She was replaced by Natalie Teeger in the episode "Mr. Monk and the Red Herring", and Teeger remained Monk's assistant for the remainder of the series. When he brings it to the station while the FBI is trying to trace a call from a killer, he plugs it in along with the other computers. While buried alive, Troy also keeps Monk calm while they wait for help. It is revealed in the season three episode "Mr. Monk and the Election" that Dr. Kroger is married, had a first wife, has children, and is Jewish. The novel Mr. Monk and the New Lieutenant reveals that Stottlemeyer's father was a bartender named Hamish. Randall Disher, portrayed by Jason Gray-Stanford, is Captain Stottlemeyer's second-in-command and employed at the SFPD. In "Mr. Monk Makes a Friend", Monk apparently makes a friend out of Hal Tucker, who is revealed later to have just been using him, but Stottlemeyer saves him, identifying Monk as his friend when he stops Hal. Monk telephones Biederbeck from Germany when he suspects that one of Dr. Kroger's colleagues, a psychiatrist with a six-fingered hand named Dr. Martin Rahner, is the man who killed Trudy. Early life ", He played the father of Rebbeca Gayheart's character in an eight-episode arc of "Beverly Hills 90210" in 1995. This is mentioned in the season 4 episode "Mr. Monk Goes to a Wedding". Monk turns on some Hawaiian music on the stereo, at which point Linda turns off the camera, exasperated. In Mr. Monk and the Blue Flu, Julie's attention to brands and fashion designs gives Monk a crucial clue to the Golden Gate Strangler's profile. Biederbeck goes to extreme lengths to avoid publicity, buying newspaper companies just so that they won't print his name. When Disher loses heavily at the blackjack tables in "Mr. Monk Goes to Vegas," Stottlemeyer persuades Monk to help win the money back; later, in "Mr. Monk Gets Lotto Fever," he offers to pay off Disher's student loans after believing he has won the lottery. As a result, he deludes himself that everyone is out to get him, either because of his importance in the scheme of things or because he inspires outrageous jealousy in everyone else. When Monk and Natalie try approaching Randy for an idea, Randy is skeptical because there is no reasonable way for Linda to go 32.2 miles from her house to the crime scene in 20 minutes at that time of day. However, Monk thinks that Howard's death was foul play, irritating cash-strapped Sharona. Rickover realizes any information regarding these events could be potentially damaging to his political career and has Stroud killed to keep her quiet, burying her body in his backyard. Seeing Harold so happy, Monk cannot concentrate on the case, so he decides to ignore the risks, goes to Dr. Climan and comes out acting like a six-year-old. This is later revealed to be because of Jack's boss, Ben Glazer, who was trying to destroy evidence that would link him to the death of his partner, Kenneth Woods. At the end of the episode, Randy picks up Sharona to go to the airport, sharing a kiss as they load her bags. "Actor Stanley Kamel was found dead in his Hollywood Hills home on Tuesday, April 8, by his long time agents and friends, Donna Massetti and Marilyn Szatmary. Her last words to a paramedic were "bread and butter", a message to Adrian meaning that she would never leave him, as this was something she always told her husband when they had to temporarily let go of each other for some reason or another. Monk agrees, and they eventually find it at a quarry. At John Ringel's lumberyard, they find clues that explain Otto's day-long disappearance of about two weeks earlier, the simple explanation being that Ringel made a pruning-type device that could make dog tooth marks on his wife's body after he murdered her. In "Mr. Monk and the End, Part One", Julie moves away from home to enter the University of California at Berkeley to study theatre arts. Unknown to Kevin, Torini is secretly trafficking heroin for an Asian drug cartel. Actor Stanley Kamel, who died of a heart attack Tuesday, had a special bond with his "Monk" co-star, Emmy winner Tony Shalhoub. While Stottlemeyer is initially concerned that Trudy's name would upset Monk, Monk is enthused, saying that everyone should have a Trudy in their life. Eventually, Monk finds an article, dated the same day that Trudy's illegitimate child was born, detailing how Wendy Stroud saved a child. Monk opens the door to the dressing room minutes later to find Kevin's dead body. The show's main stars included, at some point, Tony Shalhoub, Bitty Schram, Traylor Howard, Ted Levine, and Jason Gray-Stanford. Their father leaves a note, congratulating Ambrose on leaving the house. He first appears in the