Refer to the cladogram shown above. B. typically the ratio between the biomass of producers and the biomass of consumers 0.04 Updated 306 days ago|6/29/2022 2:50:33 PM. The runner's body is using anaerobic energy to power through the race. C. Neither. E. H, Why does a vegetarian leave a smaller ecological footprint than an omnivore? There are 4 key characteristics that unite all animals shown on the cladogram including the Cephalochordata (Lancelets). f(a) = 0.27, f(A) = 0.73 B. mutations tend to occur when an organism needs them D. environmental changes can make a previously neutral mutation advantageous This reptilia classification is referred to as paraphyletic because although they have similar DNA and are relatives, they do not have many similar characteristics and therefore are excluded from the grouping. A. Write the chemical equation and the KbK_bKb expression for the reaction of each of the following bases with water: monohydrogen phosphate ion , HPO42\mathrm { HPO } _ { 4 } ^ { 2 - }HPO42. A.Abscisic acid B.Cytokin C. Ethylene D.Auxin, See all questions asked by, what should be added when an adverb begings a sentence. How to Read a Cladogram: 5 Interpretation Tips This ancestor is only shared by birds and snakes; earthworms do not share this ancestor with birds and snakes. C (ADD PICTURE) 1. notochord D. a system of cultrue A monophyletic group is a group of organisms that share a common ancestor. Draw a phylogenetic tree that depicts the evolution of the 4 major taxa of land plants: Bryophytes, Ferns, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms. C. All eukaryotes except animals, plants, and fungi D. 4 B. D. Variation is caused by mutation and maintained by natural selection. Some organisms can be considered paraphyletic or polyphyletic. Bilaterians D. the relatively small degree of homology shared by the X and Y chromosomes *As we can see in the cladogram, species C gives rise directly to species 4 and the other ancestors of species 1, 2, and . E. movement through living biomass, What is the relationship between the processes of photosynthesis and respiration in the global carbon cycle? However, cladograms and phylogenetic trees are terms increasingly used interchangeably, so the branch length may represent the amount of change an organism has undergone since the last node. A few characteristics of the koala are listed below: They coexisted fro a time with humans C. They were short, stocky, and powerfully built OR Explain how a trait such as trap like jaws can evolve independently in these unrelated groups, different groups facing similar selection pressures can lead to the convergent evolution of similar structures. B. either two number 19 chromosomes with long genes or two with short genes A) 0.02% Write a program to spell out MISSISSIPPI using block letters Concerning monophyletic grouping, it is important to understand the relationships between living things and the classification of the organisms. a branching diagram like the one shown is called a, in cladistics, an outgroup refers to organisms that share, no derived characters with other groups being studied, refer to the illustration above. A. C. carbon cycle On the right, redraw the tree to show the relationships only among these 5 newly discovered species. B. B. absorbing solar radiation Refer to the cladogram shown above. The numbers 1 through 5 represent into which domain would you place a multicellular organism with a nucleus. B. oceans Phenotype 320 90 90 B. Stress reduces fecundity in boll weevil populations B. XAXa B. Let's take a look at a more complex cladogram. B. crocodile and lizard Find the allele frequencies and expected genotype frequencies. A. the nature and size of the reservoirs Use the tree to answer the questions that follow (ADD PICTURE). This expression is an example of incomplete dominance The root shows the ancestor that all organisms in the cladogram share. Monophyly means organisms grouped into categories or a clade due to having similar genetic material and having a common ancestor. C. Your descendants will carry the mutation. Which species is most likely a decomposer/detritivore in this food web? Assume HWE. C. 63 chromosomes, each with three chromatids D. Temporal isolation D. biotic health B. It is pretty hard to visualize how you, your siblings, and cousins are related but it becomes a lot easier when you make a family tree. E) 40%, The figure to the right represents a marine food web where the species are shown as letters and arrows represent the direction of energy flow. An outgroup may be included on a cladogram to compare the other groups to. Provide two evidences to support the theory of endosymbiosis, Endosymbiosis: origin of eukaryotes as one species being engulfed by another A. fewer animals are slaughtered for human consumption Mark in the tree when the following 6 characters in the phylogeny: seeds, vascular system, cuticle, reproduction independent of water, pollen, fruit. These organisms can be a part of a monophyletic grouping. C. spore Area 1 has a higher average temperature than area 2 ex: photorespiration - CO2 fixing enzymes interfere with photosynthesis B. D. 0.06 What would the MacArthur-Wilson model predict about bird populations on these islands in the future? What is true about two organisms that share the same common ancestor. F1 progeny has 50% red and 50% black color. C. disruptive 2. dorsal hollow nerve cord A. bipedal locomotion E. extra digits are a result of parasites on the islands that infect developing kittens, Widows peak is an autosomal dominant condition. A. the amount of energy producers burn when they metabolize Brainstorm other characteristics the animals have. E. energy that is stored in plant tissues, A. the amount of energy producers burn when they metabolize, Why are big, predatory animals rare? E. recycling energy from other trophic levels, A. converting inorganic compounds into organic compounds, Unlike energy, matter cycles. This cladogram does not mean that earthworms evolved before birds and snakes. C. Gizzards are the shared derived trait uniting pigeons and crocodiles When these organisms have common traits, this is known as a synapomorphy. A. true C. Viruses can infect bacteria, inserting their genetic material into the bacterial DNA. Group 1: (1 point) Group 2: (1 point) Group 3: (1 point) 2 As cells in her ovaries undergo meiosis, her resulting eggs (ova) may have which of the following? BIOL415 - Phylogenetics Part 1 Fall2021.docx - Course Hero D. Organism B is the outgroup, A and E are the most closely related, B. Organism C is the outgroup, B and E are the most closely related, Refer to the cladogram shown (ADD PICTURE). On the letter D is the most recent common ancestor of species 1 and 4. . They have a Masters in education from Sacred Heart University and Bachelors in Biology from the University of Connecticut. 