We accept credit card, Apple Pay, and All otters are expert hunters that eat fish, crustaceans, and other critters. Community outreach can also be an invaluable resource when it comes to engaging people around meaningful conversation efforts for threatened species like otters.

A Eurasian river otter mother relaxes with with her two seven-month-old cubs on a shoreline in Shetland, U.K.

, The little-known history of the Florida panther. U.S. Department of the Interior. Here's Harris again: Copulation normally occurs in the water where the male sea otter will approach the female from behind, grip her around the chest with his forepaws, and grasp her nose or the side of her face with his teeth.Facial biting by the male commonly results in the development of skin and soft tissue lacerations of the female's nose and face that can occasionally be fatal.The problem is worse for females, of course, but younger males often mimic mating behavior with each other, which can cause similar injuries. Otters may emigrate to find food in that case. Sea otters nearly went extinct in the early 1900s because of the fur trade. Rape or, as biologists usually call it, "forced copulation" is a disturbing fact of life in the animal kingdom. Pretty wicked! They are skilled hunters and feed on a variety of prey, including fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. Although river otters are primarily responsible for these attacks (80%), sea otters can be just as dangerous incidents are more infrequent. To be fair, the vast majority 77 percent of the attacks the researchers analyzed involved North American river otters, and none appear to have involved sea otters. Most are small, with short ears and noses, elongated bodies, long tails, and soft, dense fur. Sliding Behavior in Nearctic River Otters: Locomotion or Play? Otters are mammals of the subfamily Lutrinae, one of two subfamilies contained within the family Mustelidae. Asian Small-clawed Otter (Aonyx cinereus) - Native to South China and India, and Southeast . To prevent these conflicts, it is important to avoid approaching them or their dens, particularly during breeding season when they may be more aggressive. That thick coat is needed because otters are the only marine mammal without a blubber layer for insulation. Four different species of otter live in Central or South America, another three in South and Southeast Asia, two in sub-Saharan Africa, and one in Europe. Otters have been around for at least 5 million years. Thirteen otter species slide down riverbanks, juggle rocks, and float on their backs in watersheds on five continents. The river otter is classified as a furbearer (WAC 232-12-007). They can act as carriers of various parasites and pathogens, highlighting the potential risks associated with close interactions between humans and wildlife. As a result, conservation efforts have been put in place to help protect these animals. Wild Explained is the go-to source for all things related to wildlife. The other 12 otter species were recently identified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as having decreasing populations, and five otter species are already on the endangered list. Depending on how hungry they are and how much they have access to food, otters arent too picky with their meals! In areas where otter populations are declining, conservationists may attempt to introduce new individuals to bolster the population. They love to chow down! Womble, Jamie. Females maintain the den and give birth to an average of two to three pups every year. River otters are frequently mistaken for sea otters. Stephens, Tim. There is no conclusive evidence as to why they do this. In 2010, veterinarian Heather Harris and her co-authors Stori Oates, Michelle Staedler, Tim Tinker, David Jessup, James Harvey, and Melissa Miller published an article in Aquatic Mammals documenting about 19 cases of sea otters attacking baby seals. But now, scientists are using unmanned drones with cameras to get an aerial look at otters in their element, making it easier to monitor the creatures as they dive for food and go about their day. The latter is the most common term for a group of otters on land. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Male sea otters have been known to engage in sexual aggression toward baby seals, an act that can result in severe injuries and even the death of the seal. You bet they do! Support our mission and help keep Vox free for all by making a financial contribution to Vox today. European otters must eat 15% of their body weight each day, and sea otters 20 to 25%, depending on the temperature. Otters also excrete something called anal jelly that contains secretions from anal glands and shed intestinal linings. Thats why organizations like the Wildlife Conservation Society and other educators are raising awareness about otters and how threats like climate change, illegal hunting, pollution, commercial fishing, the over-development of coastal areas, and waterway runoff are impacting wild populations. Resting spots, called hovers or couches, are usually little more than a bed of reeds. Therefore, sea otters are obsessive about keeping their fur clean, and groom themselves . "Hairy-nosed Otter." Giant otters grow to as long as 6 feet and weigh as much as 75 pounds. Some cultures even forbid eating the creatures and were offended when colonial Europeans began hunting the river otters and selling their furs. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences, edited by John H. Steele, Second Edition, 2008, pp. Fish and Wildlife Service and is currently in place to promote recovery efforts across all states in the United States. "How to Tell the Difference Between Sea Otters and River Otters." 