novel Mr. Monk Goes to the Firehouse when Monk and Natalie are hired by Julie to investigate the death of Joe's pet Dalmatian, a dog named Sparky, killed while Joe and his crew are away responding to a fatal house fire. Jack Jr. makes repeated efforts to ingratiate himself to his older half-brother by stammering and sniveling helplessly, even going so far as to stage a phony phone call from his girlfriend who pretends to be his mother, who bawls sappily, begging Adrian to help her little "Jackie". Stroud then claimed to have found Molly abandoned at a playground and took her to an orphanage. Dale plays an important part of the second of two intertwined plotlines in the novel Mr. Monk Gets Even, released in late 2012. As a result, he is clueless in giving Benjy a pep talk about baseball in "Mr. Monk Goes to the Ballgame", as Benjy has to show him how to hold a bat. Then Joey drugged Harold, took him up to the top of a high-rise building, outfitted him in the daredevil costume, and let Harold fall to what should have been his death had not an awning and a flagpole broken his fall. Monk eventually discovers that the attacks are the work of T.K. In his first appearance, in "Mr. Monk Goes to the Ballgame", Sharona gets angry at Leland because Jared is too old to be in little league baseball, something Leland is forced to admit. Stottlemeyer also looked up Sharona Fleming and hired her as Monk's practical nurse, which helped Monk to recover from a state of near-catatonia caused by Trudy's death. Monk finds many clues that suggest that Otto was framed, and so Monk, Natalie, and Marci go to several lumber yards in the area. When Merrigan shoots at Dr. Kroger with a pistol, Harold takes a bullet in the chest to save Dr. Kroger's life, telling Adrian to "beat that.". Kazarinski poisons Monk's wipes with a ricin-based synthetic poison that will kill him in a period of two or three days. Although Monk and Natalie believe Linda is the shooter, there is just one problem: they and Stottlemeyer happen to be Linda's alibi for the murder, and Linda was chatting to them via webcam up until 20 minutes before the shooting. When she was killed by the bomb planted under her car, she had gone on an errand to buy him some cough medicine at his request. Harold is married and has a son, Jimmy. In the pilot, Randy is not only skeptical of Monk but also seems to find Monk a joke, even calling Monk "the defective detective" to Stottlemeyer. She appears in many episodes of the show, usually in minor roles. Additionally, before the first session, Natalie points out that Dr. Bell's first name is a palindrome as a comfort to Monk. Monk is shown to have been fine with T.K. He was the perfect patsy because Dale needed to switch places with someone who had no family or friends who would visit or miss him. At the end of the episode, Jared and Leland stop at a photo booth so that Leland will have updated photos for the next time he takes off. She spends much of her time filming unscripted documentaries. Despite the millions of dollars the moonrock is worth, Monk hurriedly saves the fish, returning it to its tank because Julie believes it is the same one Mitch had given her before he died. [2] Trudy and Adrian met during his senior year at UC Berkeley (episode "Mr. Monk and the Class Reunion"). In his first and second appearances, he weighs about 800 pounds (363 kilograms) and is unable to leave his bed. This cast list of actors from Monk focuses primarily on the main characters, but there may be a few actors who played smaller roles on Monk that are on here as Stanley Kamel, Kane Ritchotte, and Stellina Rusich were credited as starring in the pilot episode, while Brooke Adams was credited as starring in "Mr. Monk and the Airplane". Another running gag in the series is the ceremonial way in which he delivers news to Stottlemeyer, asking him to guess what it is or sit down for it; this method mostly annoys others who would like him to get to the point. Randy's lack of luck getting dates is so notorious that when he actually does land a girlfriend, in the episode "Mr. Monk and the Employee of the Month", no one believes him. While very forgiving, even he gets fed up with Monk from time to time, most heavily demonstrated in "Mr. Monk and the Sleeping Suspect", when Dr. Kroger returns from vacationing in Costa Rica and sees Monk standing outside his home. Everyone traces the sound of the music downstairs to an impounded rental truck that was towed from Linda's street the day after the murder. Trevor admits to her that his reason for wanting to get back together with her was because his rich uncle had cut him off when he got divorced, and he wanted to get back together so