It contained a detailed astrological ephemeris (calendar) that tracked monthly moon phases and motions of the known planets, along with predictions based on their astral interactionsthe Colonial American equivalent of a daily horoscope. Pine cone courtesy Adam Snow. *In astronomy, the December solstice marks the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Some parts of the holiday may be closer in traits to Halloween than Christmas. Modern society has replaced much of the spiritual significance of the holidays with materialism.. This byline is mine, but I want my name removed. As stated, Neptune takes 83 years to complete half a cycle around the zodiac wheel. Given the advantages of digital currencies over tangible paper currencies and coinage, its a certainty that governments will also use this technology to issue state-regulated blockchains as soon as theyre capable in an attempt to control monetary and fiscal policy within their borders. Whynotadd a little more soul(stice) power to your goals, right? Astrologers certainly understand that the turnings of planets revolutionize our lives. Because in astrology, Pluto is associated with systemic shifts that often herald major changes to our culture and monetary systems, we predict that the global unveiling of the Peoples Republic of China digital renminbi (Yuan) for worldwide distribution and adoption will also occur during this Pluto cycle. This transition will be palpable, whether its representation is found in Bitcoin or another digital currency that Neptunes fourth saeculum has yet to reveal. Matthew Swann's new solo project finds an unlikely home on Madic By Carla Gillis May 8, 2014 ASTRAL SWANSas part of CANADIAN MUSIC WEEKat the Cameron House Back Room (408 Queen West), Thursday. The American Revolution 2.0 will officially begin in early 2022, as major planets return to key positions they occupied at the founding of. Your guide to astrology and the coronavirus. The dark days of the winter solstice are long associated with the spirits of the deceased. Why is there a solstice to begin with? At this writing, U.S. stocks took a steep plunge in recent trading sessions due to virus-induced fears and developments. As boundary-builder Saturn enters the sign that rules society and communityall group gatheringsthis phase will impact community and social services. While this allowed them to break away from the tyranny of King George III, the unchecked printing of notes, exacerbated by British counterfeiting, drove up inflation and debased the continental until it became essentially worthless. These generations are grouped into four turnings that last for 80-90 years each, which coincide with half of a Neptune cycle. Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Consider Plutos secrets too: the dwarf planets under-appreciated rotation, its axis tilted 120, spinning on its side like the 97 tilt of Uranusechoing its revolutionary and destructive spiritadding more intrigue to the transformative machinations of the outer planets. Emily Dickinson's Circumference of Astrology. Perhaps there is solace in considering this profound, mutable truth as part of an ever-repeating cycle of civilization?We both step and do not step in the same rivers. The Sun gives each of us a solar return every 365th day, coinciding with our birthday. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning), Machine Tools, Metalworking and Metallurgy, Aboriginal, First Nations & Native American,, 13 Sun Capricorn: Minting of Bitcoin's genesis block (1/3/2009), 13 Mercury, 14 Neptune, 7 Sun conjunction in Libra: Founding of. He further added that Bitcoin will be valued above $1 million eventually. To help convey the gravity of this horoscope, we are best served to recall the Greek myth of Ixion. The Astrology of Winter Solstice and Ritual Ideas to Celebrate. And how will the lab-to-market prices and process be impacted? This uncommon configuration, shown in the attached horoscope, is known as a grand cross, considered among the most powerful of astrological aspects, notable for its intense concentration of clashing energies. Not only is the USA having its Pluto Return, but its also in a rare coincident Neptune opposition, which occurs approximately every 83 years. Solstice rituals date back to pre-Christian pagan festivals, from the Scandinavian Yule to the seven-day Saturnalia festival in Rome to the popular Mithraic Mysteries. History shows us that major economic shifts often correlate with war, if not exclusively so. Christmas, like the Christian religion itself, is a syncretic (blended) holiday with many ritual elements taken from both Asian and European pagan traditions. As Bitcoin skyrockets to the $20K threshold and beyond, Mr. Swann predicts that it will disrupt the world's fiat currencies in the following waysas detailed in his post at For full details and to read the entire prediction, please visit: and Read more on the future of money according to astrology in our highly regarded article American Revolution 2.0 and The Astrology of Money: Bitcoin and the Aquarian Technocalypse. The word Christmas didnt enter the English language until the early 15th century. Yet, records do not show two Matthews'. Given Ben Franklins daily observation of the zodiac, doubtless he would have noted that on July 4, the transiting Sun would be at 13 Cancer, allowing him to commemorate each of the 13 original colonies with the 13 degrees of the sign of Cancer. The year 2022 will accelerate the eventual adoption of cryptocurrency into the core of the emerging digital currency financial system. Russia, China, Iran, Israel, India, the EU, the USAleverage lord Pluto is on a quest for control, and the worlds superpowers are poised at the precipice of war in multiple regions during