28 . Mothers groom pups and blow air into the clean coat to create buoyancy. Otters have webbed feet and claws - for swimming underwater. Moreover, sea otters have in at least some cases shown a willingness to attack primates, as in the case of the above sea otters in the Bronx Zoo, which killed a monkey with whom they shared an exhibit. Otters are adorable creatures that live both on land and in the water. A Eurasian river otter mother relaxes with with her two seven-month-old cubs on a shoreline in Shetland, U.K. Otters love to sunbath during the day and they are very active at night. One sea otter off the coast of British Columbia apparently raped and murdered a dog. How Stuff Works. Moreover, increased conservation efforts are needed in order to monitor population numbers, reduce polluting activities and stop activities that destroy their habitats. Additionally, some fish species may prey on their younglings. This frog will kill you with a single touch. The aquarium staff had previously tried raising pups themselves but found that hand-raised otters became too attached to humans to be released back into the wild. Otters have long been admired for their playful antics and endearing appearance. Additionally, they can host parasites such as lungworms, which can infect domestic dogs and lead to respiratory issues. Otter groups go by a few different monikers, all of which are fairly unique to that crew. Hefty appetites aren't unique to giant otters: All otters eat 20-33% of their body weight each day. River otters are especially playful, gamboling on land and splashing into rivers and streams. Either due to better reporting or to increased otter savagery, the numbers grew over the decades, from three in the 1980s to 13 in the 1990s to 17 in the 2000s. Such disputes can lead to significant injuries or even death for the individuals involved. Most females drown in this process. The aquarium has since devised a system of hand-rearing pups for the first six to eight weeksmostly for bottle feeding purposesbefore handing the pups off to female otters for raising. River otters live primarily in freshwater, though they do swim and hunt in seawater. 2023 NatureWorldNews.com All rights reserved. Surprisingly, an intriguing fact that distinguishes these creatures is their distinctive nature to live as aquatics and . However, if these individuals exhibit aggressive mating behavior, it can lead to harm or even death of the existing population and further threaten the species survival. And I guess I get the appeal. Otters can be discovered inhabiting almost every continent on Earth and these imply otter facts are applicable to all 13 species, many of which are sadly endangered because of overhunting, pandemic viruses, and habitat destruction among certain populations of the otter. As the world becomes more and more polluted otter populations become more and more at risk. Here's just one: A weaned harbor seal pup was resting onshore when an untagged male sea otter approached it, grasped it with its teeth and forepaws, bit it on the nose, and flipped it over. The golden poison dart frog (Phyllobates . But maybe the most disturbing fact about otters is that they are known to "mate" with deceased animals. River otters perform "scat dances" by stomping their hind feet and lifting their tail. It was thought that otters helped keep water purified by. In both cases, the male was swimming, diving, guarding, and copulating with the carcass. They are also nocturnal and hunt at night. Support our mission and help keep Vox free for all by making a financial contribution to Vox today. Sea Otters ( Enhydra lutris) are primarily found along the coasts of the Pacific Ocean in North America and British Columbia. Please be respectful of copyright. River otters generally live along rivers, as their name implies, but they're also found near streams and lakes. The charismatic otter, a member of the weasel family, is found on every continent except Australia and Antarctica. Komala - Generation VII. Who buys lion bones? In the absence of females of their own kind, then, they turned their typical sexual responses toward the seals. Yes, as they build their dens, they can cause significant changes to their environment. Their diets are primarily carnivorous, but at times can be omnivorous (1). In some cases, dominant otters may kidnap pups from subordinate members of the group, forcing them to provide care for the stolen young. Baby ones raised in captivity squeak when introduced to water for the first time. - Diving into the Science! Unfortunately, it gets worse. Prepare to see these furry creatures in a whole new light. How do otters stay warm? otter, (subfamily Lutrinae), any of 13 species of semiaquatic mammals that belong to the weasel family (Mustelidae) and are noted for their playful behaviour. The reasons behind this behavior are not entirely clear, but scientists believe it may be linked to the sea otters aggressive mating practices with females. Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic SocietyCopyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. Most are small, with short ears and noses, elongated bodies, long tails, and. "River Otters Take Party Pooping to A New Level." They spend around five hours each day foraging. Tags They like to slide off. "Energy Demands of Raising a Pup Push Sea Otter Moms to the Limit." They can also close their small ears and nose when under water. While otters appear to be friendly and docile, they can become extremely aggressive when defending their territory or their younglings. Though most live in freshwater rivers, lakes, and wetlands, the sea otter and the smaller marine otter are found in the Pacific Ocean. There are so many cool facts about otters that it's no small wonder they've become a bit of an internet sensation. Others believe that this behavior may be a result of human disturbances to sea otter populations, which can cause stress and impact their social behavior. Wisconsin River Otter Name: River Otters Scientific Name: Lutra canadensis Measurements: length: 2-4ft, weight: 44-82lbs, tail length: 1-1.5ft Habitat: anywhere near water They have long, narrow bodies, with long tails and short legs. The transmission of these diseases and parasites from them to other animals or humans is a significant concern for conservation and public health officials. The playful North American river otter is equally at home in the water and on land. Otters (genus Lutra) hail from the subfamily of Lutrinae and are carnivorous mammals. 