2. Climate is what is expected in a particular region; weather is not expected C. All points on Earth would receive more sunlight during the year B. family, but a different order. Which of the following terms would best describe such a plant-herbivore interaction? Lions, echidnas (egg laying mammals that are found in Australia), Komodo dragons (large lizards that are found in Indonesian islands), and crocodiles are a monophyletic group, which is represented in this cladogram. The numbers 1 through 5 represent species that exist today, What's the mst rocent common ancestor of species 1 and 4? Trap like jaw structure has evolved independently several times in different ant families. User: Can I get a better answer Weegy: Weegy: Y/y^3 = 1/y^2. C. smaller; closer to Updated 12 days ago|4/20/2023 12:46:34 AM. B. species, but a different genus. A large percentage of these cats have extra toes (polydactyly). These organisms are monophyletic because they have similar characteristics, similar genetic coding, and a direct common ancestor. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that carbon dioxide is the sole cause of climate change. B. the endosymbiotic theory. The trees that are most likely to avoid extinction in such an environment are those that? What is a Cladogram? - Biology LibreTexts A. amphibians Amnitoes 5. If a cell of a usually diploid species with 42 chromosomes per cell is triploid, this cell would be expected to have which of the following? D. Chemoautotroph E. None of the above, Refer to the cladogram shown (ADD PICTURE). In the diagram below, there is an example of this grouping. Snails of opposite chirality are either unable to mate, or do so with significant difficulty. Indicate the phylogenetic relationship of the three domains of life by drawing a cladogram below and labeling eacch domain in the proper position. All eggs will have paternal types of gene combinations Solved: Refer to the cladogram shown above. The numbers 1 through 5 Her mother is not affected. a shark's skeleton is made of cartilage while a dolphin's is made of bone. Question 7 Tries remaining: The NEXT THREE questions refer to the following background information: Points out of 1.00 Below is shown a cladogram established through alignment of a homologous DNA sequence from the gene coding for the protein insulin sequenced for different species of ray-finned fish. A. gametophyte A. Bacteria are never beneficial to humans. User: Can I get a better answer Weegy: Weegy: Y/y^3 = 1/y^2. C. fur What is the percentage of carriers of this mutation in the population? -is the amount of blood pumped out with each hearbeat. clade. C. Bears eat blueberries; then they defecate the blueberry seeds throughout the forest, and the seeds germinate B. Allopatric speciation B. Gorillas are found in a separate grouping because they have a genetic difference of about 1.6%, slightly more than the differences found in bonobos and chimps. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. D. all of the above statements are true, B. the reproductive stage is the mushroom above ground, A heterotrophic prokaryote would: D. prokaryotic photosynthesis,bacterial glycolysis, aerobic reproduction, B. bacterial glycolysis, prokaryotic photosynthesis, aerobic reproduction, Why do some scientists believe that RNA, rather than DNA, was the first genetic material? Refer to the cladogram shown above. A. true Is the population in HWE, why or why not? 1. The Koala belongs to the letter F in the cladogram.So, the option D is correct.. What do you mean by Cladogram? 0.2 He felt disappointed but decided to study an hour each night Weegy: The best time to weigh yourself is in the: morning after you exercise. D. The lizard is more closely related to the salamander than to the crocodile E. chemicals contain energy, but energy doesn't contain chemicals, C. when models are built for ecosystems, all of the materials should be able to be accounted for, Gross primary productivity is higher than net primary productivity. In monophyletic groups, some organisms share more than one common ancestor. Which graph best represents what happens to the male population of these smaller salmon over 100 generations? Assume that, over a period of time, an owl consumes 5,000 J of animal material. D. dissipating heat D. less competitive species evolve strategies to compete with dominant species, A. habitats are opened up for less competitive species, There are ______ species in tropical areas than in areas with higher _____. The lesson will also focus on monophyletic examples, including humans and domesticated dogs. What is the production efficiency of this owl? D. beneath the surface of the Earth, Considering the current scientific literature on global warming, which statement best summarizes the most recent findings? 1 B. there is an excess of plant biomass in all terrestrial ecosystems B. Organism C is the outgroup, B and E are the most closely related The node circled in black indicates that birds and snakes share another common ancestor. I feel like its a lifeline. 