the Pluto Return to act out this drama, none with more immediate devastating potential than the volatile Ukraine crisis, which we report on with regret and compassion for the innocent and powerless who will suffer during these power exchanges. While panic about a pandemic could feel like an appropriate response, heres a view of astrology and the coronavirus: how the current and impending astrological lineup could shape public health, the economy and more. In the coming decade, we will witness the convergence of many cycles, secular and non-secular, ancient and contemporary in orientation. He graduated from University Of Texas Medical School At San Antonio in 2012. We are and are not. -HeraclitusPlease note that due to the effects of retrograde motion, Pluto will touch its return degree of 2733 Capricorn on two more occasions during the upcoming year after its initial return February 20, 2022 on the following dates: July 11 and December 28, 2022. And while it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas, there are plenty of ways that astrology and spirituality overlap with this powerful date. The resolution revolution officially gets underway as the Sun swings into Capricorn. Jane Campion (*1954) - 69 years ago. His chapter, "The Aquarian Technocalypse" (a portmanteau that pairs "technology" and "apocalypse") spells out the massive disruptions to the global economy from the arrival of digital money, foreshadowed by the new decade's planetary alignments. Newly discovered astrology in Emily Dickinson's famous poem, . Having discovered an astrological chart that foretells the future of money in the coming years, Matthew Swann, who's popularly known as . We are now in the high-tech era known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Zodiac sign illustrations byBodil Jane,The Grande DameandYoko Furusho. Some occultists believe the pine cone is a symbol of the pineal gland and the third eyethe portal to spiritual dimensions. The Roman Mithras was the god of light, the central messenger figure of the Mithraic Mysteries religion (whose origins may extend far back in antiquity to Zoroastrian Persia and Vedic India), while Sol was literally the divine sun. (Long before books like the Fourth Turning created cycles in which to understand human history, this observational role was, and continues to be, the province of the ancient art of astrology.). Markets from Europe to Brazil to Asia were rattled by concerns about the coronavirus economic impact. Expect governments to also issue mandatory income tax disclosures for any digital asset income beginning in 2021, even as many cryptocurrencies will be traded outside legal frameworks due to peer-to-peer revolution, bypassing banks and intermediaries. Occurring annually on March 16, birthday of astronomy pioneer Caroline Herschel, and named for the Muse of astronomy, Urania Day's purpose is . The phrase wheel of Ixion is often employed when a dispute between two parties is unresolvable and a dangerous stalemate ensues. The birth date of modern China and its currency, the Chinese renminbi (yuan), is October 1, 1949, and features a natal chart conjunction of the Sun (7), Mercury (13) and Neptune (14) in Libra. The USA Pluto return will coincide with the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Tiger and the Beijing Winter Olympics, which both conclude, respectively, on February 16 and February 20, 2022. He married Mary Harris from 30 March 1672 to January 1675, in Surry, Virginia, British Colonial America. . We do not provide financial advice. During the summer of 2020 and the writing of the Aquarian Technocalypse, a discovery was made surrounding the birthdates of Bitcoin, The United States, The U.S. Dollar, China and its renminbi (Yuan) national currency: All five occupy similar degrees in their respective Sun signs, forming precise angles of either opposition (180) or square (90) to each other, confirming an awareness of astrology and prompting us to consider the unthinkable: Whomever created Bitcoin in 2009 and the U.S. Dollar in 1792 possessed a working knowledge of astrology, pointing to deeper levels of mystery behind both the US Dollars and Bitcoins creation that would transform our understanding of the present-day geopolitical and financial worlds. This truism is evident throughout civilization, from the harnessing of fire to the creation of the wheel and the birth of every alphabet. Meantime, Pluto is forging through Capricorn until 2024, which might accelerate developments or alternatives for new money models over the next four years. The Gulf War military conflict, which included Operation Desert Storm (Jan, 1991), between the USA and its coalition partners against the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, was fought for control of crucial Middle East geographies and their natural resources, primarily petroleum, and was reflected in the traits of the outer planets associated with upheaval and deceptive blitzkrieg-styled warfare Saturn, Uranus and Neptunea planetary imprimatur of the celestial war trident. Read writing from Matthew Swann on Medium. From being worn as fertility charms or burned in the numerous ancient subterranean Roman temples known as Mithraea, where followers of the Mithraic Mysteries were thought to consume the psychoactive drink known as soma, to their deep connection to sacred geometry. The timely movements of the outer planets are again present as we reconfigure our political and monetary systems. An exclusive excerpt from The AstroTwins 2021 Horoscope With 2/22/22 being a pivotal date, and prophetic Neptune reaching 22 Pisces, its clear that the numbers hold a message. While our book was written and printed months before any mention of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China, an