No puedo dejar de pensar un solo minuto en vos, hermoso pequeo, te miro y lloro. I've dealt with bullying duo to looks and religion and it's awful. Sending all the love in the world to this family at this sad time what a beautiful little boy fly high little cute. He is Now with You. Much Love to you all, Wow ammm , no conoca a su hijo per se que en esa mirada de ojos azules hubo tanto amor , para l y para los dems , esta situacin del bullying se nos est llendo de las manos y tenemos que hacer algo urgentemente .. lo siento de corazn y fuerza esa es la nica que nos tiene en vidas ahora como ahora , ojal y todo se mejore un fuerte abrazo desde Italia <3. Esos valores inculco a mis hijas Amor y respeto!! My heart is broken, I cant believe this could happen! Vuela alto, pequeo rey. Read Trina Williams's Obituary. And one day, when you are called home, you will watch Drayke play, and he will be . May God give you the strenght and peace thaf your soul needs. I can't imagine the pain that you are living, is hard and impossible to imagine the suffering your little angel went through, now he is free and flying like an angel. We will continue to discuss bullying and teach compassion, kindness and love. a lot of strength!!!. No hay palabras que puedan mitigar el dolor que significa la prdida de un hijo, pero envo un abrazo repleto de amor, fortaleza y esperanza para ustedes. I pray that you find courage and light throughout these next few weeks, months and years. We love you Drayke. LOVE. No se puede separar lo que se ata en el corazn. Since I have heard about your passing, I cannot stop thinking about you and your family. I'm so sorry you felt like you had to do what you did. I'm sure you're in a magical and beautiful place now.Rest assure that there's people around the world who loves you and are in deep pain to see a beautiful soul depart too soon. He seemed like a powerful little boy that could conquer the world. Such a senseless waste of a beautiful young soul. He was such a beautiful little boy who never deserved too be bullied.. my heart is bleeding and we can only pray that drayke is in a better place and look after his beautiful family every day from heaven! Pronta resignacion para toda la familia., Hi Drayke and all his loved ones, I wanted to share my biggest condolences and let you know that you, Drayke, will always be remembered and loved from here. Pido a Dios resignacin y fortaleza a la familia. No 'Thoughts & Prayers' sentiments will cradle the broken hearts of his parents & sisters! We too have run into him being bullied at school and ensuring that we still support him with standing up for himself and keeping the communication open with school and with my husband and I - Hearing this story has torn my heart that someone so young could not take the pain anymore and take his life. I am so sad for your loss. Dear Drayke is in my prayers, hes a sweet angel now, looking over you. My heart broke when I read Drayke's story. Fuerza papitos que tambien los necesitan esas 2 nias hermosas. Oh my sweet child, I can't even imagine the pain you were. RIP ,t eres un ngel que parti de ste mundo antes de tiempo. Lamento tanto el hecho de que t pequeo ya no est en este mundo, que se tuvo que marchar tan temprano, una cosa es segura y es que l los ama, los cuida, los apoya ahora en donde quiera que est que seguramente es un lugar maravilloso igual al hogar que tuvo al lado de ustedes su familia, lleno de amor, luz, vida. I wish I wasn't writing this, it hurts my soul that someone has suffered to this point and that no one has been able to do anything. Thus the oldest coats of arms generally do not include a motto. Cuida mucho de tus papas all arriba, eres un ngel en el cielo. En todo el mundo lamentamos su muerte. Request Information Estimated price list for Dolby Funeral Chapel Rest In Peace little angel Dios te tenga en su santa gloria, y te reciba como lo mereces. Tambin se que como padres quisiramos estar ah 24/7 cuidando de nuestros bebs, y algunas veces nos ocupamos en otros temas que nos distraen de las seales silenciosas que de algn modo demuestran cuando se est siendo agredido por otra persona, como padres quisiramos regresar el tiempo y corregir muchas cosas, s que hubieran querido tener as sea unos segundos de tiempo para evitar que esto ocurriera, pero a pesar de todo, t hijito fue muy valiente y s que ahora est mejor, lejos de este mundo cruel y malvado. Very sad his decision. Que en paz descances Angelitoduele el corazn a todas las mams del mundo. I send you a big hug to his family in this time of sorrow. Cuanto dolor nos genera tu pronta e injusta partida Drayke, deseo que le des fuerza a tu familia para poder aceptar su enorme prdida.Rezaremos por tu alma, yendo al encuentro de Dios. I hope you know how much you are loved. Espero algn da encuentren la paz que necesitan y que la gente aprendamos de esto a hacer del mundo un lugar mejor, se lo debemos a Drayke. I am truly heartbroken with this story. My heart aches for each and every one of you He is such a handsome little boy and did have a bright future ahead of him. May they find peace and comfort. I am so so terrible sorry your heart was hurt. Viewing will be held on Saturday, March 4, 2023 from 1:00 PM until 5:00 PM at Doby Funeral Home. Vivo a miles de kilmetros, hablo otro idioma pero con solo ver tu imagen supe descrubrir de tu belleza como ser humano. I am very sorry for your loss and having two sons myself I