4. is the most recent common ancestor of species 1-4. C. by overexploitation, humans have caused many predatory species to become endangered A. an ecosystem cannot lose chemical from it In Mendel's pea plants, inflated pod is dominant to constricted pod. 3. pharyngeal gill slits E. size, Based on the data in the figure above, which of the following statements is false? User: each one of the following words ends in est. What will your father's great-great grandchildren show with respect to this mutation? Heather has taught high school science and college credit courses for over 6 years in biological sciences. B. A. Organism B is the outgroup, D and E are the most closely related Which species is a primary producer? A. water cycle C. fur B. RNA could have evolved into DNA He felt disappointed but decided to study an hour each night Weegy: The best time to weigh yourself is in the: morning after you exercise. Females: choice, can afford to wait until fittest sperm comes along, eggs are energetically expensive, success is not varied - pregnant or not, choose mate by good genes or sexy son hypothesis, quality over quantity, Define epigenetics and its influence on gene expression in the human population, epigenetics: combo of non DNA expression that influences gene expression - change physical structure to inhibit or enable expression Evidence: modes of replication -- both use binary fission, have their own ribosomes, susceptible to similar antibiotics, molecular data show evolutionary relationship, similar membranes. A. A. E. the random and independent way in which each pair of homologous chromosomes lines up at the metaphase place during meiosis I, the random nature of fertilization of ova by sperm , the random distribution of the sister chromatids to the two, A. the random and independent way in which each pair of homologous chromosomes lines up at the metaphase plate during meiosis I, A certain (hypothetical) organism is diploid, has either blue or orange wings as the consequence of its genes on chromosome 1,2, and either long or short antennae as the result of a second gene on chromosome 19, as shown. ]. A branch is a line on the cladogram and a node is where two lines meet in a cladogram. (ADD PICTURE) C. bacterial glycolysis, aerobic reproduction, prokaryotic photosynthesis Eventually, the number of bird species inhabiting the islands will be the same, although the amount of time it takes for this to be established on each island will differ The figure shows the three types of groupings; monophyletic, polyphyletic, and paraphyletic. B. false, Although most herbivory involves an antagonistic interaction and would be classified as a type of predation, a few herbivorous interactions do not. C. RNA has both information storage and catalytic properties B. Nematodes feed on the starches in plant roots; the roots live but their growth is slowed B. gametic B. false, A narrow norm of reaction means that for a given genotype, the environment will have a large effect on the phenotype D. genomic imprinting A cladogram is a diagram that shows relationships between species. E. 0.08, In a population of 1250 aphids on your small rosebush, 50 died on a particular day, while 25 were born. C. Reinforcement B. false, A 9:3:4 phenotype ratio indicates that a dihybrid cross is under epistatic control D. Their cranium size was larger than our own D. Weather is what is expected in a particular region and is independent of climate, C. Climate refers to the average long term atmospheric conditions, whereas weather refers to short term atmospheric condition, What do researcher typically focus on when they study a particular biogeochemical cycle? B. the species has 16 sets of chromosomes per cell Taxonomy - 8A 8B 8C | Biology Quiz - Quizizz Question: 9. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. Paraphyletic grouping is similar to monophyletic grouping, but in this case, the grouping only shows pieces of the monophyletic groupings with the ancestors. A. directional selection for the extra toes in catching mice Ashli has a Master's Degree in Biology and has taught biology at different grade levels including college, elementary, and middle school. For example, a cluster of over-ripe bananas on the counter can cause a newer apple to begin to ripen more quickly and go bad. homo habilis Blank refers to the loudness of your voice. B. humid Weegy: In physics, power is the rate of doing work. B. fragmentation D. coevolution. B. its hard for an ecosystem to support many of them because so much energy is lost at each level of energy exchange A. true D. photosynthesis moves carbon from inorganic to organic pools; respiration does the opposite [ You can predict that About half of the offspring will have purple flowers, and about half of the offspring will have white flowers. According to the characteristics described above, the koala belongs to the letter F in the cladogram that reveals the modification . A. Polyploidy The phylogenetic tree below depicts the evolutionary relationship among a subset of ants. 487 lessons. The first internal node on the cladogram below occurs when the ancestor of Species E diverges from the ancestor of Species D, C, B, and A. Weegy: Crossing over is most likely to occur in the PROPHASE I stage of meiosis. D. RNA can replicate more accurately than DNA D. genetic divergence, development of reproductive isolation, Formation of a geographic barrier C. derive energy from sunlight, Transduction, conjugation, and transformation allow all eukaryotes to laterally transfer their genes. From the example above, humans, bonobos, and chimpanzees only have a genetic difference of approximately 1.2%. If the terminal nodes represented groups rather than species, we would say "sister groups.". B. E. Gametic isolation, Which mechanism can lead to selection against hybridization? B. epistasis You all are descendants of your grandparents. The next internal node is when the ancestor of Species C and D splits from the ancestor of Species B and A. Terminal nodes are the end points of the cladogram. refer to the cladogram shown above weegy C. genetic divergence, Formation of a geographic barrier, development of reproductive isolation Five of these species are then discovered; these are shown as boxed on the left. 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