event like this one has a long historical footprintat least, according to astrology. Given the total nature of the sky, is a new type of civil conflict upon usperhaps one that is both digital and algorithmic, not simply an overt demonstration of military or physical force? NEW YORK - March 5, 2021 - Ophira and Tali Edut, twin founders of astrology multimedia brand AstroStyle, along with astrologer Matthew Swann, have established a new galaxywide holiday: Urania Day. The oak Yule log is a descendent of the large bonfires that European pagans would light during the winter solstice period, which they symbolically burned as a means of preserving the life-giving light of the Sun as it passed through the dark days of the winter solstice. It adds up to four, a number that displays itself prominently in astrology and prophecy, in both Eastern and Western practices. featuring predictions by resident astrologer Matthew Swann published March 1, 2020 From shaken financial markets to international travel restrictions to a virus yet to be contained--here's what the stars say is headed our way. Neptunes prior historical visit to 22 Pisces was in the late 1850s, a pivotal time in the nations prelude to Civil War in the midst of a nation-wide spiritual movement. Yes No 2. scriptwriter, director. were meant to promote fertility. Constellation Cygnus Stars 01 15 14 52 16 14 24 50 27 [] Note: Two more Pluto returns will occur on July 11 and December 28, 2022. Uranus takes 84 years to complete a full revolution, encompassing a turning. If we begin counting with the founding of the United States in 1776, while Neptune was at 22 Virgo, we observe Neptunes first American saeculum completing in 1859, right before the Civil War began, when Neptune first reached 22 Pisces. Despite the churchs creation of its own rituals, like the nativity, it wasnt really until Charles DickensA Christmas Carolwas published in 1843, that Christmas was more broadly embraced. This could set the stage for the ultimate Plutonian plot twista black swan event a term to denote a random event occurring outside all known statistical modeling and or status quo perspectives, an absolute surprise. The period is circumscribed by generational astrology, with the outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto returning to key positions they occupied during pivotal points in American history, echoing watershed events of our past, including the founding of the United States more than two centuries ago. On December 2, Jupiter moved into fall (its weakened position) in Capricorn, joining Saturn and Pluto in this sobering sign. Well keep updating this post about astrology and the coronavirus as events develop. The birth year given to Matthew stems from the first . Once again, major upheaval ensued: World War II officially began on September 1, 1939, with Neptune at precisely 22 Virgo. To support our planetary thesis, we look to two major transits of early 2022: Pluto In Aquarius: The Separation of Money and State. In human terms, the 2022 U.S. Pluto return is particularly meaningful since we are the generation to witness the event.History does not repeat itself, but it does rhyme. -Mark Twain. As Neptune, Uranus and Pluto all return to placements that coincided with prior wars and the emergence of these new financial orderings, their transits support our planetary thesis that disruption is highly probable and will birth the next monetary system during this decade. Rituals are opportunities to ground spirituality into our daily life. Depends. Pluto made it to 26 Capricorn in March 2021, a sneak preview of whats coming together full-force now. Most notably: This horoscope contains a rare configuration called a "Grand Cross" appears when the founding dates of Bitcoin, the USA, the US Dollar and China/the Yuan are placed on an astrological chart: . 1. To understand the nature of the conflicting superpowers from an astrological map, we have released the expanded 2022 Cardinal Cross horoscope from 2020, which features a profound four-way planetary collision between the birthdates of the USA, NATO, Russia, China and their currencies, as well as Putins Libra Sun and Bitcoin. The Year of the Rat began on January 24, 2020, at the Lunar New Yearand weirdly enough, coronavirus was originally pinned on an animal often mistaken to be part of the rodent family, the bat. Check out the links provided below! Uranus takes 84 years to make a complete return, Neptune about 165 years. Constellation Cygnus Astrology Constellation Cygnus the Swan, is a northern constellation above Aquarius constellation, between Delphinius and Pegasus. At this writing, we predict that Bitcoin, which excels in both inflationary and deflationary environments, will stake its claim as the preeminent alternative global reserve asset for individuals, corporations and nation-states alike, a prediction which is supported by unambiguous astrological markers presented within the Bitcoin grand cardinal cross horoscope. All you want to know about Skywatch And Astrology at our website. This prophecy appeared in The AstroTwins' 2020 Horoscope, an internationally renowned annual astrology guide. Dr. Swann's Office Locations 1 TSAOG Orthopaedics - Quarry Area 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300, San Antonio, TX 78216 Directions (210) 804-5400 Open Now Today's Hours 08:00 - 17:00 2 TSAOG. Their returns are especially prescient because they can herald the re-emergence of a major cyclical pattern or watershed historical trend. With intention we can create personal rituals that are meaningful to us. This is the moment when astrologers say that the Sun has entered Capricorn, meaning that its now traveling through the part of the zodiac band represented byCapricorn.