29 . Facing a lack of female partners, male otters may be engaging in what researchers call "misdirected sexual activity." Otters natural habitats are regularly disrupted or destroyed due to human activities, making it harder for them to survive. This air has the sometimes undesirable side effect of making them highly buoyant. In particular, it is well known that sea otters will, As a result, if you ever find yourself in proximity to an otter (river or sea), back off. In particular, it is well known that sea otters will force themselves on baby seals. This ancient marvel rivaled Romes intricate network of roads, For some long COVID patients, exercise is bad medicine, Radioactive dogs? Baby otters usually are called pups. Otters have a good sense of smell, and one of the more interesting otter facts is that they actually are capable of smelling things underwater. Additionally, providing a variety of educational materials such as brochures that link otters to topics like freshwater ecosystems or climate change can have a powerful impact on how people understand conservation issues. The researchers found four prior scientific publications documenting attacks, including one that reported a deadly otter attack in India. In one prior report on breeding-associated mortality, a tagged territorial male sea otter held a struggling female underwater until her body became limp and then copulated repeatedly with her carcass. Their construction activities can lead to the erosion of riverbanks, the destruction of vegetation, and the alteration of water flow in the surrounding area. Others, like the marine otters of South America, have had their numbers reduced because of poaching, as well as environmental concerns. Hairy-Nosed Otters Are a Lazarus Species, 9. Otters have as many as 2.6 million hairs per square inch. Yes, youve read that right. Their construction activities can lead to the erosion of riverbanks, the destruction of vegetation, and the alteration of water flow in the surrounding area. . Most otters have sharp claws at the end of each toe, which helps them to grab prey. "The saving of the sea otter," writes Glenn Vanblaricom of the University of Washington in his book on the animal, "is indeed one of the great success stories in marine conservation.". These otters seem to love peat swamp forests, especially those with Melaleuca, the swamp tea-tree. That's why we keep our work free. In 2001, a female otter at the Monterey Bay Aquarium gave birth to a stillborn pup on the same day a stranded pup was discovered in the wild nearby. They provide full-time care for their babies for six to eight months, until the babies can survive independently. And I don't just mean in the way carnivorous species always are to their prey. They juggle rocks. Legend has it they save human lives on occasion: But there comes a point at which rational people have to put adorable hijinks aside and recognize otters for what they are: disease-ridden, murderous, necrophilic aqua-weasels whose treachery knows few bounds. We thought we knew turtles. However, in rare cases, otter attacks can result in more severe injuries, particularly if the victim is a child or elderly person. Strange as it may seem, mating is a relatively common cause of death for female sea otters as well. Male sea otters typically grasp the female from behind and bite her face, and this rough. ", 5. Otters sometimes take up residence in abandoned beaver lodges or muskrat dens. There has been at least one report of a male otter copulating and swimming with deceased female otters. In addition to their unexpected ferocity when defending their territory, they also exhibit unique territorial behavior. Without sea otters, the urchin population booms and destroys the kelp forest habitat. "Weird and Fascinating Ways Animals Use Poop." 30 . Therefore, they are big on tools and will often use rocks to help crack into dinner. Sea otters, by contrast, nearly went extinct due to aggressive pelt hunting in the early part of the 20th century. I couldn't find any reports of attacks on humans from sea otters, but that may just be a function of sea otters being much rarer than river otters, and spending less time on or near dry land than river otters do. Rock juggling doesn't improve hunting skills or efficient extraction of meat from shells. Conservation efforts are in place to protect and preserve these species, but more is needed to ensure their long-term survival. Read our about page! Otters' big appetites protect kelp forests by eating sea urchins. Take a mental break with the newest Vox crossword, Sign up for the Stevens, Sadie S., and Thomas L. Serfass. In addition, several international conventions and protocols have been developed over time to help protect these creatures from extinction. People also call it North American river otter. A 2010 paper talked about 19 cases, including a particularly gruesome instance where a sea otter bit a pup's face, held it underwater, and copulated with it for over an hour until it died. As with all wildlife, it is essential to strike a balance between admiration and respect, acknowledging the complexities of the natural world and the creatures that inhabit it. Lets end this on a somewhat less disturbing note! Although experts say otter attacks on humans are infrequent, there are a number of recorded occurrences. But with their numbers hovering around just a few thousand, researchers have kept a close eye on the population and their studies have revealed an interesting social structure. In many places, it is illegal to keep them as pets due to their protected status and potential danger to humans. When faced with a threat, they wont hesitate to use their powerful teeth and strong jaws to inflict serious injury. But don't be deceived by the holding of hands and cheek rubbing sighted in photos used for posters, memes, and throw pillows, otters are still wild animals and can be harmful. Advertisement. Oceana reports, "It is thought that oil spills pose the greatest threat due to the proximity of sea otters to major tanker routes and their susceptibility to hypothermia if their fur comes into contact with oil.". I just think otters are jerks. Researchers found that playful sliding on a riverbank was not just efficient locomotion, but play.