can only imagine the pain you are all feeling by this terrible loss. que en paz descanse Drayke,nadie merece lo que el tuvo que pasar. Hi Drayke's family , we are sending love and prayers for you from Argentina. I am praying for comfort for your family, you will never be the same but your son will send you signs that he is happy in Heaven. .. Una madre jams debera perder a un hijo.Dios lene sus corazones de fortaleza y encuentren la resignacin en los brazos de nuestro padre celestial. Love all the way from Canada Newfoundland, Que Dios fortalezca sus vidas, la vida de Drayke impact mi vida porque tambin viv el bullying cuando era Nio, fueron das oscuros y mucho miedo a ser yo mismo, a hablar pero hoy Tengo a Drayke conmigo desde el cielo cuidndome y recordndome que ayude a otros a alzar la voz! Que su angelito los proteja y acompae desde el cielo. I am so sorry for you're loss , You're baby boy is now in a better place ,nothing but happiness now sweet baby boy , the angels now have you wrapped around their wings . Tengo un hijo con sus difilcutades el cual sufri mucho en colegio de mi zona! I send you a big hug from Costa Rica. Orar por ese pequeo beb para que est con Dios lleno de todo el amor que en su escuela no pudo obtener. Los hijos son el fiel reflejo de sus padres. Ojal tambin haya un castigo para el chico que lo hostig por todos esos meses. She was predeceased by : her father Willie Doby; and her husband T. E. "Frog" Frick. Everyone has a package to carry, but you were just 12 years old to understand. Dios los llene de fortaleza y ese angelito sea siempre su gua. My heart is broken, I cannot imagine all the pain that you are feeling by loosing your little boy, may God gives you the strength to continue without him, my daughter has the same age and yesterday I asked her about bullying at her school. Keeping you and your family in my prayers. Unfortunately, the boys and girls of this world pay the consequences of adultcentrism and we do not lose focus of them and forget that they are the future of this world. Shirley was a member of Forrest Hill Church of God. At this moment I can only imagine the pain you may be feeling, I want to give you a big hug and express my pain for the situation you are going through. I'm 12 years old just like Drayke. I am so sad for you all. Sending hugs and kisses i know this words wont take away your pain, but we are all we you and your family. Dejaste una huella en mi con tu partida. Keep his memory alive! Mi pequeo Drayke descansa en paz, ERES LA MIRADA Y EL REFUGIO DE MUCHOS QUE CALLAN SU SILENCIO. No tendran que pasar ests cosas. We are going to talk about the role of a bystander, the importance of speaking up and standing up. I'm praying for your continued strength, peace and happiness. This is so hard to read and keep my eyes dry my prayers are with you and your family. estamos viviendo un tiempo muy difcil, y parece tan injusto que la muerte tenga el poder de arrebatarnos a un ser querido!!! He tried his Best to get through his bullying. This is such a tragedy for all of us. Drayke, dale la fuerza necesaria a tu familia para poder seguir adelante siempre. I look forward to giving you all a big hug this evening, you mean a lot to me. Continue to love your family, and give them the strength to continue life on earth, until they see you again. The people that bullied him deserve hell. This could be every mothers and fathers child. The days ahead will be very difficult, but place your faith in God, and you will make it through. Se que sera casi imposible que nos hubiramos podido conocer. Que descanse en paz y desde arriba le de fuerzas a su familia para seguir adelante. Como madre, puedo decir que es algo de lo que ninguna madre quisieramos pasar, lamento profundamente lo sucedido, esta tragedia me ha conmovido tanto, que solo de pensar en lo que quiz t nio senta me parte el alma, ningn nio, joven o adulto debera pasar por esto, es algo que a nadie se lo deseo y solo espero que esos nios con un corazn sucio, un corazn negro comprendan el dao tan grande que les ha causado a ustedes como familia y recapaciten sobre lo que ellos le hacen a los otros nios, desde Tegucigalpa, Honduras te envo mi solidaridad, un abrazo inmenso de madre a madre y espero en Dios que les de fortaleza para poder soportar tanto dolor.. Saludos cordiales. I dont know you but my condolences are with you and may he rest easy, I'm so sorry for your lost ,I can not image wat you guys are going through right now , BT I do feel the sisters pain ii have also lost my little brother at a young age that day ii thought that ii hve lost everything all ii can say is that he will be looking after you guys protecting uu where ever yous go stay strong my heart goes out to the who family sending all my love and prayers, Lamento mucho lo sucedido y les envo fuerzas para lograr salir adelante, yo se que en estos momentos no ay palabra de consuelo, ni mucho menos eliminar ese dolor tan grande que deben sentir cada uno de ud, espero de todo corazn logren salir adelante por sus otros hijos, pero recuerden SOLO SE VA QUIEN SE OLVIDA, NO OLVIDEN A ESE HERMOSO NIO, QUE HA SIDO EL NIO DE LOS OJOS MS HERMOSO QUE HE VISTO VUELA ALTO PEQUEO, Y ESPERO QUE SEAS MUY FELIZ EN EL REINO DE DIOS, Tengo Mi Corazon En Mil Pedazos, Lloro por esto por que l era un nio que debi vivir muchooo en este Mundo, los nios son personitas tan nobles y llenas de amor, Quiero que sepan que desde mi corazn les.