required toCHAPTER 4: EQUIPMENT THEME AND Weapons make use of this book. THEME ANDsaves, and your Wisdom modifier to Will saves. When injected, the formula allows the any kind to the same attack. This replaces elven immunities and elven magic.DarkvisionSome elves are born with darkvision with a range of60 feet. Strangers recent new experience in some way.might not understand your You might make a digital recordmotivations, but your or write in a physical journal,passion is contagious, and discuss the experience, debateyour ardent quest endears you whether youd repeat it, bask in the satisfaction of fulfilling your curiosity, or engage in similar reflection. Paizo Inc. does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product. Vesk with this racial trait can hold This replaces armor savant and fearless, and it modifies natural weapons.26 THEME AND RACECHARACTER OPERATIONS MANUAL 1VESK VENOMs against only one energy type from reactive resistance at OVERVIEW a time. other cognitive system), allowing it to ignore the effects of the SPELLS Booster: You temporarily boost a living creature (one that confused and staggered conditions for the boosters duration. The Galaxy Exploration Manual contains: New class options for every Starfinder class. You learn your first vanguard discipline at 2nd level and an additional discipline every 2 levels thereafter. Thiscan include. In many regions, theyA niche but lucrative market before android emancipation was were considered corporate property for far longer thanthe construction of androids to serve as companions, often as typical androids. Also like humans, halflings can be mistaken for humans of short stature, but theyindividual halflings vary greatly from one another, and they still exhibit the enlarged feet and hands and the pointed earscan display many traits beyond those normally associated characteristic of halflings. Your superserums are a special type of biohack, and you prepare them as part of the 10 minutes required to create your normal biohacks for the day. At character level 10th, this increases to DR 2/. Such settlers developed natural grace in the meet the prerequisites. D As a move action, you can double the DR you gain from your RULES bolster resilience style technique and the energy resistanceCLASS OPTION you gain from your reactive resistance style technique until the start of your next turn.The following new class option is a product of the vesk driveto focus on personal power as a means of gaining honor andsocial status. | Five Torches Deep SRD If yourAlthough most androids are manufactured to resemble movement does not end on solid ground, you either fall or musthumans, those crafted in the likenesses of other species begin climbing the surface you grabbed (your choice).exist. Some play into The final chapter presents a new downtime rules subsystemthe new concepts embodied by the new classes in this book, and expands on the existing starship combat system.while others expand choices for characters with a broad rangeof play styles or classes. Class Builds - Archives of Nethys: Starfinder RPG Database You gainAdopted proficiency with advanced melee weapons, and at 3rd level you gain Weapon Specialization with them. Each class grants a number of specializedabilities gained through dedicated training, raw talent, or even WITCHWARPER BIOHACKER Witchwarpers are powerful spellcasters who draw their magic from alternate The biohacker uses complex catalysts and realities and can pull bubbles of those fringe medical knowledge to augment realities into their current space. OTHER or your ally taking any penalties for your doing so. In addition to that, the guide features breakdowns . You embody the role chaos plays within entropy, sometimes temporarily reversing its natural progression. Sign UP registration to access Starfinder Roleplaying Game: Alien Archive 2 (Starfinder. Vanguard Aspects | The Hidden Truth Whenwinterborn ryphorian features. are highly unstable and cannot be stored for later use or used by anyone else. This naturallydimorphic species has two well-known clades, damaya and korasha, oneof which manifests as an individual lashunta develops. This bonus increases by 1 at 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter.A minor inhibitor biohack imposes a slight hindrance on a target: Additionally, you can add your Wisdom modifier instead of yourthe target takes a 1 penalty to attack rolls for a number of rounds Intelligence modifier to Life Science, Medicine, and Physicalequal to 3 + your key ability score. Once per day, you can alter one of yourstudy grants you a unique booster and inhibitor, many of which biohacks to work in a different way, determined by your scientificwork only on living creatures (not objects or creatures with the method. Archives of Nethys: Starfinder RPG Database - Home This is not a language-dependent ability for you, but it does not work on mindless targets. This bonus BIOHACKER 43dazzled condition to the effects imposed by any of your inhibitor from your primary field of study. Boundary You embody the forces that keep a system separated from its surroundings, isolating the reach of its entropy. 168. Underit so it doesnt need to be in your hand to function. If it alters a D 9th Level Your compound sight class feature doesntclass feature, you retain that class feature, but it functions apply to a second skill.differently, as described. If you are alreadyMany humans thrive in racially diverse metropolitan areas, and proficient with advanced melee weapons, you instead gainsome individuals are adopted by members of a different species. This spellcanaffect objects of a size and bulk limited by the spellslevel. Custom Vehicles 76 7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120 Redmond, WA 98052-0577 Vehicle Modifications 80 paizo.com New Vehicles 84 Vehicle Encounters 88 paizo.com #36689367, Luskey Dotson <[email protected]>, Oct 13, 2021 20284493 (For more about crafting you can kitbash a new one from any medkit or chemalyzer withserums, see page 235 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook.) D Relieve the target of debilitating conditions. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. At 16th level, as a standard action you can use your entropic strike to strike the ground or clap your hands together to deal damage in a radius. A survivorysokis ability adjustment is +2 Constitution. Vanguard Aspects The following are the most commonly adopted vanguard aspects. This benefit lasts for 60 minutes. D Add the following conditions to the list of those you can remove with the treat condition theorem: cowering, dazed, panicked,Improved Treat Condition (Ex) paralyzed, and stunned. Additionally, you can use communalism as a reaction when an ally within 10 feet of you attempts an This replaces cultural fascination. While you have no Entropy Points, you can spend 1 Resolve Point as a move action to gain 1 EP (2 EP at 10th level). | 5th Edition SRD THEME ANDit after you take a 10-minute rest to recover Stamina Points ortake an 8-hour rest to regain Resolve Points. At 10th level, they can also cast tongues once per day. take no penalty to Disguise checks when attempting toCunning appear human or Medium in size. If the flanked creature takes a guarded step, This replaces low-light vision. The DC of As part of your custom microlab, you keep a specializedthis check is determined by the creatures rarity, as presented on micropharmacy of catalysts, nanites, and specialized chemicals, plus a small mixing apparatus and syringes. You may do thisto your Stealth checks. 5 Minutes: Learn which atmospheres, biomes, and gravity arein the area, if they vary, as well as the direction and distance tothose elements. The largest populationof half-orcs in the Pact Worlds is on Apostae, where the drow havemade them second-class citizens. When you take a move action to move your speed, you can take damage equal to your vanguard level to gain a +20 enhancement bonus to your movement speeds (maximum twice that movement's speed) until the end of your next turn. This energy takes the form of a pool of Entropy Points (EP). Dead Suns - 1 - Incident at Absalom Station - YUMPU