that he would have access to his fortune. They ultimately find that Karen is not seeing someone, as first suspected, but is meeting with a divorce lawyer. Benjamin "Benjy" Fleming is Sharona's son. In this episode, she is framed by her understudy Jenna Ryan for stabbing actor Hal Duncan in a performance of the play Blood on the Moon during a preview performance prior to it heading to New York City. Ambrose Monk, played by John Turturro, is Adrian's older agoraphobic brother. Thanks to the job opening caused by Randy's departure from the Homicide division, Devlin was reassigned to the Robbery-Homicide Division. He has a biting and sarcastic personality, often insulting his employees and the police without fear of repercussion. After Monk finds that prison librarian Sylvia Fairborn killed Kaspo, Dale reveals that Trudy was, contrary to Monk's belief, the intended victim of the car bomb. Monk comes to the conclusion that there is a chance that evidence incriminating Linda might be at her house. Sparks fly between the two, and by the end, she has set him up with a new apartment across the street from her own. After leaving, Jack is not heard from for over forty years. It took over a year to resolve, and the legal costs forced the Monks to sell their first home, which Biederbeck then purchased and used to store his collection of pornography. In his final appearance, "Mr. Monk Goes to Group Therapy", Monk finds himself sharing group therapy sessions with Harold when his HMO refuses to compensate him for any more individual sessions with Dr. Bell. But when Monk sees the renowned TV star lie to one of his scriptwriters about her script, he is convinced that Brad Terry is guilty. The actor was on set when he felt like he had the flu. Adrian attempts (in "Mr. Monk Bumps His Head") to find this six-fingered man by purchasing a picture of him. display: block; Stroud says she will reveal the truth about his and Trudy's illegitimate child, which would ruin his confirmation chances. Fourteen years later, in 1997, Rickover is nominated as an appellate court judge. Julie begins researching information on Fellows after Natalie returns to San Francisco to re-take her position as Monk's assistant. Troy calls his parents by their first names and it turns out that Randy has arrested him at least once before (as Randy asks Troy if he's staying out of trouble, to which Troy says "No"). Her career in Vice was ended, though, when a judge refused to let her testify at the trial for her last case without showing her face. He often takes great pleasure in "getting" other people before they get him, especially Monk. Natalie has a photo of Kevin on display, which she at first claims took over two hours to take because she wanted one where he was not talking, but upon noticing a skeptical look from Monk, admits to having used Photoshop. However, Monk discovers that the cleaning lady was killed by drug trafficker Francis Merrigan, who also owns an office in Dr. Kroger's building. In "Mr. Monk Goes to Jail" (season 2), Dale the Whale tells Monk that Tennyson was involved in the murder and that he can be found in New York. Harold also appears in the season seven finale, "Mr. Monk Fights City Hall". She is introduced in Mr. Monk on Patrol, where she runs a store in Summit called Poop, which (as the store's name suggests) sells dung and other objects made from fecal material. Monk finds a form for a rental truck on a table in the front hallway, and a barrel cleaner and bottle of gun oil stashed in Linda's closet, but Linda comes home while he is searching, having been tipped off, and she attempts to seduce Monk. Harold also (thanks to an inadvertent slip from Natalie) learns the name of Monk's new therapist, Dr. Bell, and announces that he will also be seeing Dr. Bell in the future. Because he is the only person left to know that Trudy's child is still alive, no one is able to figure out what exactly he meant by his final statement. They are planning on going to Hawaii. In the season five episode "Mr. Monk Gets a New Shrink", Harold again plays a very prominent role, as he is with Monk and Dr. Kroger when they find the body of Dr. Kroger's cleaning lady Teresa Mueller in Dr. Kroger's office. In that episode, Julie is 11 years old. Dr. Neven Bell (portrayed by Hctor Elizondo) becomes Monk's therapist in the season seven premiere "Mr. Monk Buys a House", replacing Dr. Kroger. Following the death of Luke Perry earlier this week, "Riverdale" has shut down production, and it's unknown how the show will proceed without him from here. He is played by Kane Ritchotte in the pilot, season two, and the first half of season three, and by Max Morrow in the rest of season one.